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Posted 2020-10-22 02:40:11 (edited)
Decided that I'll be closing this permanently, there's not much interest in writing shops anyhow lol. This is being used as writing storage now!


Posted 2020-10-22 02:47:56 (edited)

Short Story Example 1

(374 words | 2,057 characters)

This is for a traveling wolf I'm hosting, not linked here as he isn't mine!
Intentionally very short, therefore it isn't as descriptive as normal.

He could sense the ancestors' presence heavily here. The land was swathed in thick bunches of trees, too dense to see what hid within. The wolf sniffed the trees he passed, tail wagging with encouragement. After travelling for days, he finally had a sign that he was headed in the right direction!

Stopping beside one gnarled tree, his ears pricked as he focused on it. It was twisted unlike the others, the branches strangely angled in all directions. It wasn't the appearance that was noteworthy, though. There was a heartbeat buried inside of the wood, thrumming at the same pace as his own. Finding himself enthralled, he moved closer, being pulled by an intangible line that threaded between him and it.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you."

The wolf leapt out of his skin, whirling around to come face-to-face with a wolf. He didn't run away and older wolf didn't give him cause to, only eyeing him speculatively. "Whyever not?" the wolf asked with a frown, glancing at the tree. It was calling to him again and he had to root his paws to resist it.

"What you sense isn't real, it's calling to you with false solace." Jararacussu tilted his head curiously. "But only those who have a strong connection to the spirit world can hearken to it. I don't know why you're out here, but don't whisper your secrets. They will be used against you in cruel ways."

"I see... I'm looking for signs of my ancestors," the wolf sighed and Jararacussu hummed. "I thought I could sense them here, but..."

"No, they won't be. Not if they wanted to make it back out." Pulling out a talisman, he offered it to the wolf to aid in his search. "I recommend you continue westward instead. Spiritual beings of all kinds are in that direction, but be careful. Not all of them will be friendly and if they find you, you may be in trouble."

The wolf slowly nodded and accepted the talisman. After pulling it on, the wolf bowed his head and turned away, leaving behind the forest of trickery. His ancestors weren't here, but he knew that scent as well as his own. He was on the right track.


Short Story Example 2

(812 words | 4,204 characters)

Harlequin, my traveling wolf

"You aren't seriously thinking about this, are you?"

I turned to Mother, my ears pinning back. "You know the answer to that." She was about to speak, but I cut her off. "Don't argue with me on this, please. You aren't going to change my mind."

"I just want to make sure you're making the right decisions," Mother murmured, her familiar icy eyes meeting mine earnestly. "And I genuinely don't think this is a right one."

"Mother, you know as well as I do that one of us needs to do something. The herds are dying out, we're going to run out of prey within a few winters. We'll be dead before the sprouts break through my fourth year's spring frost. Finding the Willow might just be the only thing that can save us now." I put my pack on, shifting it until it settled against my side. I had double-checked that it had everything I needed - now, the only thing left to do was head out.

"The hunters travelled westward to look for tracks. They'll find something, I know it."

"They've went that way already," I said tiredly, pulling the strap to my bag. "Twice. And they still have yet to find anything. We can't wait on them anymore."

"We can, we just need to have faith." Mother's desperation was practically exuding from her, her chest rising and falling rapidly. "Your father will be home soon, he'll give us the report. There will be good news, you'll see. Wait for him first and see what he has to say, then you can think about going-"

"Stop. Please, just..." I trailed off, a pang in my chest making me wince. I had gone through this with Mother a hundred times, and each and every time she offered a reason for me to stay. Wait for the scouters, wait for the hunters, wait for the lead... She was so insistent that I always gave in. I always heard her out and waited for that good news that never came.

But I couldn't do it anymore. This had been going on for too long and the pack was on the brink of death. I was scared of stepping out into the unknown, but if it meant saving those I cared for, I would do it. The Willow would give us the power to regrow what was lost, and no matter if it was merely a made-up tale... It was the last hope we had.

"Mother, I'll return. If you know anything, it's that, right?" When she gave a hesitant nod, I gave her a little smile. "There's nothing to worry about, I will always find my way home."

"Then wait for your father, you must say goodbye to him-"

"I already have." I wasn't going to mention it, but Father had given me support. He had wished me luck and gave me every pointer he could so I would have a safe journey. It would risk angering Mother if she knew Father had sided with me, no matter how unhappy he was to do so. "Everything will be all right. When I get back, I hope it's with the Willow's blessing. But if not, then I'll bring a rabbit or two as a show of apology."

Mother chuckled softly, a melancholic ring to it. "Please give it more thought?"

"I've given it plenty. I didn't make this choice lightly. I did it for the sake of everyone here, including you and Father. If there's anything I must do, it's keep you safe. And I'm willing to risk everything to ensure that."

Her face twisted with pain and she let out a soft exhale. "Okay... okay. If you truly insist on going, I won't stop you any further. But please, Harlequin, don't make me regret letting you go."

"You won't. I'll be back before you know it." Thank Kurai that my voice was steady. If there was the slightest crack in my exterior, she would jump on it like a hunter after a rabbit. Leaning up to her tall height, I licked her chin and took in her scent for what may very well be my last time.

Forcibly hiding the spike of anxiety that overtook me, I stepped back and straightened my shoulders. "Stay safe, Mother. I will do everything I can to come back to you, I swear to you."

She smiled, but her ears were low and her tail was tucked between her legs. "Be sure that you do, darling. I will be right here to welcome you back."

Wagging my tail slightly, I bowed my head and put my back to her. With a resolute step to my walk, I headed for the edge of the territory and whatever may lie beyond it. The Willow would be out there somewhere and I was going to find it. One way or another.


Posted 2020-10-22 02:48:53 (edited)

Brief History Example

(803 words | 4,289 characters)

Shian, the Spirit of Harvest
Shian's past, how she came to be.

Art by Srinyx

When a powerful spell by her mate went wrong, it backfired on Shian. By no mistake of her own, it warped her body and mind, turning her into an immortal spirit that was forever chained to the land of the cursed. She was never allowed to cross the territory's border, forced to stay in the dead, cold wasteland she now called home.

The spell had given her a more peculiar appetite, and for so long, she refused to give in to the hunger. But as time went on, she became lonely and bitter over her plight. Those who claimed to care for her had turned on her so quickly, and she was constantly on the run. She was shunned by many she once knew, viewed as a heartless, mindless beast that must be put down. It was only due to Kurai that she was able to avoid death by the paws of those she once loved.

But the pursuit never ceased. Each time they caught her, they ignored her pleads and attempted to snuff her life without a care of who she insisted she still was. She managed to escape them all, their howls piercing her ears as she left a trail of blood in her wake. Over and over again, she got away. And over and over again, they would follow. With her world now finite, everything was closing in around her and she knew without a doubt that one day, they would succeed. That hopelessness would seep into her bones, wearing her paws until she struggled to move. Her reasoning to stand firm on her morals was growing quieter, and with spell cast at her, she found her fortitude waning.

All it took was one slip.

A wolf that used to be a friend was tracking her, using a spell to root her in a small area. The rest of his party weren't far behind, and Shian's panic and anger overwhelmed her. She could no longer take it and fought back, and instincts buried within her rose to the surface. Without truly understanding what she was doing, she pinned the wolf down before he could run, automatically breathing in a deep breath, her jaws wide. The wolf began to shudder, and in only a minute, she had devoured the wolf's soul. The rush of power was like nothing she had ever felt before, and with that, her fate was sealed.

The abuse at the paws of the others barred her from feeling anything other than rage and her empathy steadily faded into oblivion with each soul. There was no hesitancy, only growing excitement, and when they discovered she was finally fighting back, they tried to run. But as when they had hunted her, she didn't relent. And whereas they were mere mortals, she was a spirit on the path of craving. One that would not halt until it was satiated.

The wolves were hunted down one by one, and as her strength grew, so did her hunger. And when there was no one left to devour, the craving refused to go away.

Her mind was driven to near-madness from the perceived starvation and she did what she knew she had to. She began calling out to wayward souls, like a siren from the sea. It lured unfortunate wanderers straight to her and the last thing they saw was the maw of death itself.

Few made it away from the territory in her early days, but Kurai and Shenzi were two of them. As best they could, they thwarted her at every turn. Shenzi would take in any wolves that were targeted by her and Kurai was long-since immortal from a spell he cast upon himself. He had never stopped being wrought with guilt for Shian's change, and he wanted to get her back to reason. He knew the wolf he loved was still in there, now locked away behind the cold fury of the spirit.

But it didn't matter. Shian was too far gone, and all Kurai, now the Wanderer, could do was keep her from gaining power. He had cursed himself to the territory much like she was, and she constantly hunted him, trying to crush the immortal that dared challenge her. She had grown to be far more powerful than he could ever be, and she longed to make him suffer. Both due to his current actions, and that she had never forgotten it was him that did this to her. But he was too evasive, and often when Shian's prey reached the border and stepped through, the Wanderer was there to steer them back to safety.

Not all were his victories, and neither were they all hers. It became a never-ending battle of wills, a back-and-forth between past mates and present foes, eternally trapped in their deadly dance.


Posted 2020-10-22 02:48:58 (edited)

Long Story Example

(8,925 words | 48,219 characters)

Consuming the Light

This sample contains four chapters, located below in spoilers.
Please note, I doubt I'll ever do commissions of this length. It takes a while.

Content Warning:
Violence, strong themes and language.


Posted 2020-10-22 02:49:00 (edited)

CtL - Chapter One

My eyes opened, but the world before me didn't fill with color. What in the-

Heart skittering with a sudden dose of panic, I leapt to my paws, spinning in a circle. I couldn't see anything, my vision wasn't adjusting - the deep blackness was so overwhelming I couldn't make out my own muzzle. The sky was supposed to be hanging above me, but when I lifted my head, there was nothing but an artificial starless night clouding my surroundings.

How did this happen? Everything was okay when I went to sleep! Had I somehow slept right through the night? I wasn't that heavy of a sleeper, and even if I was, someone would have woken me before the sun crested the horizon. If not one of the adults, one of the pups certainly would have, purely out of sheer boredom from lazing throughout the night.

Or did Boulden somehow start the ritual early? That should be an impossibility, Solaris couldn't be awakened already. Not yet. It was a very specific circumstance that they had to wait for. We were supposed to have time.

But when I squeezed my eyes shut and reopened them to the starless sea of darkness that hung around me, as if I was suspended in the void…

This was it, wasn't it? And there was no stopping what had been done.

My heart practically fell out of my chest, a whine almost escaping. This couldn't be real. All that time, all that training, all that sacrifice, and just like that, we had failed. I had failed.

"I've finally found you," a slick voice murmured and I whirled around with bared teeth. I could recognize that smooth tone from anywhere. Solaris wouldn't have wasted any time coming after me, not after what I did to their last incarnation. They had spent so much time tormenting me in my dreams already, but that had only ever been mentally and verbally. If they were truly free and roaming the living world, then taking revenge on me would be one of the first things on their to-do list. And if they had already plucked the sun and stars straight out of the sky, then they had the strength to brush off my attacks. It would be like throwing a stick at a mountain. But I wasn't going to run, even if I couldn't hurt them - I had to try.

"And you're finally released," I returned levelly, not allowing my emotions to betray my façade of indifference. "That was pretty sudden, I do have to say. You know I'll do everything in my power to reverse it."

"I'm sure you will try," Solaris replied with a hint of amusement. I couldn't see them anywhere, hiding somewhere in the shadows that clung to me like a burr, so thick I could almost breathe it in. "You knew this was going to happen, it's unreasonable to fight it. Why fear what fate has chosen?"

Where were the pups? I couldn't hear them, couldn't even smell a faded scent from them. If Solaris had hurt them, I would have noticed, surely? "Fate's a bunch of bullshit. I'm not going to bow my head to a world without the sun just because 'fate' said so. I don't care how foolish it may be, I'm going to fight to keep my people safe until the light fades from my eyes."

"Careful with your words, darling," they said softly, and I felt a gentle puff of air on the delicate hairs of my ear. I twisted and snapped my teeth, but all I caught was air. My skin crawled as I backed up, my ears roving for any signs of their location. With nothing being visible in such heavy shadows, there was no way I would be able to see Solaris sneaking up. I felt so vulnerable like this, panic threatening to steal away any rationality I had. Where was that bastard lurking? They were blending right in, and my other senses weren't giving me any directions either. It was like I was in a vacuum where we were the only ones that existed.

I didn't know where anyone was, but that didn't matter anymore. I was here and so was Solaris, and they weren't going to let me leave with my life. There was going to be one chance and that was it. "Quit playing, I know what you're here for. Let's end this, here and now."

"So quick to jump to violence. You think you can stop a being such as me? I'm beyond your comprehension, and now that I'm released, I can do whatever I please."

I was about to spit a retort, but I paused. Wait a minute. If they could do whatever they pleased, then… why hadn't they? I knew Solaris, this tormenting wasn't in character for them. When they wanted something done, they got it done with efficiency. Even with their limited abilities in the dreamworld, they were still pulling strings in all kinds of places. So if they had the power to kill me outright this very second, they should have done it already. No hesitation or remorse. I shouldn't have even woken from my slumber.

I distinctly remembered falling asleep to Rosebud's fur tickling my nose, Koi and Scarab pressed against my back. But there wasn't a hint of them, like they hadn't even been here. They wouldn't have gone anywhere, they knew better than that. But if my senses were entirely absent other than our two voices, then that meant one thing.

It should have been so obvious.

A smile crept onto my face, my hackles relaxing as a deep relief flooded through me. "You almost fooled me, you really did."

"Whatever do you mean?"

This was the dreamworld, it wasn't reality. My dreamwalks didn't have any sensations, not unless I intentionally walked into a different plane. And Solaris couldn't hurt me here. I was so caught off-guard when I awoke into it that I hadn't noticed the difference and immediately assumed the worst. The ritual hadn't started yet and Vonek was still in control of his body. Perhaps I was a fool for falling for such an easy trick, but I had regained reasoning and there was still a chance after all.

Now that I recognized Solaris' veil of lies for what it was, my senses were steadily returning, shifting back into the real world. Rosebud's scent bundled up beside me and… what was that strange sensation? There was something prodding at me, a small incessant tap that refused to let up. It made my fur shift with discomfort, though I still couldn't see what was causing it.

Color began to seep through the black, vegetation and the fur of Rosebud so close to my face. But I was more focused on whatever was poking me than him. I couldn't figure out what it was, not while I was in middle of adjusting. This wasn't the end of it all like I thought, but something was happening. I wasn't sure what, but that panic was rising back up in a vague wave and it refused to be ignored. I needed to wake up. Now.

"I may not be walking amongst you just yet," Solaris's voice whispered into my ear, their close presence causing my fur to stand on end. I was prepared to snap at them again until light exploded into life before me, blinding me and sending spots dancing in my vision. Turning away and wincing into the yellow-tinged white, I could hardly see their form from behind the overwhelming brightness. All I could focus on was their eyes, two pupiless orbs that burned so powerfully, they appeared to hold the sun itself within them.

"But I soon will be." The ominous words tickled into my ears like the final toll of a bell, sending a shiver crawling up my spine. "And I will be seeing you, Cicada."


I bolted upright, sucking in a sharp breath. Rosebud whimpered at my abrupt movement, squirming between my paws before settling back down. The bright spots were fading from my vision, but my heart wasn't pounding any less. Something still wasn't right.

I felt something poke me for the hundredth time, and this time I acknowledged it.

"Mom?" Scarab was staring at me with wide eyes, her voice wavering. "Koi's gone."


Posted 2020-10-22 02:49:07 (edited)

CtL - Chapter Two


My heavy pants were puffing out in clouds from the cold air, the temperature nothing compared to the chill that slid over my body like a second skin. I couldn't find her. She was nowhere to be found. "Sweetheart!"

I frantically searched high and low in hopes of seeing the little red and monochrome pup, the trees flashing past me as I ran. She wasn't hiding there, or there… Everything in the dark woods looked the same. My front paws fell out from below me and I snapped to attention, digging my claws into the dirt to keep traction on the sharp dip I had just bolted straight down. Once I skidded to a harsh stop, I spun in a circle and sniffed the ground. The mingling of forest scents was all I could get, no other wolves to be noted. It was as if she had just disappeared off the face of the planet. "Koi!" I shouted again, my voice rasping from desperation. "Koi!"

A soft yip rose from where I came from, causing a vicious spike of relief to launch through me before it faded as quickly as it arrived. "Here," I called out, forcing myself to stay motionless.

After a few moments, Scarab and Rosebud stumbled into view. They inspected how low the dip went before Rosebud went first, losing his footing halfway down and somersaulting into the rough dirt near my paws. Scarab followed at a slower pace, picking her way carefully as I bent down to nudge Rosebud. "Are you all right, darling?"

"I'm okay," he huffed back, rising on shaky legs. His whole body was drooping and his tongue was lolling out, and Scarab seemed about ready to collapse as she dragged herself over to us. I couldn't keep running around like this. I needed to find Koi, but that didn't involve exhausting my other children to death. None of them took priority over the others.

"Why don't you lie down for a minute," I told them, my heart aching deeply at my own words.

Scarab immediately flopped and rolled onto her side, but Rosebud stayed where he was. "We can't go to sleep, Mom," he insisted with a frown. "Koi has to be around here somewhere, right?"

"We'll find her, but we can't keep searching if we run ourselves ragged. Rest, we'll look for her again when we're all ready."

Rosebud stared at me with indecision written all over his face, and after an internal battle, he lied down and bundled his paws underneath him. I was glad he was taking this seriously and not fighting me on it, there wasn't time to argue. I gave him a firm lick on the head, but he ignored me and stared into the trees. He was worried for Koi - he was always more perceptive than his sisters. My concern had to be rubbing off on him, because this muted attitude wasn't like him. I wanted to tell him everything would be okay, but when I opened my mouth, the words refused to come out. Technically I had no way of knowing if that was true, and I couldn't bring myself to lie.

While they settled down to rest, I paced back and forth, trying to think of something to find Koi. She was the tiniest pup of the three, the runt, and that was saying something since the entire litter was below average in size. She couldn't possibly have run far, they were still at the age where they got winded easily. But why was her scent nowhere to be found? And why would she have taken off when I was very specific about them staying right beside me? It didn't make any sense.

There was only one option left. It was dangerous this close to enemy territory, but I had to find her. Filling my lungs with air, I tilted my head back and released the loudest howl I could muster. The pups flinched from the abrupt sound, their eyes widening until they realized it was nothing to worry about. They were too tired to join me as I kept up for a full ten seconds before pausing, my ears perked. The forest was unmoving, my call faintly echoing below the treetops.

Then, a familiar howl.

It was Rordran, demanding I join them immediately. Oh Kurai, what now? His howl was grim and insistent - if he was risking answering me like that, something had to be really wrong. As if Koi being missing wasn't bad enough.

But I couldn't take off without finding her. Rordran knew she was missing from my call; maybe he was summoning me due to her? I sincerely hoped so. And even if he wasn't, he and the others could help me find her.

"Alright pups," I said, nudging Rosebud and Scarab. They had already collapsed into sleep, the poor things. When I was sure I had their attention, I continued, "We must keep going now. We need to return to the others and see what they have to say."

"Is Koi with them?" Scarab questioned through a yawn, her words almost indecipherable.

"I'm not sure, but if not, they'll help us look. Scarab, come here."

Scarab dragged her paws as she walked closer and I firmly grabbed her by the scruff. I turned to Rosebud and tilted my head, and he nodded. With him trailing behind, I started towards Rordran's position. The walk was uneventful except for Rosebud's ever-growing huffing and a strange smell that increased as time went on. What was that? It was getting stronger the closer we got to the edge of the woods, and it wasn't an animal. It was harsh and almost burned my nostrils with each inhale, almost like…

Like smoke.


By the time we left the forest and stepped onto the plains, the smoke had gotten so intense that Rosebud and Scarab were fidgeting with discomfort. Out across the plains, not far from the others, the fire was plain as day. It lit up the horizon and sent smoke curling away from its extreme heat. I had replaced Scarab with Rosebud halfway out, not responding to Scarab's question on if that was fire or not. There was no use freaking them out further than I needed to and they could see it clearly by now anyway.

What concerned me was that the fire seemed to surround the ritual site. What was Lightbringer doing over there? The fire was pretty big too, so it must have happened at least ten minutes ago. If Boulden was trying to get things moving early, the others must have tried contacting me multiple times by now. Damn that dreamwalk and Solaris for thrusting me into it without my knowledge. Of course they would divert my attention away from whatever they were scheming.

Journeying further into the plains, I closed in on the small pack of wolves standing half a mile out from the flames. Once they caught sight of us, two of the four broke off and headed in our direction. I lowered my head and gently set Rosebud down, Scarab not wasting time pressing herself against him and falling to the grass. "Stay right there, you two. Please don't wander off."

They responded with weak murmurs as Rordran and Rokiel reached us. "Are you safe?" Rokiel asked, looking between me and the pups. "Is anyone injured?"

"No, we're okay." I inspected Heidrún and Hakhan, the gray wolves facing the conflagration. I was looking for a specific dark shape, but he wasn't present. "Where's everyone else?"

Rokiel and Rordran shared a look. "Come here, we need to talk," Rordran said softly, his eyes flicking towards the pups. They had fallen asleep again somehow, even with being scared of the fire, something they had never seen before. The walk must have worn them out big time.

I followed the two wolves to Heidrún and Hakhan, the former greeting me with a nod. "Are Scarab and Rosebud okay?"

"As well as they can be," I replied as I lied down, resting my aching paws. "But Koi's missing and I don't know where she went. Do you have any clue?"

Once again, there were a few shared glances.

"What is it?" I growled, narrowing my eyes.

"We… aren't quite sure," Rordran admitted, turning to the fire. It was getting bigger, from the looks of it. "About twenty minutes ago, Hakhan saw something happening at the site and woke us up. It was too dark to tell exactly, but there were at least a couple wolves there, and one was holding something. We assumed it was Boulden, so the others closed in on the area to see what he was doing. That was when the fire started. It blew up so quick, they couldn't get out in time. Heidrún did a full circle and the fire is completely surrounding the site, so they can't reach us. We tried calling for you, but you wouldn't respond. Not until we heard you howl for Koi."

"Trapped in a dreamwalk," I grunted and Heidrún snorted. "Thankfully Solaris couldn't keep me in there any longer than they had. Are the others safe in there?"

"They're alive, far as I can tell," Rokiel spoke up. "The problem is there's one more presence among them than I expected there to be, but we can't see who it is through the fire."

"You don't think it could be…"

"I can't tell," he answered gently, his gray eyes earnestly meeting mine. "But we can only hope not."

Oh, the things I would do once I got my paws on Boulden. "It has to be," I retorted with bared teeth. "It would be just like Boulden to steal my child right from under my nose. I swear to Kurai, I will rip that wolf's throat out if it's the last thing I do."

"Well, if it is her, she's still alive. It's not the best situation, but there's that."

"Hearsay's probably giving Boulden a hell of a time," Hakhan put in with a vicious smirk. He was probably right on that. Hearsay was more bloodthirsty for Lightbringer than I was, and that was saying something.

"Do you think she could be used?" Heidrún questioned thoughtfully and I gritted my teeth. It was a necessary question, even if it made me want to shake her by the ruff.

"Likely not," Rordran replied levelly, swiftly glancing at me from the corner of his eye. "Koi's a regular pup, she doesn't have magic within her. Not any as far as I'm aware, but certainly not orange magic like Boulden needs. We should have seen it by now if she did. So her blood shouldn't act as the catalyst, and if Boulden has any brain cells in that addled head of his, he should see that. My question is, why is he trying to start the ritual early? Unless he's preparing ahead of time, but even that seems out of place. The sun won't be up for another few hours at least, we'll have intervened by then. He's opening a golden window for us."

A bit too golden of a window, if he asked me. Boulden was known for being a wild card, so there was no knowing what he would do or was intending until it was upon us. That was always the problem with him - we would have stopped him months ago if he wasn't so good at being one step ahead. The damn wolf was like an eel with how slippery he was. Whatever this was tonight was just another trick he had been hiding, and I hadn't the slightest idea what it could mean.

It was no wonder I had such fear waking from the dreamworld if this was going on.

"Who knows with him," I said, getting up and stretching my legs. "We don't even know if he has Vonek with him. This could just be another one of his ridiculous schemes to distract us from what he's really doing. But with Koi going missing, the figures at the site, and a blazing wall to keep us out… It's not a coincidence. Something big is going on and we need to stop him before he gets his way. And before something happens to everyone trapped in there."

"I'm sorry, Cicada, I tried to get through to them," Rokiel said, his head lowering to avoid my gaze. "I really tried, but my magic just can't put the blaze out."

"It's not your fault, your magic isn't cut out for that." I gently nipped his ear and he playfully flicked it back at me. "I can't do what you can; we all have our specialties. The four of you, get ready. We're heading out in five."


Posted 2020-10-22 02:49:09 (edited)

CtL - Chapter Three

My steps were silent in the soft grass as I looked over my shoulder. Hakhan gave me a slight nod and I returned it. Heidrún and Rokiel were approaching the other side of the fire - we had agreed to come at it from different angles. If we encircled Boulden from every direction, he wouldn't be able to defend himself as efficiently. Any slip-ups with him and half our group could be wiped out. He knew what he was doing, so we had to too. We had to take this slow and smart, or not at all.

Scarab and Rosebud had been left behind, Rordran taking them back to the forest. The further they were from this mess, the better. And if we couldn't do this and anything happened, Rordran would have ample time to escape with them. Koi was already in danger if Rokiel was right and it was hard to keep my mind from straying towards that predicament alone - if anything happened to them too, I didn't know what I would do.

I stepped closer to the fire, looking up to see the height of the flames. They were as tall as trees by now, roaring violently as they hungrily ate anything in their path. There was nothing left for them to consume, but they didn't quit in their desperate search. Tiny embers were sparking off from the conflagration, twirling above my head and filling the night sky with a myriad of white, orange, yellow, and red. Would those heated waves that warmed our fur become our only source of light if this ritual went through?

Taking a deep breath that stung my throat, I walked through the fire, my eyesight being cloaked in a shade of yellow. My body grew warm from the temperature, but the burn was replaced with tingling through my muscles. I kept walking until I was through, my eyes readjusting onto the pillars of the ritual site. I could see forms standing in middle of it, but it was difficult to pick out who was who. Hakhan left the blaze beside me, shaking his fur out. I released my protective spell over him, saving my energy for Lightbringer.

Hakhan and I raced towards the site, and as we crested the shallow rise and ran in-between the pillars, an unusual sensation slid over me. Magic was thick in the air, congregating heavily from the center. It was exuding from the brown and gray wolf that stood ten feet away, his gray eyes filled with an unflinching resolve. He was the first thing I saw and it almost made me see red.

When he turned to me, I skidded to a stop and took in what lay in front of me. I could see Heidrún and Rokiel approaching from the other side of the ritual site, and Kenji and Hearsay were here, as expected. They weren't in good shape like I'd hoped; Kenji was on the ground, blood soaking the stone below him as he struggled to his paws. I sucked in a breath when I saw his face - the entire right side was red, gashes digging deeply where his eye used to be. His good eye had a shiny film over it and when his wobbly legs kept his weight, he didn't move. He had to be in shock, but at least he was conscious enough to stand.

Vonek was locked in place by a spell, a circle of white magic glowing around him as he looked around with wide, uncomprehending eyes. He was still alive, so we weren't too late yet. Crow was standing beside him, alongside Boulden and Boulden's second, Firesky. Firesky and Crow were talking quietly, too low for me to hear. What was Crow doing? He was within two feet of Boulden, he should be throwing magic into that monster's face right about now. When I was about to speak, Hearsay burst into movement, charging straight for them as purple colored the air around him. Crow twisted towards him and tossed his head up, a bright spark of green magic flashing before Hearsay's legs. It struck him right in the chest, sending him flying backwards and straight into one of the pillars. There was a distinct crack before he fell to the ground.

"Hearsay!" I shouted, prepared to go to him. Rokiel was already on it, his blue magic floating around him as he got to work on healing him. Hearsay hardly looked like he needed it, his white eyes aware and steady as he glared at Crow.

"You showed up quicker than I suspected, Cicada."

Oh, Boulden dared speak to me? Quivering with rage, I turned to him with a schooled expression. "Solaris's little attempt to keep me distracted didn't work as well as you were hoping." I glanced at the black and white wolf beside him. "Crow, what do you think you're doing?"

Crow brushed me off, facing Heidrún and Hakhan as they spread out nearby. Hearsay was already closing in again, but Firesky was tracking his every move. Firesky's magic was almost as dangerous as Boulden's, so it was best not to test him unless Hearsay knew he could reach him. I had been crossing my paws that he wouldn't be here, but with how high-ranked he was, I hadn't counted on anything else.

"He's a bit busy at the moment," Boulden answered for Crow, tilting his head. "But what do you mean, what is he doing? It should be obvious - he's doing what's right. Not everyone's as blind as you, if you must be made aware. Some, like Crow, are willing to listen to reason. And when they do, they can see what I'm doing here is just."

Of course Crow would turn against us. He had always been too aloof for my liking - there were less social wolves that helped us and they were fine for the most part, but something about his almost thoughtful silence had set me on edge. I should have listened to my gut and never included him in our plans.

But I had more important things to address. "Just?" I barked out a laugh. "What part of stealing a wolf's body from him and handing it over to a demigod seems just to you?"

Boulden's eyes thinned to slits. "God, not demigod. Don't insult them."

Rokiel was well on his way to healing Kenji, the hazy look fading from the wolf's one eye. I had to buy them a little time to get on their paws before we all went in at once, so I growled, "You think I care if I insult them? They already have me on their blacklist, so it's not like I can be any less dead in their eyes than I already am."

"There's more to dying than just death."

I moved in closer, flinching when a pair of teeth sunk into my hind leg. A little smile crept onto Boulden's face as I turned away from him, glaring at Hearsay. What in Kurai's name was he doing? I hadn't been moving in to attack just yet, so what was the deal?

He motioned towards Boulden, his face filled with something I couldn't read. When I searched the Lightbringer's body, I didn't see anything out of the ordinary, but then I looked at the ground and finally saw what Hearsay wanted me to.

A little shape was bundled behind Boulden's hind legs, partially hidden by his paws. The familiarity of it sent a chill through me. Koi. It had to be. "Ah, you noticed, did you?" Boulden chuckled softly, moving to the side and fully revealing the pup. She was slumped haphazardly on the stone, her muscles slack.

"It wasn't easy to get the little brat away from you," Firesky put in, joining Boulden as he sneered at the unconscious pup. "But I was able to manage."

"Isn't it incredible what a little magic can accomplish in the right paws?" Boulden chortled, nodding at him. Firesky lifted his paw and poked Koi, his toes glowing yellow for a split second.

Koi shot straight up, her eyes launching open and turning into saucers. The air around her immediately warped with white magic, keeping her bound in her position. She looked around with confusion and fear, her eyes falling on Hearsay and me. Everything suddenly felt all the more real somehow. Starkly, horrifyingly real.

"Boulden, leave her be," I said slowly, continuing forward at a more careful pace this time. Hearsay was right beside me, his tail in a firm line behind him. "She never did anything to you."

"Of course not, she's merely a pup."

"I thought revenge wasn't your game? Whatever happened to that?"

"You understand I have a title?" Boulden sighed, shaking his head in exasperation. "I swear, wolves outside of my followers have no respect. But no, it isn't my 'game,' as you put it. I didn't order Firesky to take your pup to hurt your feelings. It's not often you find wolves with a powerful bloodline like hers - I can practically smell the orange magic rolling off her. You did her well."

"She doesn't have any magic."

"Can you really not sense it? None of you?" Boulden lifted his brow skeptically. "Strange if you're telling the truth, but it doesn't really matter. She'll work just fine, she's the last thing we need."

I couldn't help myself from snapping. "That doesn't make any sense!" I snarled and he stared at me in confusion. "First of all, you have no way of knowing she has warding magic as opposed to any other kind. Second, she's had no indications of being anything other than an ordinary wolf. The odds of her having warding is too slim; if she took after anybody, it's Hearsay, not me. She can't activate the ritual for you, you're wasting your time. So leave her out of this!"

"Don't be too sure of that."

Why was he being so infuriating? Did he finally lose his mind? Wolves developed magic within a few months of being born, not later. Koi was entirely normal, there was no way she had an ounce of magic within her. I knew the signs, and I had never heard of a situation where magic-users couldn't sense another like them. And even if that was a real thing, why would Boulden be able to tell but no one else could? None of it held water.

"Entertaining the idea that somehow that was true, it wouldn't do you any good anyway. The sun's not even up, so Solaris isn't going anywhere anytime soon. You'll be long since dead when the sun comes up."

Hearsay bolted for Firesky, the orange wolf meeting him head-on. Boulden didn't even flinch as the two of them went at it mere feet away, unbothered that they were fighting to the death. Hearsay bit Firesky's ear, tearing it right off without hesitation. Firesky acted as though he didn't feel it, using magic to manipulate Hearsay into tilting his head back so he could sink his teeth into Hearsay's throat. Hearsay was able to struggle out of his grip, the yellow and purple magic mixing as they fought and tested each other for weakness.

I kept my eyes on Boulden, matching his uncaring attitude. He offered me a gentle smile, his words soft like he was sharing a secret with me. "Cicada, after so long of fighting the Children of Light, you still know so little of Solaris. Truthfully, I overestimated you. The sun doesn't need to be up to awaken Solaris, because it's not the only thing they feast upon."

"What do you mean?"

Crow was readying himself to help Firesky, giving Kenji, Heidrún, and the two brothers an opening. They simultaneously threw themselves at him, their snarls echoing around the pillars. Crow tossed up a wall of green magic, clipping Heidrún and sending her flying. Kenji and Hakhan were hit square in the chest and thrown upwards, a sharp snap coming from Hakhan and blood spraying through the air. They landed hard, Kenji screaming as his leg broke on impact.

Rokiel was able to avoid Crow's attack, coated in a blue glow as he jumped onto the other wolf and sunk his teeth into Crow's ruff. Crow hissed in pain and tried throwing him off, but Rokiel hung on like his life depended on it, giving Crow a rough shake. They almost fell into Vonek, the black wolf watching it all with horror. Much like Koi, he was unable to move away from the chaos. I wanted to check on the others, but Boulden was staring me down, as if daring me to break eye-contact.

"Well, after you slaughtered their last reincarnation, I thought there had to be a better way to go about this. Waiting for the sun's apex on certain days of certain years in a certain way to only have a twenty minute window to finish the ritual? It's insanity, too particular of requirements. It's no wonder no one has ever previously succeeded. But I discovered something that none of my predecessors ever knew. It took a whole lot of digging, but my, is it enticing. I was looking at the word 'light' with too narrow of a mind - that word doesn't just mean the sun, it can mean so many different things. Sunlight, fire, and even the glow of magic. With enough sleight-of-hand, well, you can use just about anything to summon Solaris, as long as it emits that beautiful light."

"T-that's… impossible," I retorted with a shaky tone. That couldn't be possible, could it? Solaris was Devourer of Light, but we always assumed that meant the sun, because the Children of Light always insisted upon it. In fact, they practically worshipped the sun for being the future feast for their leader. There was almost nothing they treasured more. I had never heard mention of there being anything else that can awaken them. "Normal fire wouldn't cut it. The sun only works because of its strength."

"Mom-" Koi was violently cut off, choking as Boulden's binding tightened like a vise.

He looked at her with a frown. "Hush, child. I'll get to you in a minute."

I pulled my lips back to show my fangs, a chant for murder repeating in my head like a mantra. "Don't you dare talk to her like that."

"If you had listened to me from the beginning, your pups would have been safe from me," Boulden huffed, borderline scolding me like I was a child. "But instead, you chose to be a damned fool."

"Enough!" I snapped, moving closer. I was almost within biting distance of Lightbringer, but his paws were beginning to glow with white. He knew exactly what I was doing. I summoned some magic in preparation, allowing the orange to visibly float across my body. "Let her go, Boulden. She has nothing to do with this and your fire isn't going to do shit."

"This isn't normal fire," he replied smoothly, casually disregarding my demand. "It's enchanted fire, just for the special occasion. You have no idea how much wolves with brown magic I had to go through to find one strong enough for my needs. Not to mention someone with powerful purple magic to enhance the one with elemental magic to give the fire a real kick, and figure out how to bottle the fire for later use - it was all a huge deal, it really was. But I'm not one to quit easily, so here we are. After countless hours of stressful searching and coercion and failed attempts and you constantly getting in my way every damn turn, everything's finally in place." His gaze turned somber, his smile fading. "And you aren't going to stop me this time."

I went for him, but I felt my muscles lock in place as he gripped me with an iron fist. My ward had been pierced straight through from the sheer strength of his magic, hitting me like a falling tree. My magic shouldn't have been overpowered so swiftly!

As much as it terrified me, it also meant that his focus was purely on me. His magic was diverted to stop me, so Vonek and Koi were released from their bindings. Vonek looked between everyone, his mouth opening as if he was going to say something. He looked completely lost, not realizing that he could run while he had the chance. If I could speak at the moment, I would be reprimanding him with every colorful word in my vocabulary.

Koi, on the other hand, took advantage as soon as she was able. Right as my heart soared, Boulden went for her, his larger size reaching her within moments. I couldn't see her beyond him and I warded her, feeling a sharp sensation pierce into it shortly afterwards. The strength of it sent me struggling hard to break the restraints holding me, but the sound of a high-pitched yelp made me freeze.

My hold over Koi began to slip and with each attempt to put it back up, it only fell apart faster. I thought Boulden was entrapping her to fight my magic off, but I still couldn't move beyond an occasional twitch. I didn't want to believe what that meant, but I was forced to witness it as he stepped away from Koi. She came into view, falling lifelessly to the ground.


Posted 2020-10-22 02:49:11 (edited)

CtL - Chapter Four

Buzzing began in my ears, drowning out the snarls and faint crackling of the fire. This couldn't be happening. I couldn't see what Boulden had done, but the outcome was obvious from the blood that began to pool around her head, her blank eyes staring at nothing. Were the edges of the dark red glowing a bright white? It was painful to stare at the intensity, though with my vision becoming fuzzy at the corners, I wasn't sure if I was seeing that correctly.

Boulden's eyes were glittering with triumph, blood staining the corner of his muzzle. The static blocking my hearing was cut through by an abrupt scream, the guttural noise making me flinch back to reality. Everyone collectively stopped, the sounds of battle screeching to a silent halt. The magic weakened its grip on me and we turned to Vonek, my breathing catching in my throat.

His head was bent back sharply, almost to an impossible degree, with the back of his head touching his back. His mouth was wide open and his lips pulled back to show his teeth, light rising from inside his throat. The terror had left his eyes and was replaced with emptiness, his shining pupils sending a thin luminescence along his black fur. Cracks were forming through his gray scleras, as if they were glass breaking from the pressure.

I felt Boulden's magic slip away and ran for Koi, but Hearsay leapt in front of me. It took everything in me not to tear into him, glowering at him before slipping by once again. I barely caught a glint of purple in my wavering vision before I was thrown back hard, the breath knocking out of me. I instinctually closed my eyes from the pain, and even then I could see the glow rising from Vonek. I lifted my head and winced at the light coming from him, so powerful that most of his body was already enveloped into it. I had never known what would happen when Solaris was awakened, but I didn't think it would be this. Whereas Vonek had been a regular wolf earlier, I could sense something emanating from within him. It was no longer him, that aura that resonated from him. Vonek was being roasted alive from the inside-out as Solaris crawled their way to the surface, and there was no saving him now.

The brightness was steadily extending outwards in all directions, almost within reach of Koi's still form. I lifted to my paws and bared my teeth at Hearsay. "Get out of my way!" I snapped at him, to which he didn't budge an inch. "Hearsay, I need to get her! Maybe we can still-"

I broke off when I met his eyes. In my blind terror, I had been unable to see the same glistening that my own vision was being affected by, that same agony being reflected back at me. Even without words, I knew what he wanted to say. No amount of magic can undo what had just been done.

"Then if you won't let me go to her-" my voice cracked, so I continued in a whisper, "then let me rip that monster's throat out."

Hearsay hesitated, his eyes flicking to the side before he bent his head slightly. This time when I moved past him, he didn't stop me. He didn't have to help me on this, Firesky and Crow were still obstacles to remove. Boulden was mine, and I was going to destroy him before he could lay eyes on his so-called god. Orange magic formed along my fur, my eyes locked onto my target. I would make certain that he never breathed again if it was the last thing I did.

"Cicada, we need to leave!" Heidrún shouted over the intense droning coming from Vonek. I had no idea what it was and it couldn't have been a wolf-made sound, but it was penetrating deep into my eardrums. When I looked over my shoulder, her ears were pinned back as she watched Vonek's disappearing figure. I had never seen her look so frightened before. "We need to be out of the blast range or we'll all die!"

"Then go," I growled and her eyes widened. "I can defend myself from the blast, my ward will be strong enough. I need to end him, it's the least I can do. Get your boys out of here."

Heidrún called to me again, but I didn't acknowledge her and sprinted for Boulden. He was so mesmerized by what was happening, he didn't see me coming until I was right on top of him. I fell onto him with my teeth flashing, throwing him to the ground and sinking my fangs deep into his neck. He had no time to move before I was biting down as hard as I could, rending a deep gouge in the side of his neck. He twisted his body to the side and attempted kicking me off with his front paws, but my grip was firm. All his effort did was cause me to dig in further.

He snarled in pain and sent magic towards me, the strange feeling of it coating me. I was barely prepared for it this time, but it was enough, so his attack bounced right off. I was able to burrow deeper and rend side-to-side a few more times until he finally shoved me away, his entire neck and chest bloody. Rather than allow him to get his bearings, I gathered my legs and was on him again, springing at his face and ripping into his muzzle with all my might. My canines tore a ragged slash into the side of his mouth and he retaliated with a sharp nip of his own, his teeth stopping just short of me and getting nothing but air. The white of his magic was almost opaque from the strength of it and I could feel my ward quickly disintegrating in its presence. It was only due to my white-hot rage that it was holding up at all, so I didn't have much longer.

I tossed my head back as he snapped at me again, going for his vulnerable throat. Right as I solidly bit down, his binding took hold of me, my jaw stiffening open. He wiggled out from underneath me, my muscles slow to react as my magic tried fighting his off. Boulden stumbled to his paws, baring his teeth. He hardly looked able to stand, the blood loss sending a hazy film over his eyes. His magic didn't have complete control over me yet, so I lunged for him.

Before I could reach him, a heavy blast struck me in the side, my ward only barely protecting me from being flung like a toy. It was too weak to defend me completely, so the blast knocked the air from my lungs and took my paws out from under me. Crow and Firesky were joining Boulden, Firesky's body lit like a yellow candle as he looked between the others. Both of them looked worse for wear too, blood mixing into their fur and Firesky's ears and tail long since torn off.

"Boulden, we need to go," Firesky told Lightbringer, who barely paid him any heed. He was too busy giving me the death glare. "Devourer won't be able to help blasting us all into space, we'll be badly hurt if we're in the area."

The flames were curling in around us, creating a bubble shape above the pillars as the fire dove down towards where Vonek was standing. It was adding itself to the light, creating an orange tinge to the brightness and causing the heat it generated to strengthen. The sharp ringing was almost unbearable by now, making me want to bury my ears under my front legs. Boulden inspected the blaze's movements then turned back to me, his eyes narrowed in contemplation. He was on the verge of collapsing and was still considering fighting me. If I didn't feel like I was dying on the inside, I would have laughed in his face.

Hearsay jumped between us, a silent snarl written across his face. Purple magic was floating around him, so bright his black and white fur was hidden in its depths. Boulden glowered at him for a moment, his hatred for the younger wolf clear as day as they stared each other down. With a shake of his head, Boulden whirled around and bolted from the ritual site, Firesky and Crow hot on his heels.

Hearsay checked on me with pleading eyes and I growled quietly, nodding. If he didn't want me going after Boulden, then fine. The damage I did to him was enough to kill him off before he got far, if he didn't get any magical healing to mend it. The entire ritual site was a mess, the ground almost slick from blood and multiple pillars cracked from hard impacts. There was no possibility we could have all gotten out of this okay.

I rose to my paws, gritting my teeth at the pain shooting through my hind leg when I put pressure on it. Searching the soaked stone for the little shape, I discovered that Koi's body was gone. If Hearsay had gotten her, he would still have her with him. It had to be within the overwhelming light, powerful to the point of burning my fur if I got too close. I could hardly see anymore, being within a short distance of it - it was like its own miniature sun.

Someone yelled my name, reminding me of what I was supposed to be doing. I was having a hard time thinking straight, especially due to the violent droning that screamed like the wail of a siren. Hearsay had left my side and was dragging Hakhan towards an opening in the diminishing conflagration. Heidrún and Rokiel were following him with Kenji balanced between them. Rokiel was wheezing and blood dripped from his mouth and nose, but his magic was surrounding him as it got to work on healing his and the other two's wounds. I nudged him with my nose and he let me take his place, allowing him to focus on mending as I supported Kenji's heavy weight.

We stepped out of the ritual area, able to pass by the blackened line of the fire wall. It was almost gone by now, being absorbed by the growing light behind us. It seemed impossible for Boulden to do that, but he had figured it out. I wasn't sure I would ever be able to figure out how. I guess he truly did know way more than I ever could.

"Can we kill them?" Kenji coughed and I shook my head.

"No, Boulden did what he wanted. There's nothing we can do. Not now. We need to get out of here before Solaris blows everything to kingdom come."

"Do you think Boulden and the others will get away?"

"Who knows. They looked battered to hell and none of them can heal, so we did a number on them regardless. Something tells me they'll be collapsing before they can get far, so hopefully they'll die from the same leader they've spent so long worshipping."

The light was so bright now that the entire prairie was becoming visible, the trees in the distance catching the luminescence that sent our shadows across the grass. It was starting to grow much faster - I wasn't sure we could even get away by now. I had spent a long time studying scripts and myths regarding Solaris, and there wasn't really an answer on what exactly would happen when they were awoken. It had only ever been described as a 'searing explosion that will wipe out all surrounding life.' Pretty grim, but also wildly vague.

For some reason, I didn't particularly care about the danger we were in. It felt like I was floating on a cloud and my thought process was disjointed. My hind leg argued with each movement, but I ignored it as I pushed onward.

Some way out, Kenji was healed enough to move on his own, so with us in relatively decent condition, Rokiel stumbled ahead to check on Hakhan and Hearsay. Hearsay was dragging Hakhan's limp body at a quick pace, enhancing himself so he had the strength to pull the other wolf along. I had a sneaking suspicion that Rokiel wouldn't be able to do anything for his brother. I glanced at Heidrún's stony expression, feeling a sharp pang in my chest. She wasn't reacting whatsoever to her son, but I knew exactly how she felt. It was the same as what was repeatedly trying to creep into my psyche and whisper the bleak truth to me, no matter how much I fought it off.

That lifeless body drenched in its pool of blood, long gone into the scorching light of Solaris.

I was never going to see my little girl again.

The air felt so thin, I could hardly breathe. No, no, I couldn't let myself dwell on that. As much as everything in me was begging to fall to the ground and yowl until my voice left me, I couldn't give in. Not yet. I had two other pups and needed to ensure they were okay first. They were still out there with Rordran, I needed to get them to safety. Scarab and Rosebud required my focus right now, and they would need it when they found out Koi was never coming back. Even if it killed me, I had to hold myself together for them - so they didn't fall apart like I so desperately wanted to.

We were halfway across the prairie, Hearsay and Rokiel resolutely trudging ahead of us, each of our ears pinned against our heads in an effort to block out the damaging humming. It was so loud, it almost felt like it was reverberating into my skull and rattling my brain. I was seriously considering if it was going to drive me insane when I heard something. It was like a gentle murmur that could be heard above the noise and my ears automatically rotated to better hone in on it. It happened again, this time much more comprehensible.

My name? I was finally able to ignore the droning as my steps slowed, ice filling my veins. Heidrún and Kenji paused and asked me a question, but I barely heard them as I slowly spun. The pillars of the ritual site were long gone, buried or scorched by the giant brilliant sphere that now settled in middle of the wide-open field. Someone was calling for me, their words muted compared to the feafening noise, but still clear enough to understand. It was in a slightly deep voice, one I could recognize almost as well as my own.


Before I could move, the world exploded into a violent flash of white.


Posted 2020-10-22 02:49:14 (edited)
empty space


Posted 2020-10-22 02:49:31 (edited)
ignore this


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