~The Wolfpack~
Posted 2022-03-17 10:12:52
She lifted her maw into a smile and sat down next to Lavender Mist, her figure hutched slightly. She didn't talk to people much, but she had been put in charge until her mate returns, and she wanted to get to get to know people more Liesel lifted her maw into a small smile, and she spoke quietly. "Hello, how are you?" to the she-wolf in front of her. |
MoeGo #55023 |
Posted 2022-03-17 10:27:05
"Oh, hello! I'm doing.. nice, just scouted a new swamp. You?" Lavender Mist seemed unsettled, gazing on the large maple tree, and only on it, didn't even turn to Liesel. Maybe some detail or a part of the tree has attracted her. Barely blinking she swiftly glances at the other female and then turns her violet gaze onto the tree, focusing at it again. |
![]() 🦜 Birbz 🦜 #58077 |
Posted 2022-03-17 10:55:13
The beaver kit bared it's teeth in an attempt to scare away the intimidating predator. It squeaked loudly and hissed at Jasper. It's hurt, perfect prey. But the poor thing is just a kit. I should let it live, it being a kit and all. It wouldn't be able to fill a belly, might as well help it. he thought. He lifted his ears to listen for the kit's mother. Hearing only the noises of raging water, he picked up the tiny brown creature by the scruff and bounded away into the forest. Swiftly dodging trees, Jasper met the edge of the camp. Maybe it isn't the best idea to bring a hurt kit into camp... the golden wolf thought. He changed his direction and went for a bush. He could smell blood but couldn't find where the weak spot was. He gently turned the kit over with his paw and found a large gash on it's back and a torn off tail. "Aw, you poor thing.. And to think I would eat you. I could never bring myself to eat a pup of any kind. Especially a hurt one. Let's get you fixed up." He immediately wondered how he would, as he had no medical experience. Maybe if I talked to Citrine- No. Citrine might just gobble up the beaver pup. Quickly, Jasper scrambled to find a leaf. He wasn't the smartest wolf, but he knew that a leaf might help stop the bleeding. He reached his mouth up to a small tree's leaves. Plucking one off, he winced as if the force would push him back. As soon as he sat down, he began to wrap the leaf around the beaver's tail and pinning the tail nub against it's fluffy back. It was not the best leaf cast he could think off, but it was the best he could do. "Hang tight little fella. I'll bring you to my den." Jasper bounded off towards his den. Running through the forest was hard, there was obstacles everywhere. A tree branch, roots, stump, or even bushes were dotted everywhere. He even had to jump over a pine needle branch that had fell last season. Eventually, Jasper finally made it to camp. He dragged himself into his den. Plopping down, the beaver scrambled to the corner of the den. The kit was frightened by the new environment around her, especially while Jasper was huffing and puffing. He got up and shook his golden fur of any leaves or seeds. Curling up on the soft green moss under him, he reached the beaver with a large paw and pulled it in close to him. Liesal was still in charge as Jasper was drifting off to sleep with the baby beaver. What a wolf. I find prey's offspring and take care of it. Y'know, I might as well keep this beaver as a companion. Let's call her... Twig. ~~~ [OOC] I decided to change up my format a bit. Please don't interact with Jasper right now, he's sleepy ;) Hope you guys will love the little beaver kit! Her name is Twig and she has a scar on her back and a tail nub. Who knows what attacked her? Either way, Jasper found a leaf and wrapped it around the beaver so that her tail nub was pulled to her back and the bleeding would stop. |
RoxyTBDW #49517 |
Posted 2022-03-17 12:16:24
Lost Howl #16008 |
Posted 2022-03-17 13:18:28 (edited)
"Finally," She said to herself. She had been sitting in silence for hours organizing the herbs she had recently foraged. I'm happy that I'm finished, but now there is nothing to do, she thought. She glanced off to the side, Maybe I should see if Jasper has anything I can do.. She shook her head, No, I won't bother him. Her stomach growled ravenously, she let out a surprised laugh. She pranced over to her stash, though it was odd, Citrine absolutely despised meat. The idea of killing a helpless creature and devouring it sickened her. She has created a special remedy of herbs that could be placed on berries and different vegetables to keep her, well alive. She was wholly vegetarian, she was embarrassed by her little secret so she just never mentioned it. Not many people cared to ask anyway, the only time people came to her was when they needed something. But Citrine was completely content with that, she was always alone anyway. {OOC] Yeah Citrine is a vegan wolf, I forgot to put it in her backstory and was only reminded when I saw Jasper's thing! Feel free to interact! |
Buzz #59138 |
Posted 2022-03-17 15:38:22
Rhew trotted proudly into camp, swerving around Addfain and Arcadia beneath the maple tree and heading towards the prey pile. Addfain, clearly a bit startled, glanced up at her. Taking it as her invitation to drop the food and head over, Rhew did so, dropping to a walk as she came closer. Reaching to sniff at Addfain's ears, the white she-wolf lay down. Addfain sighed and shuffled her paws, tilting her head slightly. "You want me to tell a story?" The elder asked and Rhew grinned, tail wagging. "Yes please!" Tilting her head, Addfain looked towards the melanistic male. "Would you like to hear a story? If not we'll find somewhere else to talk." {OOC} feel free to come in as well, doesn't look like anyone is online but if someone is then come over and i'll reply <3 |
![]() 𓆏phrog-phrass dealer™𓆏 #15316 |
Posted 2022-03-17 18:24:07
Swiftly he picked up the little beaver. Gently he bit it's scruff as he adjusted the way he held Twig. Slowly he walked out, letting his eyes adjust to the sweet warm summer light. Setting down Twig, he sat in front of his den with Twig between his paws in case anything were to happen. He held his breath for a moment, but then took a deep breath. He began to howl. Twig's ears perked and she looked up as she saw the leader howl. Twig began to tremble, unsure if she was safe. She scrambled out of Jasper's paws only to be caught by a large fluffy paw. "I have an announcement to make. I was hunting when I found a hurt beaver kit. I thought.. since she was hurt and just a puppy she wouldn't fill any bellies. So, I've decided to help her until she is old enough and healed to be out on her own. There will be a few rules though. No wolf is to hurt her. Don't be cruel. Even though she is prey, she is just a pup and like I said she can't satisfy your hunger. If there is any questions, you may ask them while I'm in my den. You may continue your activities." |
RoxyTBDW #49517 |
Posted 2022-03-18 00:20:30 (edited)
Nothing much. Tilting her head, the she-wolf comes to the maple tree, shakes her head and lays down paws stretched, head dropped on the ground and tail curled around dark paws. She carefully observes the camp, watches the other pack members with interest of what are they up to. A few moments and the eyes close, Lavender Mist falls asleep. Her colorful belly slowly moved up and down with slow breathing. {OOC} Feel free to wake up/interact in any way Also I think you got my form wrong. I submitted for a scout not a pupsitter |
![]() 🦜 Birbz 🦜 #58077 |
Posted 2022-03-18 09:47:01
Arcadia forced himself awake with a sharp jolt, his chest grumbled lightly from the sudden movement as his head shot into the air. He glanced to his sides, seeing the two she-wolves sleeping along the maple tree with him. He stood with a slight wobble and shook his coat, padding into the deep forest behind them. Arcadia came to a stop inside the forest, adjusting his blue lunar-coated paws. He eased his posture into a confident stance and scented the forest, not far from his pack. As his head dipped towards the ground his nostrils flared sharply. He bared his fangs slightly as his mouth poured blue lunar fog. He'd shift his weight slightly on his paws once more, adjusting his glowing eyes to the forest around him, scanning the trees carefully. A slight crackle of branches could be heard on his left before he was lunged at by a rogue wolf. He flared around, breaking free from the wolf's maw before striking back. **Insert Fight Scene Here** Arcadia fumbled to his paws, licking a crimson liquid from his maw. His glowing eyes glistened with a combative flare before shaking himself into reality. A sharp pain struck his left leg; flicking his attention towards his leg (left) he observed the 'Open Wound' on his leg. He slightly scoffed: how dare that wolf touch me. He thought before making his journey back towards camp in search of the medicine den. Arcadia came upon the Medicine den, a slight limp emanating from his leg (upper left). He'd plop onto the ground near the entrance of the den, observing Citrine organizing her herbs. He didn't wish to interrupt her as she was doing one of her tasks. [OOC] Requesting Buzz's help <3 |
Squishy #55101 |
Posted 2022-03-18 09:56:48 (edited)
Lavender Mist closes her glowing violet eyes through the run and enjoys everything about life. She does that until- Ah, how unlucky! Whole - drowns her paw in the mud until her shoulder. That dirty, sucking swamp, eugh. After a few minutes of attempts, she gets her limb out and attempts to shake all of this off. Fine, maybe a little wash in the river would help. A little walk and she's by the water. Breath in and.. Lavender Mist hops into the water, swimming against the flow. Brr... Cold. She gets out and shakes. Even colder. The swamp will wait, drying is more important, mostly after such an adventure. She heads halfway into the camp and spots.. A bear? Oh no. Lavender Mist quietly trots by the bigger predator to not catch it's attention. Alright, passed by safely. Guess it's time to camp. She sits here and starts grooming intensely. {OOC} - Feel free to interact, I'd be even actually very happy for such an activity! People arent active for a long time here and I dont spot somebody online along with me so I'll reply ASAP. |
![]() 🦜 Birbz 🦜 #58077 |