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~The Wolfpack~

Posted 2022-03-18 10:48:37
Citrine saw movement out of the corner of her eye, she turned and noticed Arcadia Lying near her den entrance. She stood up placing the herbs she was holding down. She walked over and nodded towards him.
"C'mon in, What can I help you with?" She asked, even though the scent of blood and his injured paw were very much visible. She sighed and smiled.

(OOC) You're up @squishy! ^^

Posted 2022-03-18 10:56:50
(I love how we are waiting for somebody's response when they're offline, and the person who we waited for comes online when the other person who's been asking the other person goes offline)

šŸ¦œ Birbz šŸ¦œ

Posted 2022-03-18 11:12:23
(Yeah haha, it's alright though)

Posted 2022-03-18 11:17:39
(imma do something for action)
Lavender Mist stops her grooming and tilts her head. Well, now she's dry and can keep scouting. Time to go off! The vibrantly coloured female trots away from camp, but she didn't continue her way for a long time, because she stumbled on a thorn which entered her soft, marbled paw pad. She jolts at the sudden pain, making everything worse and the thorn enters further. Well, Lavender Mist knew she isn't getting any further with this, even as a small injury. Back to camp, I guess.

She comes to the herbalist's den, spotting another wolf here.

"Hello, Citrine! This is quick..."

She lifts her paw.

"Can you help? It went deep."

šŸ¦œ Birbz šŸ¦œ

Posted 2022-03-18 13:11:03
Jasper lifted the tiny kit with a large shining paw. The sunlight made Jasper appear as if he was glowing, a bright yellow light cast on him and the camp. "Can I trust someone to watch the beaver kit?" he asked out of the blue.

Ā  Ā  Suddenly realizing he was talking to a rock, he blinked his bright blue eyes in surprise. Not quite myself today am I? Saving a baby beaver and then talking to a boulder! Hope no one saw that.. Rapidly, his twinkling eyes darted around.

Ā  Ā  Swiftly, Jasper ran into his den. Dropping the beaver into the soft moss, Jasper ran out as fast as he came in. Then, he casually walked over to the maple tree to relax. All of this hard work today (which wasn't his hard work) made him tired.

Ā  Ā  Even though he had a den of his own, it was quite boring to be alone. He loved socializing with his packmates. He loved to talk to them! Be a part of his pack. Not just some mindless leader who only thinks about chores.
[OOC] - Anyone is free to interact with Jasper ^^

Posted 2022-03-18 15:16:00
Citrine glanced towards Lavender mist, then back at Arcadia.
"Give me a moment dear," she said with a small smile She nodded towards the soft material laying in a pile in the far corner of the room. "Lay there," she said before walking over towards her tool cabinet. She lifted a pair of tweezers and advanced towards Lavander. "This may hurt a pinch, I'm going to pull it out and then put some salve on it, sound alright?" She smiled brightly.

OOC(Sorry about my late response, I just got off of campus)

Posted 2022-03-18 20:30:06
Addfain sighed and Rhew's tail wagged again. "That's enough pup, go on. Leave me be and go do your job." The brown wolf batted at Rhew's nose and the other sighed but got up, pressing her muzzle against Addfain's side in thanks. "I'll see you later I suppose, thank you for the stories!"

As Rhew trotted off, Addfain shifted her weight, body going numb after continuous pressure on one side. The sun was warm along her thick fur, almost uncomfortable but not quite. As Jasper came over, she moved over a little, making sure he had enough space.

Rhew kept on trotting off, dropping into a comfortable lope after a while. She didn't head towards the river, instead moving deeper into the thickets. Jumping up a small ledge she slows back into a walk, head dropping and focusing on hunting instead. There were many criss-crossing scent paths but most were fairly faded. She kept at the relaxed but attentive walk, waiting for a chance to spring after a scent.

{OOC} open for anyone!

š“† phrog š“†ā 

Posted 2022-03-19 06:05:14 (edited)
Lavender Mist tilts her head and nods at the herbalist, calmly walks to the corner of the den and dropping on the mossy mat, stretching her bluish paw out and before tightly squinting her glowy, bright violet eyes, she gives Citrine a glance, signifying she'sĀ  ready for the short pain strike. The thin thorn already made it's way deep into the she-wolf soft, marbled skin and the short, the same as sharp edge was simply sticking out, waiting for it's time to be hardly pulled out and splashing out some red liquid.

"Thank you." - She already sprints her haunches on the position to stand up suddenly when needed and not slow down the process.

{OOC} - Just a RP question, what is the age of your characters, guys?

šŸ¦œ Birbz šŸ¦œ

Posted 2022-03-19 06:55:16
{OOC Addfain is about 5, nearing 6 and Rhew is around 2!}

š“† phrog š“†ā 

Posted 2022-03-19 10:17:33
(sorry for the late response, I had work haha)
Arcadia flicked his ears lightly, patiently awaiting citrine to be done. The large gash in his upper left leg still seeping blood, though it began clotting slightly. He'd lick his leg a bit, cleaning the wound the best he could while he waited. The stinging caused him to wince but he tried his best to suppress the pain.

[OOC] : Arcadia is currently 3 years old, so pretty young haha

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