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🦅 The Most Inbred And Longest Lined Wolf Project 🦅

Posted 2022-03-17 10:43:54 (edited)
ooo, can I offer up my stud? He's a bit old, though I'm sure he can still produce a few pups! Plus, since he's a nbw albino carrier, he can breed some albino genes into the lineage!

EDIT: I forgot to mention, but I can offer completely 100% refunded breedings to him!


Posted 2022-03-17 10:45:52
Sure! Sent a request as a first step for our project!

🦜 Birbz 🦜

Posted 2022-03-17 11:02:40
great! accepted and refunded! :D


Posted 2022-03-18 17:18:12 (edited)
Taking my boy off stud if you aren't going to use him

sti(n)ky [hiatus, sorry!]

Posted 2022-03-19 05:40:36
Oh oops, sorry I forgot because I couldnt afford the price

🦜 Birbz 🦜

Posted 2022-03-19 05:44:23
No problem. If you want to breed for the project tell me and I'll put him at lowest price and you can send the payment and I'll send it back.

sti(n)ky [hiatus, sorry!]

Posted 2022-03-24 00:29:51
hello! my mojave is up for stud right now, feel free to send a req

𓆏 rainbowjewel 𓂏𓁹

Posted 2022-03-24 05:46:54
The pups are born! Problem - they're all males

🦜 Birbz 🦜

Posted 2022-03-24 05:50:44
Mind if i join in on this? This seems fun, and i've got both long lined wolves and G1's in my pack


Posted 2022-03-24 05:52:28

🦜 Birbz 🦜

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