Gold Cones Purchasing
Gold Cones Purchasing
Posted 2020-10-22 12:47:10
I'm just wondering if there will ever be any options other than paypal for getting gc?? I can't use paypal, and I remember on Lioden being able to purchase GB pretty easily without the use of paypal. Just curious if that is in the works still? |
CapN #19512 |
Posted 2020-10-22 12:49:14
I believe the only other way of acquiring GC without money, would be to trade it using SC, wolves, items, and artwork. Hope this helps! |
Championhamster528 #10762 |
Posted 2020-10-22 12:54:42
I have money to spend, I just don't have paypal lol. I'm aware that doing those things could also get me gc, but thank you for the tip. |
CapN #19512 |
Posted 2020-10-22 12:58:59
haha, gotcha. But as far as I'm aware I don't believe there's any other way, yet. |
Championhamster528 #10762 |
Posted 2020-10-22 14:15:49
You should be able to use paypal as a guest, so don't need to sign up. That's what I do when buying GC. |
Ceiyru #440 |
Posted 2020-10-22 14:38:37
I've tried, it's an issue with my card. I can and have used the card itself for online purchases, but it just doesn't seem to like paypal and I'm gonna level with you I'm way too anxious of a person to go to the bank and ask about it just because I wanted to buy things on an online wolf game :,) |
CapN #19512 |
Posted 1 week ago
hope this helps! |
lindsey k #149131 |
Posted 1 week ago
spotpc #9204 |