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Vapor's Art Hunt! [LF THREAD]

Vapor's Art Hunt! [LF THREAD]
Posted 2022-03-24 18:14:33 (edited)




  • I appreciate updates via DM!

  • Please tell me what characters you are willing to draw! Be specific! This is so I have a clear idea of what to commission from you!

  • Please send art examples or link to your shop here on Wolvden!

  • Keep in mind my characters at the moment of posting! If I am looking for human artwork only, please do not send anthro or feral offers.

  • You must have clear, set GC, SC, or LT prices! I will not negotiate!

  • I will also not join raffles or auctions! If I am to pay for artwork, I would like to actually receive it!

  • Put a heart somewhere in your post if you have read this! If you don't add it, and do not do what else I have asked here, I will not commission you! [I can tell!]




Payment Options:

  • 620 GC

  • 200 SC

  • 300 LT

  • 450 SQ

  • Studdings (NIB T3 Mojave, can breed with him however many times you'd like and I'll give your GC/SC back to you)


Ordered Artwork:

  • N/A


Posted 2022-04-07 08:57:46
Hi! We don't have any examples since we mostly do colouring but would like to try your Sona Rasputin! Wedid one commision so far XD it was a wolf head, but we are wondering what you would like for your art if you do commision us.


Posted 2022-04-10 16:42:06 (edited)

Hello! not sure if your still looking for art but I'm interested in doing a commission for your OC Manslaughter, here's my shop. I am interested in GC for payment, Pm me if you'd like to commission me :D

✦ Red ✦

Posted 2022-04-15 18:23:25
Hello! I am able to do some ocs of yours. Possibly Tawny, Pastel, or Shrike. Here is the link to my Art shop {Sheep's Art Meadow} feel free to take a look. Dm me if you would like some. ^^


Posted 2022-04-15 21:24:23 (edited)
Hi!! I do exclusively anthro work, and i'd love to draw your character Rasputin. Here are my prices and references:
Conversion rate:  1gc: 320sc: 10LT

Styles: Colored sketch (+0 gc), flat color (+2 gc), shaded flat color (+4 gc), lineless (+10 gc), shaded lineless (+15 gc)
Busts/icons (20 gc), halfbody (25 gc), fullbody (35 gc)

Bust/ icon examples:

Halfbody examples:

Fullbody examples (colored sketch and lineless):

I'm not too great at html so hopefully I did this correct!! If you're interested in commissioning me, feel free to send me a message anytime!! Tysm

Posted 2022-04-20 10:21:25
Hi! Here's a link to my art shop

I'm open to drawing any of your humanoid OCs! I notice some your highest priority OCs included in the post currently only have halfbody art made of them and while I only list fullbodies in my shop I'd be willing to do halfbody art for 7 GC! I'm also open to taking on multiple pieces if you'd be interested.

Thank you for considering! Feel free to pm me if interested


Posted 2022-04-20 12:13:06

Payments Allowed.
Lunar Bases (20 Gc/ 8000 Sc)
Lunar Markings(10 Gc/ 4000 Sc)

Bust/Headshot(Same thing): 2GC or 800SC
Full body: 6GC or 1250SC

I can add:
- Hair + 5SC
- More floof + 10SC - extra floof can be more on the back, chest, tail or legs
- Scars + 10SC each
-Accessories + 10SC each

Terms of Service.
•You may pay in full once I begin the commission, or pay in portion^^
•I have the right to refuse a commission for any reason. (Unlikely)
•You may ask for progress!
•My slots will temporarily close once all are full. (hopefully, they will never close)
•Refunds are only available if I've only begun line art.
•Opinions/criticism is allowed! (but please keep it reasonable)
•Be kind!
•for those on the waiting list, they will be accepted in order of requests! :)
please note, that I will probably take small breaks between slots that I will open up to fill the next three^^
• For those on the waitlist: If your turn comes up for the next slot, and you don't respond to any messages within the span of around a week, your slot will be moved to "Pending response" which will allow me to complete other commissions while allowing you to respond in time. I will do my best to complete your form as soon as you respond.^^

Pending Response-

Current Commissions-

Only doing 3 commissions for the Start because I am a new artist and want to see how the first few go.

Pm me or comment here and we'll figure stuff out, I can email or pm the drawing to you.

Please use this when asking for a commission

Type of commission: Bust or fullbody
Expression: (default is smiling)
Background: yes or no - not detailed, backgrounds will be a solid color for now just let me know what color
Hair: yes or no - if using a character from wolvden then pls give a reference photo
Extra floof: yes or no - specify where
Scars: yes or no - usually best to have it on reference photo or character
Accessories: yes or no - with the name of accessor(ies)y

Again the prices are
Bust/Headshot(Same thing): 2GC or 800SC
Full body: 6GC or 1250SC
- Hair + 5SC
- More floof + 10SC - extra floof can be more on the back, chest, tail or legs
- Scars + 10SC each
-Accessories + 10SC each

Advertisement: Aurora's Digital and Traditonal drawings are now Avalible to purchase with GC,SC, and so much more.
Aurora 🐺🦊🐼

Posted 2022-04-22 11:42:19
Im comfortable with drawing everyone listed, excluding shrike !


A regular fullbody would be 40

I also do full scenic backgrounds, in a studio-ghibli esque style for 100 per

i could do the dragon reference , in a similar style to this wip mecha custom , at a base price of 200

here's my wolven ych shop for a sense of my worth ethic


Posted 2022-05-01 17:36:38
Hello! I'd most like to draw Rasputin or Manslaughter, but I can draw any humanoid just fine. My commission info is here, and my examples are here. I price 4 GC at $1


Posted 2022-05-09 14:11:53
Hello! I would love to draw Korrina here is a link to my commission page! link all of my prices and examples are on the thread, but feel free to dm me if you have any questions :)


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