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Free Food

Posted 2022-07-19 20:07:31
I could use some food and amusement items for my small clan of hungry and unhappy wolves if you might be able to spare some for a newer player!  Thank you!

Posted 2022-07-22 00:42:44
Need food and amusement items pack members left my pack, because low hunger and low mood.

Posted 2022-07-22 19:12:20
I hate to ask but I'm actually struggling some on food.. would anyone be able to help me?


Posted 2022-07-29 11:51:17
Do you happen to have any food and/or amusement items to spare at the moment?

Posted 2022-08-09 06:57:33
I'm in need of amusement, help please?


Posted 2022-08-09 11:49:19 (edited)
I just logged on for the first time in a while and all my wolves are about to revolt and leave me due to hunger. If anyone has any extra food they'd be willing to part with, I'd be very grateful <3


Posted 2022-08-09 14:30:20
Sending some food to Bluestem! Sorry, WyldWolf, I am short on amusement myself


Posted 2022-08-10 05:02:27 (edited)
I don't have any food and a bunch of hungry wolves :(
Edit: Got Food! Thanks!

Posted 2022-08-11 20:38:57
if you have any food or amusement to spare I will be extremely grateful

Posted 2022-08-12 05:01:44
I sent food! @Aussie


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