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Community Update #37

Posted 2022-04-01 11:23:46
Wooooo news!!
Viper Rat

Posted 2022-04-01 11:30:06
I'm so happy with the giveaway update!


Posted 2022-04-01 11:32:13
I have to agree with those stating the chat updates are a bit silly. With Wolvden barely reaching a 1,000 member cap during the lunar events and the majority of those players being repeats I feel the change is a bit underwhelming for those of us who are still struggling with the crash of the market and economy.

Best time to be taking longer breaks I suppose.
Thanks for the news.

Posted 2022-04-01 11:35:02
Katze wrote: We understand it's a minor inconvenience, but we wanted to get ahead of inevitable spam that always occurs when more players register to a game and might not read the rules.  It's very much a case of "one bad apple had to spoil it for the whole bunch."

If issues with spam did arise in the future, the chat mods could deal with it appropriately. (Shout out to the chat mods for being great!) They're always responsive and helpful - they could certainly moderate one bad apple.


Posted 2022-04-01 11:40:17
Our moderators do deal with spam appropriately, but it certainly does take some stress off of them to not have to check if someone's posting the same advertisement multiple times in one 10 minute window.  Rather than allowing for that to happen, it's easiest for everyone to be held to the same standards of only being able to post one advertisement every 10 minutes.  Another player brought up a great point about how ads are less likely to be pushed out of view now, if someone only wants to advertise one sale and someone else posts immediately afterwards with four of their own individual sales.  We hope it's easy to adjust to this mechanic over time!

This member is an Admin. Katze

Posted 2022-04-01 11:52:53
Redacted due to Account Closure

Closed Account

Posted 2022-04-01 11:55:41
How does claiming in Giveaways work if we don't stay on that chat? I typically hang out in Help, and go over to Giveaways to advertise free food then switch back to Help. Since I don't stay there I just ask for PMs. Claiming seems so much easier and I like the idea, I'm just curious how we could know who has claimed if we don't stay in the chat?


Posted 2022-04-01 11:59:47
@Sunny: You'd just have to navigate back to Giveaways Chat and check the claim list periodically.  There aren't notifications for claims other than the number indicators within messages, so it might not be as convenient as PMs, but it helps cut down on multiple people asking for the same asset (since they can see who has claimed already)!

This member is an Admin. Katze

Posted 2022-04-01 12:29:10
Yeah I'm just... not gonna answer that poll lmao, I don't use any of those

no comment on the other changes, I'll have to see how they are first (I still probably won't bother with the giveaways chat, but thats because I didn't bother with giveaways before all the changes)


Posted 2022-04-01 12:30:50
That poll has cursed us
