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Companion [Modified dogs | Full]

Companion [Modified dogs | Full]
Posted 2022-04-02 21:20:21 (edited)

Here at the Partner Unified Population Labratories,
Our goal is to enhance man's best friend to better suit the needs of Man in these unprecedented times. Our dedicated team wants to ensure the world is working hand-in-paw towards a better future.
P.U.P. Laboratories
"Ultimutt dog lovers!"

The old metal sign lies on the dirt in front of the old building, rusting in the hot sun. The city is empty and gone, ravaged by the fire and empty from the war of man. P.U.P. Laboratory is a skeleton of a building, but intact. There is barking inside.

Bluebell, Dalmatian mix, Male, "Saving Bite" [Heehoo]
Firefly, Shetland Sheepdog, Female, "Night Light" [Heehoo]
Kalim, Wolf dog, Male, "Dire Call" [Ai He/They]
Gosia, Pomeranian, Female, Underwater Breath [CrownOfRoses]
Zanadana, Big Malamute mix, Female, Human Shield [Zanadana]
Beast, German Shepard, NB, "Werewolf" [Silver]
Akio, Aussie / Border Collie, Female, "Plant Talking" [Silver]
Whisper, Siberian Husky Mix, Female, Higher senses [Ryoka]
Lurch, Canis Panther, Male, Titanium canine [CowboyLavaLamp]
Clyde, German Shepard / wolf, Male, Extra limb [Wolf~Fox]


Note: While I want to see how the five of us go for a bit, 𓆏 rainbowjewel 𓃗 may join later if we find 6 people to be desirable.

EDIT: Opening again for activity!

Dog Breed:

•P.U.P. Labs scientific research is used to benefit humanity. Many dogs under their care have been given a specific skill set to help someone in a particular way. Please allow this to inspire your characters. I'll allow crazy stuff (though not overpowered stuff) if you can reason it.
•Max of 2 characters to start, but if you feel comfortable you may make as many as you can handle.
•Follow Wolvden Rules.
•There may be fighting. You cannot kill another person's character without their consent.
•I figure someone might want to be a wolf dog, and that's fine. Limit is one per player, 2 max to begin. If there are a lot of characters, I will allow more.
Heehoo 🎁✨

Posted 2022-04-02 21:26:01 (edited)
Name: Bluebell
Dog Breed: Dalmatian mix
Gender: Male
Age: 2 years (Adult)
Appearance: A leggy, elegant looking Dalmatian. His head shape, longer fur, and long legs show some sighthound in his history, particularly Borzoi. He's very tall. Bluebell is densely spotted, with two black ears with white spots in the center.
Modification: Created to assist firefighters break injured out of vehicles. His "Saving bite" can cut through and pull metal.
Other: I might add stuff later

Name: Firefly
Dog Breed: Shetland Sheepdog
Gender: Female
Age: 1.5 years
Appearance: A lovely long haired and medium sized dog. Her belly fur is white and it changes to ochre, to warm brown, to mahogany as it goes up her back. Her eyes are large and brown.
Modification: Modified to provide light as comfort to families in darkness. She provides a warm glow at all times that is visible in low light and complete darkness. "Night Light" was developed to protect and aid young children in the apocalypse.
Other: Will update as needed
Heehoo 🎁✨

Posted 2022-04-03 20:39:53
This is cool! Anything I need to know or do before making a dog?

Posted 2022-04-03 20:49:08 (edited)
Thanks! c: The plot will begin with the dogs trying to escape the PUP Labs to the post apocalyptic and probably human-less world outside. I kind of want to keep it open ended, so their abilities can aid to their personality, escape strategy, etc. While I like to think of some plot elements before making a concept, I'm absolutely up for the characters to effect their world and take alternative courses as per their desires.


I may set the scene in the first (probably semi-lengthy?) post, but I absolutely adjust to the post length of everyone else. I write for fun and comfortability, and there's a lot of ways we can go ham between two sentences and a light novel length.
Heehoo 🎁✨

Posted 2022-04-03 22:03:26
Oooh this is a cool idea! Before I add a character, is there any kind of restriction on what they look like?


Posted 2022-04-04 06:40:06 (edited)
I like this concept ! I hope I can keep up with this roleplay 0(-(

Name: Kalim
Dog Breed: Wolf-dog
Gender: Male
Age: 1.8 years
Appearance: [Here, made with Kaylink's wolf maker]
Modification: "Dire call" increases the volume of his bark, modified with the intention to aid rescue workers, search parties or recovery crews.
Other: If this character isn't acceptable, I'll trade him out for another character of mine. I'd also like to add a character later on in the roleplay.

Name: ???
Dog Breed: ???
Gender: ???
Age: ???
Appearance: ???
Modification: ???
Other: I'll add information to this character later in the roleplay.

Prince of Amethyst

Posted 2022-04-04 09:07:30
@Zanadana- not really, but if they're really absurd than it would be thematically fun to make it part of their modifications / history!

@Ai- You're good! I'll add him to the list :) Absolutely feel free to add the other one later
Heehoo 🎁✨

Posted 2022-04-04 17:14:06
((Casually starting- Ai can post as he is ready and I want to encourage others that they are more than welcome to join! Preferably we have a small group of 3-5 people. I'm setting the stage, again you may reply at your leisure.))

P.U.P. Laboratory
Basement Level 3 : Companion

It has been nearly two weeks since the rumblings that chased the humans away. The day had been like any other, with testings and exercise runs and treats, and as the sun set everything changed. Screaming erupted from the humans as explosives rocked the ground. They had fled as the lights flickered and turned off above. The howls of the dogs had followed them out, and the barks of the survivors of the day passed through the walls like ghosts.

Bluebell knew, for certain, that it had been about two weeks. Though he had no concept of the sun or natural light, the automatic feeders for the dog crates were filled every two weeks. Workers would come in with large bags and make sure each container was topped off. The feeders themselves dropped food every morning, adjusted to the dog's size. This was the first day the feeders had stopped working.

The large Dalmatian was trapped in a crate a bit different from his neighbors- Bluebell was kept in a nearly circular pen with smooth walls. His daily tests had always been about biting and chewing, and the scientists did their job a bit too well. He certainly was a biter. In fact, if he could find something to rip through, he would break out of his pen and fancy himself a quick unaccompanied walk around the floor. They weren't too fond of that.

Today, especially, he was hungry and needed to chew. Bluebell whined, pressing his front teeth against the wall and trying to grab anything. He wandered along the dark perimeter until he reached the point where the feeder interrupted an otherwise flawless wall. Bluebell grabbed the inside of the feeder and ripped his head back with full force. A jagged hole about the size of his head appeared. Bluebell blinked. He could see?? Everything had been so dark for so long.

Spitting out the metal on the ground, he put his head carefully through the hole and looked out. It wasn't bright, the overhead lights weren't on, but it wasn't as bad as before. Emergency lights lit the walkways between rows and rows of dog kennels, and a cacophony of barking erupted from the loud noise of Bluebell breaking out once more.The large dog looked down, hearing soft whining among the barking. He looked down to the soft glow of a dog giving off its own light. The Shetland sheepdog was not terribly bright, she only lit up the space about a foot around her, but she was one of the few clearly visible things around. Bluebell backed up and ripped at the wall more. He would be freed in only a moment.
Heehoo 🎁✨

Posted 2022-04-04 17:29:02
If you don't mind, I'd love to join! This seems like a lot of fun.

Name: Gosia
Dog Breed: Pomeranian
Gender: Female
Age: A little under two years, approximately one year and eight months.
Appearance: White, fluffy, and petite, Gosia looks as if she'd belong in a model's purse. Her coat is neatly kept, and her eyes are a warm milky brown.
Modification: Gosia has the ability to breathe underwater.
Other: N/A, as of currently.

Is it possible to make more characters? I might later, if so. Thank you in advance!


Posted 2022-04-04 17:45:05
((Great!! Welcome aboard o7 You are welcome to make as many characters as you can handle, but I prefer we start with two))
Heehoo 🎁✨

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