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The Light and Dark (Character Sheets)

Posted 2020-10-24 17:12:46

(I know we shouldn’t talk here, but I just wanted to point out that Caelum in Latin is supposed to mean Heaven, if I remember correctly-)

✨𝙱𝚊𝚋𝚢✨ |:| Mutie Breeder!

Posted 2020-10-24 18:54:41 (edited)

Wolf's Name: Raven

Gender: Female

Age: 2 years

Pack: Darkclaw

Powers: Advanced Strength, Invisibility

Rank: Beta 


Other: Raven is cold and calculating, but not quite cruel. She will consider all options before deciding how to handle a situation, usually a solution that benefits her. She does not show much kindness to those below her, often treating them like they are mere lab rats in her never ending experiment. She does, however, show mercy. She sees death as unnecessary, but will kill if given the order to. She is a very well rounded fighter, having fought her way to her current rank. She views Lightheart as more of a nuisance than anything else. 


Posted 2020-10-24 19:07:45 (edited)

Wolf's Name: Lilith -Lilly for short

Gender: Female 

Age: 3 years

Pack: Darkclaw

Powers: Invisibility as main, minor control of other darkclaw powers

Rank: Scout

Appearance: Clicky Click

Other: Cunning and manipulative, Lilith would rather use her words to push her will instead of getting her claws dirty, not to say that she can't handle herself. Lilith can sometimes be seen as one of the less intense members of the pack, feeling no need to be cruel to her fellow packmates unless provoked. Her opinion on the lightheart pack, however, isn't as relaxed.. Lilith hates that pack with everything she has, even willing to inflict pain on the members if given the chance. Although deep down, it may be jealousy that put a thorn in her heart, longing for their calm and peaceful life. 

Glitchy Wølf~

Posted 2020-10-25 15:18:13 (edited)

Wolf's Name:Shadow seer

Gender: female


Pack: darkclaw

Power: shift into a Shadow dragon

Rank: Hunter


Other: Shadow seer is a expert fighter on both land and in air. In her dragon form she is ten times the fighter she is. 


Maria Skylar

Posted 2020-10-25 19:58:28

Name: Ailera

Gender: Female

Age: 2 years

Pack: To be Darkclaw, currently outcast

Powers: Very, very enhanced speed and endurance. Can outrun pretty much all prey and most wolves.

Rank: N\A

Species: Fox

Appearance:  Ailera (but a fox)

Personality: Snappy, sarcastic, cold. She's reasonably loyal to the pack but will act out. As she is a lot smaller, she's somewhat easily controlled with a cuff of a wolves' paw. Ailera is very free-willed, stubborn, but can be very loyal. She's a wonderful fighter, usually attacking from underneath larger prey, or jumping from the side\top depending on how big the prey is.

Other: Was experimented on by humans which is how she got purple eyes and enhanced speed and endurance

About the size of a large pup


This was allowed, don't worry!))

𓆏 phrog 𓆏⁠

Posted 2020-10-28 07:40:34 (edited)

Wolf's Name:Aster

Gender: male

Age: 2 years 1month

Pack: lightheart

Powers: healing, flight

Rank: healer


Other:An empathetic and patient soul who's calm and charismatic. from a family of warriors he chose to become a healer despite his innate talent in combat. A natural due to his powerful healing abilities but rather clumsy when it comes to medicine concoction.A capable fighter that becomes fierce, swift and intimidating on the battlefield. he thinks that bright star is a good leader but too idealistic about ending the war peacefully.


Posted 2020-10-28 08:42:47 (edited)

Wolf's Name: Korosu

Gender: Masculine (He/Him/His)

Age: 3¼ Years

Pack: Darkclaw

Powers: All usual Darkclaw powers

Rank: Beta

Appearance: ~{Link}~

Other: Korosu's name means "Slay" in Japanese. He is not afraid to live up to it. He was born into Darkclaw, but his mother strangely disappeared a bit after he was born. His father told him that he might have a half-sister in Lightheart. That only confused him and made him slightly resent his mother. He is extremely silent and likes keeping talking to the minimum. His father was later exiled for a reason unknown to Korosu. Without any known family, he tends to keep to himself.

- - - - -

Wolf's Name: Sainen

Gender: Feminine (She/Her/Hers)

Age: 2¼ Years

Pack: Lightheart

Powers: All usual Lightclaw powers

Rank: Beta

Appearance: ~{Link}~

Other: Korosu's name means "Rekindle" in Japanese. In a way, it is the opposite of her half-brother's name, implying that she can bring back the damage he does. She was born into Lightheart, but her mother left as soon as she was weaned. Her father looked after her for a while before dying during a battle between Lightheart and Darkclaw. She is one year younger than her half-brother, but, unlike him, she was not informed that she had kin on the enemy side.


Posted 2020-10-28 08:55:07

(^^added his sister^^)


Posted 2020-10-28 09:58:20 (edited)

Wolf's Name: Callula

Gender: female

Age:6 months

Pack: darkclaw

Powers: invisibility, stealth, speed (razor sharp claws)

Rank: cub


Other: She's a small and slender wolf that was wise and calculative for her age, originally the runt of her mother's (a defect of lightheart) litter and born abnormally weaker, her death was almost sealed if not for the momentary weakness her mother had for her first litter and hesitation due to lingering effects of lightheart pack's teachings . As she grows she shows to be faster, stealthier and more adept at ambush type battles. . despite all this she was weaker than a average wolf, as long as they were able to pin her down she would be easily overpowered. As she grows she searches for a solution, something to make her stronger or something to make up for it.


Posted 2020-10-28 19:11:44 (edited)

Wolf's Name: Jay

Gender: Male

Age: 2 years

Pack Lightheart

Powers: healing

Rank: Beta

Appearance: Young adult wolf with demin base, blue eyes, a fallow nose, white claws, pink skin, and black eyebrows.

Other: he's usually grumpy all the time, thinks he's useless, he's sarcastic and hates a lot of things. He won't let anyone die though, and he can be kind. 


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