The Light and Dark (Wolf Roleplay)
Posted 2020-10-24 11:58:26
Okami has just finished the flu cure, but she had nobody to test it out on. Obviously, she wouldn’t give it to Lume, that felt cruel to Okami. So she went off in search of some one to test it out on. ”Um, I have an announcement! I have finished a flu cure, but I need someone to test it on! Any volunteers?” She shouted. She waited for a response. Lume came up to her, with stars in her eyes. “I wanna be the test subject!! I promise I won’t get hurt by it!” Okami sighed. “You know the answer, Lume. It might harm you, since you’re too young for it. I have to ask an older wolf, okay? Don’t worry, as soon as I find this medicine, I’ll make something even better for you, okay? Lume was much happier when she heard this. “Okay! But, can I at least help you with it?” “Yes, you can.” Okami replied. Both were now offering samples of the cure to everyone in the pack-. |
![]() ✨𝙱𝚊𝚋𝚢✨ |:| Mutie Breeder! #13511 |
Posted 2020-10-24 14:05:12
@Star Watcher The morning was pretty much the definition of perfect, but Erebus hardly noticed. He lay in a corner of the camp clearing, near a shadowed wall, gnawing on a deer leg. His eyes were fixated on nothing, merely staring blankly ahead at a patch of grass that hadn't quite yet wilted from the cold. A cold wind buffeted his fur and he glanced up, his thinking interrupted at Pine as the Alpha crossed the clearing. In seconds he had leaped to his feet, the deer leg abandoned as he hurried to greet Pine. He'd been positively bored lately. He needed something to keep him occupied, and what he had in mind, he was sure was something Pine would agree to. "I want to raid them," he growled low in his throat when he had neared the alpha. "There's been nothing to do, and besides, they need a good reminder on who exactly the boss of this place is. Maybe we could take some of their food. That would show them." |
![]() Slushie #7598 |
Posted 2020-10-24 15:17:37
Lume went up to greet Erebus, as she was very fond of him. He was her hero; she greatly looked up to him. Then she heard what he wanted to do, and she also wanted to raid (again.) “I-I wanna join, too! I already stole their food, though. Why don’t we do something.. bigger? Like set their camp on fire! That’d teach them a lesson, right?” Okami heard this. “Lume, no. That’s a bit too extreme, even for you to pull off. And what if you get hurt, playing with fire like that? I would never forgive myself, and-“ Lume sighed. “Sis, no need to worry. I’ll be with a very capable wolf, if I get to go. And besides, if we pull this off? I’ll be famous! And so will you, for being my sister-! Please..? Gimme your blessing to let me go?” Okami thought. “Fine. But I’m going with you, Incase you get hurt.” “Okay! We’re going to burn their butts off!” Lume shouted-. Okami rolled her eyes and gave both Pine and Erebus a look that said “I’m really sorry, she’s just too much-!” |
![]() ✨𝙱𝚊𝚋𝚢✨ |:| Mutie Breeder! #13511 |
Posted 2020-10-24 15:48:59
Pine nodded to Erebus, "I agree, in half a month the spring puppies will be adolescents, training should be swift, for now I want you to prepare a few wolves for a border battle, they should already be weak, lets make sure they stay that way before we attack their camp." When Lume came over he growled, "This is no matter for pups." When Okami offered to join he just looked even angrier, "Your training will be soon enough pup, and Okami, remember your role. A healer, not a fighter. For the skirmish battles coming up, I want you to be at the ready in case of severe injury." |
![]() Kaz #7722 |
Posted 2020-10-24 16:02:11 (edited)
Okami sighed. “That’s good. C’mon, Lume, let’s leave them alone, okay? Like he said, your time will come.” Lume was disappointed. “Aw, phooey... okay. But I’m not a little puppy anymore!! Hmph.” Both walked away, quite awkwardly. “Lume, you always get the both of us in trouble..” Lume took high offense to that, and started throwing a temper tantrum. “That’s because I wanna help! But noooo, they think I’m weak! I’M. NOT. WEAAAAAK-! I’M BETTER THAN ALL THE OTHER FIGHTERS HERE, COMBINED! NOBODY TAKES ME SERIOUSLY BECAUSE I’M YOUNG!” Okami was mad now. She barked at the little brat. “Lume, please, shut up! Nobody takes you seriously because you act like a tiny puppy... Now, come on then, why don’t we.. uh... pick herbs?” “Fine,” Lume said, “But we take them from the enemy and we set their camp on fire.” Although Okami protests, they did just that, picking herbs, but no fires. Not yet, anyway. They came back, n o t setting any fires, but honestly, Lume was too tired to care. They had a plentiful harvest, without being seen. Okami announced her presence to all, and went to work, while keeping an eye on troublesome Lume. Lume was sleeping, since she was waaaay tired to do anything else-. |
![]() ✨𝙱𝚊𝚋𝚢✨ |:| Mutie Breeder! #13511 |
Posted 2020-10-24 16:24:58
Erebus glanced over at Lume and Okami as the two approached him, and narrowed his eyes. "You both talk too much," he scathed. "Pine is right. Lume, you're a pup. You have no place in battles. Perhaps when you're older, but as of right now you'd only be a liability." He fell silent as Pine and nodded along with the Alpha. "I wouldn't mind having Okami along, but she would have to stay on the sidelines as a last resort-" Lume's screaming tantrum cut him off and he spun back around and snapped his teeth inched from Lume's nose. "Shut that noisy muzzle of yours before I shut it for you! Go back to your den. I don't want to hear another peep out of you, or I'll throw you to the owls. They could use an easy meal." He straightened back up, muzzle rippling with distaste. Pups. He would never understand the appeal. With a huff, he turned back to Pine. "Could you fetch me Glaucus? They might be a wimp, but they'd be good for a surprise attack." |
![]() Slushie #7598 |
Posted 2020-10-24 16:54:53
Pine nodded and stalked away. He found Glaucus with some of the other Omega's. "All of you get up," he growled, "Erebus is leading you in a border skirmish battle, get your next instructions from him." Primrose saw Bright star assigning more hunters, and felt another pang of guilt that she didn't catch that Darkclaw pup. A puppy, and she still couldn't catch them. She filed out with the hunting patrol, avoiding Bright star's gaze. Maybe hunting would help her feel more useful. |
![]() Kaz #7722 |
Posted 2020-10-24 17:07:18
Lume has woken up, and was tired of being pushed around by everyone. She quietly escaped the pack, and went back to the Lightheart’s camp. Obviously, she was invisible- “I’m going to prove to them that I’m not a liability... whatever the heck that means.” She saw a bunch of wolves going to go out hunting. “Th-This is my chance!” She quietly yipped, and started stealing more supplies. Meanwhile... Okami was sorting the herbs, by alphabetical/color order. Man, she loved making sure everything was in it’s correct place. But, she did feel a bit embarrassed after both Pine and Erebus had scolded the two sisters. She sighed, and continued working. She called for Lume to help with something. She didn’t hear Lume, so Okami naturally assumed she was sleeping still. She continued working away. |
![]() ✨𝙱𝚊𝚋𝚢✨ |:| Mutie Breeder! #13511 |
Posted 2020-10-25 00:21:32
Lilith watched the slight argument from the sidelines, laying up on a rock as she waited for the Alpha to give her orders in this battle. She wasn't the strongest in the pack, but she was quick and silent when she was on the move, making her the perfect pick for scouting and picking off strays. Assuming they didn't catch her scent first. After all the excitement, Lilith caught sight of one of the smaller wolves running off on their own, it seemed to be the same pup that got a scolding earlier but didn't quite catch a good enough glimpse to tell. The shewolf sighed, then jumped down from her perch, tossing up on if she should follow the pup or stay and wait for her orders. |
Glitchy Wølf~ #20445 |
Posted 2020-10-25 20:12:09
Raven woke up from her nap to the sound of bickering, between what she assumed was a pup and... She listened for a moment. Ah. Erebus. She stood up, stretching, before wandering in the direction of the awful noise. It seemed the argument had already ended. Too bad, she thought. She noticed Lilith nearby, but instead turned to Erebus, her face blank. "What was that about?" She sounded bored, and almost uninterested. |
![]() 🪶Spider🪶 #10087 |