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๐Ÿช Cookie Cult Discussion Thread ๐Ÿช

Posted 2022-04-11 20:32:52 (edited)
that also makes sense.. idk i was just rlly trying to think of something to make cookie cult more interactive would we just ask for cookies then?

Posted 2022-04-11 20:35:19 (edited)
I think this cult should just be a silly discussion thread about cookies. It could definitely be more interactive in other ways, though, such as having a 'design a cookie wolf' or a 'make a cookie custom decor design' thing

sti(n)ky [hiatus, sorry!]

Posted 2022-04-12 18:03:15 (edited)
How about we do this- anyone in the cookie cult (who is either new/a loyal member/whoever wants to have it) have a cookie in their name if they want to? I mean, if they don't want to, then sure it's fine, and I agree on how we ask people to say how they found out about the cookie cult ๐Ÿช

Also my favorite cookie type is mint chocolate chip chunks with whipped cream topping!!
โœง dog โœง

Posted 2022-04-14 18:48:46
Would anyone be interested in a friendly cookie baking competition? ๐Ÿช

โšœโ™ก Vilintine โ™กโšœ

Posted 2022-04-14 18:50:19
I-I don't know how to bake

sti(n)ky [hiatus, sorry!]

Posted 2022-04-14 18:52:10
It's okay! Have a cookie ๐Ÿช

โšœโ™ก Vilintine โ™กโšœ

Posted 2022-04-14 18:53:14
Aww thanks

sti(n)ky [hiatus, sorry!]

Posted 2022-04-14 20:16:03
oo i would like that very much but i'd need some time to go get ingredients

Posted 2022-04-25 18:23:40
You guys can, but the last time I tried to bake cookies it ended up into burnt crisps. Prolly because I left them in the oven too long
โœง dog โœง

Posted 2022-04-25 18:40:46
Have a cookie for your pain ๐Ÿช. P.s. there's at least one type of cookie that you don't have to bake, I can't remember what it was but it's out there.

โšœโ™ก Vilintine โ™กโšœ

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