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Be not afraid | Semi-open

Be not afraid | Semi-open
Posted 2022-04-17 09:49:29 (edited)
[ Links ]
Character sheets | OOC

[ Plot ]
Post-war, dystopia, supernatural.

Civilisation has mostly fallen apart after the war between demons and angels. It went on for around seven years, but it cost more than just life's and Celestia/the Heavens are still in shambles.
Some demons and angels continue to aim to hunt each other. The Majority of them though have (technically) retired or their powers have weakened significantly, deciding to live on Earth and help humanity. They haven't lived without humans for centuries, potentially losing them could cause everything that's left to collapse. Even the Gods have gone silent, as if they've turned their backs on their creations. Things are tough, but everyone is trying.
Until humans start hunting demons and angels, blaming them for everything.

[ Rules ]

- No godmodding! This is already common sense.
- Semi-literate and no one liners.
- Drama (love triangles, fights, death, ect.) WITHIN the roleplay is encouraged, to make things interesting. Make sure it's okay with other roleplayers involved beforehand though.
- Maximum of three characters per person. Only guardian deity, human, angel, demon or a mix between demon/angel and human are allowed/available currently.
- Wings are optional for demons and angels. Halos (for angels) and horns (for demons) are mandatory.
- I hope to mostly he a spectator or not the primary focus in this roleplay, hence why my characters are a God and a Guardian deity.
- Rules might change! Hope you have fun and enjoy :)

[ Beings ]

Gods [1/1]
- They ruled over everything, but did not personally interact much with earthly or mortal beings. The prays of people haven't been answered in awhile, did they abandon us?

Guardian deities [2/3]
- A very specific type of divine being, they have decided to swear an oath to protect the Gods and work together as a team to achieve this eternal mission. Their duties also include guarding the gateways between Heaven, Hell and Earth.

Angels [2.5 | Open]
- Immortal beings that are said to be made of light and everything that is pure. An angel is meant to serve the Gods and mortal, they always have a halo. Angels gain power by making sure the mortals they are tasked with don't sin, or by eliminating other demons or angels. Things aren't as black and white as they seem, there is a balance that must be maintained.

Demons [6 | Closed]
- Immortal beings that are said to be made of sin and everything that is evil. A demon is meant to serve themselves or their master/s, they always have horns. Demons gain power by making sure the mortals they prey on sin, or by eliminating other demons or angels. Things aren't as black and white as they seem, there is a balance that must be maintained.

Humans [2.5 | Open]
- Said to have been created by the Gods, their rather weak and defenceless but angels and demons would struggle once again without them. They've learnt more about higher beings since the war, some have even made pacts with demons and angels in order to reap the benefits.

[ Form ]

Gender: [pronouns too]
Fear(s): [OPTIONAL]

[ Roleplayers + characters ]
Ai [he/they] #60184 (Myself): Xiao [They/them guardian deity] & Valentine [He/they God]
Casey000 #61451: Elwood [He/they demon]
phrog๐“† #15316: Farren [She/they half human/angel] & Dante [He/him demon]
nanatheknight #51297: Bly [They/them angel]
Fierce #63112: Vlex [He/him demon] & Casey [She/her half human/demon]
ImDeadInside #71173: Unus [She/her half human/demon]
Heehoo ๐“† #19992: Watsonia [She/her angel] & Gasper [He/him demon]
StickBugOverlord #72396: L [She/her half human/demon]
๐“† Angel ๐“†#9655: Ateus [They/them guardian deity]
โ„๏ธSnowdustโ„๏ธ#7231: Karay [She/her half human/demon]

Prince of Amethyst

Posted 2022-05-02 18:52:27
Is the roleplay on discord?

Posted 2022-05-03 23:14:02 (edited)
It's on here))

Prince of Amethyst

Posted 2022-05-05 22:47:31
Being one of the last Gods was a lonely existence. The old God had lost his powers long ago, dormant like the others he'd tried to call out to. There was a gap in his memory, one moment he'd been hearing news of a war and the next he was waking up buried beneath a wasteland. He'd walked for miles until his feet were sore and blistered into the nearest civilisation, but things were so different now.
The sky seemed to have lost its colour and the souls of mortals were ridden with sorrow. Valentine felt weak and lost in this world, what was a God without power?

The seemingly young person walked along the sidewalk, their long hair tied up in a ponytail. They'd been living their life as a human being would despite the fact they weren't human at all. Xiao's origins were a little complicated and they knew they could never feel or be close to another being after what had happened to them.

Prince of Amethyst

Posted 2022-05-06 07:01:30 (edited)
*Skittered out of an alley near Xiao growling at the guy who chased him out the alley which is his current home or it was his home now he had to find somewhere to stay he huffed and stood there trying to think of what to do next after all he also needed food wondering if he could find some wandering soul nearby*

Posted 2022-05-07 03:11:08
The half-angel kicked at the rocks in front of them, hissing an angry curse aimed at the world around her. "Could've died you know that? Thanks dad, for wings that disappear halfway through trying to fly!" She half shouted, not wanting to be too loud in case there was someone sulking around the area. She'd checked earlier... but you never know. Cussing out the general angel species before tugging on her warm jumper, Farren stalked away from her practice. She wanted food. Home was the best place to get it but maybe she'd find something along the way.

๐“† phrog ๐“†โ 

Posted 2022-05-07 13:05:03
"Ding ding," the sound of the front door bell chimes as two of the employees walk in. Bly, half startled, half underwhelmed, waves a hand from the loft-like attic and sends the lights to their places of the three main bulbs in the bakery. A quiet yawn escapes their lips as they lay on their stomach with their legs in the air, watching and critiquing the worker's personal outfits for the day. They always come in their own clothes when they are opening up the shop, then they change in the back to their work clothes. These two were the more common pair to open the bakery, sometimes it even seemed as though they were more than co-workers, more than friends. It was a cute relationship, something of an innocent bliss that always passed between them when they were together. Though, it was hard to assume, but always easy to place judgment and accusation. So Bly kept their wonders in a quiet space within their mind, never letting it get the better of the outward appearance of the two.

Today, however, judgment would be passed with Bly's soft remarks and hushed considerations. The taller of the co-workers, a male figure with dark brown or chestnut-like hair pulled into a short ponytail or sometimes a bun. He had hazel eyes and dimples whenever he would smile at the other coworker, his dimples also tended to make an appearance when he would playfully lie. As for the smaller of the two, also a male figure, he had curly black hair with green frosted tips and midnight brown eyes. The duo wore matching outfits today, hoodies that had different colored arms and a large pocket in the middle. The shorter had black ripped jeans with the hoodie, while the taller had dark navy jeans and the hoodie as well.

Often they would playfully bump into one another whilst working behind the counter. The short one would make different drinks and the taller would work the machine on the counter next to the large glass case that held pastries freshly made the night before or during the hours of the day. Nothing stayed too long in the case, always being swapped with another of its kind or with something new. The drinks though, they always filled the room with the sweetest scent in the mornings, something so close to chocolate and yet completely different. Some mornings it smelt of tea, often black or green, other mornings the smells of cookies in the oven or of breaded pastries filled the room.

Bly, realizing they had gotten lost in their recollections of the morning, went back to focusing on the outfits and things of the present. The small one, still in their pair's hoodie as it was a bit too large for them and the other had one that was too small, began making two drinks. It was an artwork for them as they could draw little images on the tops of their almost chocolate scented drink. As for the other drink, assumed to be green tea for the tall one, they made sure to put as much as possible in the cup. They always tended to do this because it made the tall one give a playfully frustrated response as they would attempt not to spill their drink. The small one leaned against the back counter while the tall one leaned against the front, near his machine. Small talk and banter filled the quiet room, as well as the soft hum of the drink maker behind the small one.

The doors to the sweet bakery would open soon, maybe ten to thirty minutes from now, so for a while Bly would just listen and watch the two as they joked and messed with one another. As they did this, Bly rolled onto their back, hanging their head off the side of the lofted wall, their wings meshed together and squished against the wooden panels that made the flooring of the attic creak. A soft sigh leaves them as they watch the two with an unspoken smile. Such a cute pair they would be, if not to assume a forcing standpoint. I would hope never to force such a thing on the innocent bliss the two live within.

Posted 2022-05-07 21:42:32
He somewhat stumbled into a shop of some kind, he hadn't taken a good look at what it was from the outside but sweet smells wafted around him as soon as he entered. It brought a sense of familiarity to him, something that was ancient history for mere mortals. His mismatched eyes scanned the room, there were two individuals working behind the counter in harmony but something in the back of Valentine's head was telling him that there was more here than meets the eye.

Up ahead there was the sound of commotion which drew Xiao's attention. Their expression and demeanour stayed in its almost permanently stuck away of a hollow smile and a calm aura. They watched the being come out from where they were hidden within an alleyway. They hadn't decided if they should get involved or not.

Prince of Amethyst

Posted 2022-05-07 21:56:23 (edited)
*His wings slightly curled and he growled to himself looking across the street before turning looking straight at xiao he stood there and didn't move not sure what to do*

Posted 2022-05-12 19:57:21 (edited)
A small bit of laughter came from the two behind the counter, not directed towards the stranger, but to a previous countenance that was made before the figure entered. They quieted down and the taller one gave a smile before addressing them with a friendly voice, "Hey there, is there anything you're looking for? Haven't seen you around before, but believe me, we've got the best pastries in town." There is a slight pause as he glances at the smaller one who has their back to the stranger, facing their machine they make a silly face by sticking their tongue out at the taller one. He does the same before he continues and turns back to the stranger, "If I wouldn't be fired for it, this whole case would be empty. So is there anything I can interest you in before I steal it all?"
Bly, examining the tall cotton candy man, sits up properly and stares intently. They sat on their knees with their hands holding the edges of some beams which upheld the ceiling. There was always something about a new customer that made the workers act funny, these two especially. Almost as though there were some inside joke or odd form of edict that made them a bit more cheery towards the people and a bit more open. Though, for the regulars, there was always an open and extra kindness delivered to them.

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