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Be not afraid | Semi-open

Posted 2022-05-18 07:31:09 (edited)
*Walked closer to Xiao slightly intrigued by them tilted his head with a growl*"Who are you?"

Posted 2022-05-18 12:09:14 (edited)
He could sense something between the two, something very familiar to him. Like a spark igniting, hope was returning to Valentine. Even though the other Gods had gone silent, his powers hadn't been completely lost.
"Hmm, surprising me. Or at least, whatever this can afford." Valentine responded with a renewed warmness in his voice. He took a gold coin from his pocket, unsure of its worth or if the currency was acceptable. Gods didn't have any use for money, so it wasn't something they were expected to understand.

They kept their ground, not shying away as the stranger approached. "What do I get in exchange for my name?" They cooed. This world had grown in ways that was akin to a tree twisting up to reach the sunlight. Some branches were horribly deformed and dead while others were strong and lively, Xiao had to keep their guard up while remaining calm at all times.

Prince of Amethyst

Posted 2022-05-18 22:47:28 (edited)
*Tilted his head his wings curling finally was in front of them keeping himself straight trying to make it clear he's taller than him shrugged looking at them narrowed his eyes*Protection.

Posted 2022-05-19 08:22:39
*Kept his focus on them ignoring the others near them his wings lowered slightly scraping the ground scooting closer to them until he was 2 ft away from them*"So what's your name?"

Posted 2022-07-05 08:59:36
[Watsonia; Angel]

An old woman sat near the counter of the bakery. Her table for one was decorated with a decaf coffee cup and a large croissant, which she nibbled on as she watched the people around her. This was fun- the kind, easy moments she remembered about being human, before her world grew so much larger.

And this man at the counter! There was an unearthly vibe to him. So many gods had disappeared but was this one, buying pastries with a gold coin? How delightful! Watsonia's whole body was turned to his efforts, from her outstretched legs that were crossed at the ankles to her slumped cardigan-hooded shoulders.

"I'll cover whatever this young man wants!" She called over. Her shoulders bounced with a breathy laugh, hee hee hee!! "I'm not quite sure if they take gold coins, honey."
Heehoo 🗣️

Posted 2022-07-05 20:59:21
The sudden sound of a voice caught his attention, expression a little surprised but body relaxed. Sometimes it was hard to tell if he was naive, had no survival instincts or was just a very relaxed kind of being. Others could hurt Valentine, but he would not harm others. It was apart of his oath. "They don't?" He said to confirm, rubbing the piece of metal in his hand.

Protection was something that the guardian deity did not need, they were a skilled defender after all. Offensive combat had never been their style. "Xiao. And you?" They finally gave their name, face still holding that blank smile.

Prince of Amethyst

Posted 2022-07-05 21:03:53 (edited)
(last post failed so i'll just plop her around the decent city side lmao)


The half angel's face screwed up slightly as she got through to the less destroyed side of the city, away from the crumbling warehouses and apartments they chose to hang around, away from... well, away from exactly this. The mix of humans, demons, angels, animals. Chaos. But sometimes a sweet thing was in order, maybe buying something decent for home.

It was clearly a quiet day, the buzz of activity was muted and rather enjoyable but it did make Farren uneasy. Stupid Angel 'gifts' with birds eyeing her from their perches, back itching and wings threatening to reveal her to the throngs of people... they almost shook their head, doglike. You aren't a 'main character', quit thinking so pathetically! Get the food and go. Farren thought with a small grin. Overdramatic as always, always thinking the worst of things.

She paused at a small store, a bejewelled set catching her wandering eye. Maybe.... maybe she could get earrings. That would be nice. "Do you have any similar earrings to that set?" She asked to start off and a few minutes later waved a goodbye, earrings tucked into her purse.

𓆏 phrog 𓆏⁠

Posted 2022-07-05 21:35:03 (edited)
[Watsonia | Angel]
Watsonia smiled warmly at the strange man. What a hoot! Pink hair and a gold coin. "Well, I mean they might. But it might be better if they invested it. Haha!! Help these young people pay off some college debt." Ultimately, her teasing would depend on if the employees would accept a good coin. She supposed anything was possible if angels and demons were real.

[Gasper | Demon]

Tucked into the shadow of an alley, the demon Gasper leaned his shoulder against the brick and blew rings of smoke into the fresh air. It had been a long night. His old human crew got caught again trespassing, and the party was raided by human authorities. He disappeared, of course. As soon as there were sirens to be heard above the thumping bass, he was invisible and out the door. It was probably about time to get a new group together. They were getting sloppy, and he'd rather have his humans fall without taking him with them.

To his surprise, someone caught his eye. Some girl, who had all the birds looking at her. Weird. He watched idly as she ducked into a small shop nearby and returned shortly, sticking something into her purse. Interesting.

"I saw that." Gasper leaned his head into the Main Street, putting his body in her path to slow her. His crooked smile grew, "Just had to give my congrats to such a quick con. For someone who looks like a Disney princess, you certainly aren't acting like one."
Heehoo 🗣️

Posted 2022-07-05 21:51:21

Letting out a huff of annoyance as someone deliberately stepped into her path, Farren raised an eyebrow at their words. "Such sweet words, oh my. Except, had you been looking more closely, you'd see I payed." Pulling a small coin from her purse, she flicked it once with a small grin. "Whatever has the world come to, accusing innocent women of shoplifting?"

Internally, they were rather surprised. Maybe a small ring had made its way onto her hand, nestled amongst the others, but how had this person known? Did they know, or was it simply the oddness of her slipping away her earrings so quickly, prepared for someone else's hand to slip and snatch them from her. They were overpriced anyway, such a small addition to her shopping would hardly be missed, already looking as though it was seconds away from slipping, lost to the ground underfoot.

In any case, if this man didn't let her go, she could probably call out for help, thief or get off me, causing enough time to get away. Or simply direct the surrounding people to help her get away and pull the other away.

𓆏 phrog 𓆏⁠

Posted 2022-07-06 19:32:50
((How long should we wait for the others? Though I suppose they can jump back in whenever if they come back.))

[Gasper | Demon]

"Ah! Pardon me, Princess," Gasper idly flicked his cigarette to the concrete and crushed the cinders with a black sneaker, "I don't accuse innocent women of anything." His head was lowered, his eyes glinting mischievously through cracks in his hair. He wouldn't accuse an innocent woman- but he would accuse her.

Gasper was aware of the sight of himself. The black clothes, dried and cracking paint, the bags under his eyes. He could feel his four small horns growing warm in the light of day. They were hidden literally by his dark hair- And hidden in plain sight with some carefully planted Bobby pins and a headband. "Carry on. Don't meet to accidentally scare an upstanding citizen."
Heehoo 🗣️

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