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Be not afraid | Semi-open

Posted 2022-07-20 21:19:58
[Farren | Half Angel] / [Dante | Demon - cat form]

A small itch in Farren's back grew as she continued through the streets. She hated walking through here when it was dark, unable to see much more than basic details. She sped up a little, trying to push down the worry in her mind, simply moving along. Turning down the street to her home, Dante speeding after her, they just reached the corner when, as they suspected, their wings burst from.... well, wherever they went when not out.

Dante, extremely startled, puffed up with a loud yelp and Farren turned to hush him, glancing at the street around them. "None of that, be quiet please!" Her wings flapped, rather limp on the ground before she managed to get herself under control, tucking them against her back and digging in her purse for her keys.

𓆏 phrog 𓆏⁠

Posted 2022-07-20 23:26:14
[ Valentine | God ]

There was a brief moment where he wondered if he had a name of his own to offer. Of course he did, he had been sleeping not knocked unconscious. But those two could go hand in hand. "It's nice to meet you Miss Watsonia, I'm Valentine." He took a seat across from her and offered his hand for a handshake. It was slowly becoming clearer to him what she was, the familiarity making him relax. Not that he wasn't usually relaxed.

[ Xiao | Guardian deity ]

If this being had been anything but a Guardian deity or a God, they would've instantly been on the defensive. But they were siblings in arms, in a way. "Have we met before?" Xiao asked them. It would be likely that they had, there were only a few Guardian deities and they'd worked together as one big team to duos.

Prince of Amethyst

Posted 2022-07-20 23:37:10
♧ Ateus - Guardian Deity ♧

Ateus thought for a moment, but their face stayed stony on the outside. They finally answered after a minute or two, "not likely. I mostly keep to myself. But, theres a possibility you've seen me on the off chance I helped our kind with chaos at one of the gates." They said, hands not moving from where they were clasped behind their back. This deity felt familiar, but they couldn't pinpoint why.

This would probably bother them for a while, but if they could talk to him for a little, they could probably figure out what was so familiar.

𓆏 Angel 𓆏

Posted 2022-07-22 16:53:40
[Watsonia | Angel]
Watsonia reached out her wrinkly hand and gripped his tightly, putting her left hand on top of his. Her smile was broad and white, all real teeth. "Ah, the pleasure is all mine, dear Valentine." She watched him with interest. He was quite particular. The fact that they were both not quite human crackled in the air. "You seem interesting. What brings you into our little town?"

[Gasper | Demon]

Oh I McFreakin knew it…! Gasper was shocked. He rocked on his feet and fell back from the sudden jump scare of Angel wings. Though he remained invisible, he hoped the little thump his bum made when it hit the dirt didn't alert either of them.

What now?? His natural enemy stood before him. While he was a full demon, Gasper didn't have any knowledge of fighting or facing an Angel head-on. His eyes found the little black cat again. A beautiful black cat, but a strange one. It's little body had puffed up quite considerably from the scare. What would it do? If it were supernatural, would it calm down? Gasper slowly rose and jogged ahead, keeping the cat and her keys in his sights.
Heehoo πŸ—£οΈ

Posted 2022-07-22 16:58:47
[Farren | Half Angel] / [Dante | Demon - cat form]

Dante's thoughts were racing, it was one thing hearing of her but seeing the wings in person? Surely he should do something, but the cats needed someone who was willing to help, they could hang around her apartment if needed and she seemed to have food. A small thump behind him alerted the cat and now, turned back towards the scent, he could smell the demon. Letting out a soft hiss, he moved closer to the angel. No, half angel. She brought food and safety for not only the demon but the cats as well. He might not be as strong as Gasper but he could fight a little!

𓆏 phrog 𓆏⁠

Posted 2022-07-22 17:21:46
[Gasper | Demon]

Gasper paused once more. The cat! His cover was blown. He felt the gentle disappointment of wanting to befriend a cat and seeing it upset with you. Fine.

Perhaps he had been wrong? The cat was peculiar, but maybe it wasn't a demon at all. Gasper felt his mind rush with the possibility that it was an Angel all along, blessed with a supernatural ability to shift. Or it was just a very smart, loyal cat. At any rate, he was now outnumbered by roughly fourteen pounds of a beast. He decided to try something knew.

"Easy, kitty." Gasper said softly. He held up his hands in a soft show of peace as he flickered back into sight. The angel's wings were gone once more as she dug in her purse. "Hope you don't have any pepper spray in there, Princess. I mean no harm. I just happened to witness your… predicament."
Heehoo πŸ—£οΈ

Posted 2022-07-22 17:48:39
[Farren | Half Angel] / [Dante | Demon - cat form]

(on mobile forgive any mistakes please and thank u<3)

Farren practically hissed herself, wings reappearing as she spun around, keys pointed at Gasper. "You're lucky I don't!" Dante hesitated, not really wanting anyone to be stabbed with.... keys. Maybe not terrible but oh well. So, no keys but also how would she react to 2 demons?

Farren frowned, trying the door handle again and damnit, still locked. Stupid shaky hands. Unoccupied hand dipping into her purse she scowled at the demon, trying to summon up the confidence she had earlier. "Why the hell are you following me? Creepy dude, don't you realise how terrifying that is?" Oh finally, an actual weapon. Pulling out the small dagger, oh it was actually really tiny why was it in there, she pointed it at Gasper and shifted her hand to try unlock the door without looking.

𓆏 phrog 𓆏⁠

Posted 2022-07-22 18:15:24
((That's ok I'm always on mobile I get it))

[Gasper | Demon]

"Sorry, creepy comes a little naturally to me." He pointed to the knife casually, his hand limp and close to his chest. "What are you going to do with that? Can that even kill me?" He wasn't sure. Demon rules still evaded him. It was much more fun to bathe in a night of drugs and drinking for years and years than to get stabbed for science. Then again, how many times would you need to use it to kill a regular human?

He showed his empty palms again. "You're kind of in my part of town. I can certainly make other plans here if I need to scram. I have, quite simply, never met an Angel before. You're quite an interesting woman." Did she have a phone?? Gasper watched her struggle with her door. He preferred his victims came with him willingly. If she called the police, he didn't want to linger. They made things difficult. He didn't like to do difficult things.
Heehoo πŸ—£οΈ

Posted 2022-07-22 19:24:47 (edited)
Farren | Half Angel] / [Dante | Demon - cat form

"We'll find out I suppose!" She snapped back, twisting the key viciously. Dante glanced between them until Gasper spoke again. Farren huffed an almost laugh, wings shifting into an almost sheild. "Angels, those arrogant asses. Good for nothing but their foolish games wherever they hide." Her door clicked and she shoved it open, Dante puffing up again to try keep Gasper away, a strong grumble coming from his small body. Glancing to the side she was relieved to see an actual weapon, a spear, resting against the wall. Hah! Good to be prepared. Grabbing it instead the half angel pointed it at the demon. "That might not have killed you and who knows if this will but it will certainly hurt!" Her hands had calmed, the door open behind her, something to fight with in her hand.

𓆏 phrog 𓆏⁠

Posted 2022-07-23 21:37:14
[ Valentine | God ]

He wasn't sure how to answer, what was he supposed to say? Valentine wouldn't lie, he wasn't good at it in the first place. He decided he'd be vague on the details. "I'm not from around here, so I'm on a little adventure." He chirped. He was trying to rediscover the world, interested in each change.

[ Xiao | Guardian deity ]

The dark haired individual moved closer to inspect the other guardian closer. Xiao's face was unexpressive, but their usual hollow smile had dropped to look a little more serious.

Prince of Amethyst

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