Be not afraid: Character sheets | Semi-open
Posted 2022-10-01 15:30:16
![]() Prince of Amethyst #60184 |
Posted 2022-10-04 07:14:07 (edited)
Gender: Female/She/Her Age: Looks Early 20's Species: Angel/Human hybrid(if thats alloud-) Orientation/attraction: Pansexual. Personality: Normally quite upbeat and almost hyper, Echo plays the role of a childish young adult. ADHD, ADD, and a few other mental disorders cause her not care much about what people/angels/demons think of her. so she is quite free, and not afraid to be herself. She more often than not tries, and does, stay positive, obtomistic, always looking on the bright side, never losing hope. Thats her "Phrase", a suppose you could say. "never lose hope." Appearance: a small girl with Beautiful long blond hair thats often put into a ponytail, and bright blue eyes that complement her hair. she has a bit of a bigger body size, Definately not "hour glass shape", but she has a small dip just before her hips and a big behind. white wings that are a little on the smaller side, but big enough for her to lift off the ground. a golden halo hangs peacfully above her head. A harsh scar under her feathers on her write wing. a burn scar. Abilities/powers: She speed up the healing process in a human body, but it drains her own energy. Wolves. she has always loved the animals, and recently found that she is able to speak with a few of the pack animals. she can fly, though her wings are small, so its hard for her to carry people while in the sky. her singing voice can put anyone to sleep. Fear(s): Fire, Lions, Dragons, the dark Backstory: Echo lived a mostly happy childhood with her mother, father, and brother. they were a "perfect family", if you didnt mind that an angel, her Mother, was with a human. She had been asleep when her brother woke in the middle of the night, quietly padding to the kitchen to find a snack. He had found himself turning on the stove to make something. the next thing Echo had known, her wing was stuck under a peice of burning wood while she screams for help. tears running fast down her face as flames and embers take up her vision. "please!!" she had cried out, until her voice was numb. until she couldnt scream anymore. Suddenly she sees a large-ish figure, rushing through the fire. her father . . . .? HER FATHER! the human male pants as he makes it to his daughter, the wood Echo was under was much to big for one person . . . but he still tried. Echo's father wraps his arms around the embering wood, lifting it. but he falls back, trapping himself under the same thing he was trying to save Echo from. "Dad!" she had called, wanting to help. "Go, Echo! there's not enough time for me, RUN!" Echo has tears rolling down her face as she escapes the burning bulding. only to find her brother and mother didnt make it . . . Other: Fallen Trauma can be dipped into more in roleplay :) |
Echo_OfTheStorm #88526 |
Posted 2022-10-04 09:44:26
![]() Prince of Amethyst #60184 |
Posted 2022-10-07 13:50:55 (edited)
Gender: Demi Boy (He-They) Age: 26 Species: Angel Orientation/attraction: Gay and Poly, though he's very particular and mentally worn Personality: He's quiet and stubborn about everything and anything in the world. He also has tendencies to just go quiet and get lost in thought, leaving most to forget his presence. He doesn't talk a lot but when he does it is very rambley. Appearance: Raynez stands at 5'10 and 137 pounds. He is fair skinned with freckles that dart over his cheeks and nose. His hair falls down to his shoulders and is a dark brownish-black color. Ray has soft violet eyes, which are caused from his ability to analyze, though he often wears blue contacts to try and hide the coloring from others. He also has a very thin silver halo, though it does not glow or shimmer. His hair also happens to be naturally wavy, though he keeps it wrapped up on a bun when sleeping or very stressed out. He does not like dressing as most men do, he prefers feminine esc clothing. He's often seen with a shear black shirt on that has a white crop-topped hoodie over it. The hoodie also has a small crescent moon over the right breast side. To go with his top, he wears tighter black jeans and white high-top shoes. Generally he wears some form of jewelry so I may describe that more in RP (If accepted of course), though he always has an amethyst necklace tucked down against his chest. Abilities/powers: He does not have any true abilities as most would say but he has the gift of analyzing. He can see things and understand them in ways no one else can. Fear(s): Raynez is honestly not afraid of much. He sees the world through facts and that is how it will always be for him. The one thing he does fear however, is loud noises. He's not sure why, he just shies away from them. Backstory:He's a quiet observer of the world, doing his best to find the good in everything and everyone. He often has done less optimal things in his past because of this and it has led to him being an outcast. Raynez has never been one to show his emotions, no matter how serious. Most see him as a stone wall, however, once you break those dense walls, he is a very kind and compassionate person. Although soft spoken, he has always been very stubborn and will always make those known, even if it is through a simple head shake or nod. He's always felt alone and abnormal, which has worn him down mentally though he does his best to hide it. He has 'always' been an angel but he never formed many connections to anyone, instead digging his head into books and histories. That his been his life, wake up, eat, read, classes, sleep. (However, unknown to Ray, he was born human. At 4 his mother killed herself and left him on the streets. A god took pity on him and blessed him as an angel, however, he still has his mortality and does not much comprehend what all being an angel entails.) |I kinda intended for him to find something or a reason to try and follow what he is and when he is deemed a successful angel, he will get his immortality and wings, though nothing else. Im trying to have a little minor driving plot for myself if that makes any sense because every character has their own story, wishes and goals. Plus I think I'd be an interesting thing to write. Of course, let me know if you want anything changed!| Other: He tends to pick at the skin on his fingertips, which leaves them reddened. | Fallen | (Edit: I fixed a typo and forgot his name. Somehow) |
*~River Reed~* #65049 |
Posted 2022-10-08 03:39:24
![]() Prince of Amethyst #60184 |
Posted 2022-12-05 10:15:21
Name: Jinni Gender: Agender [Any Pronouns] Age: 25 Species: Angel Orientation/attraction: Demiromantic Bisexual Personality: Jinni is rather quiet, only speaking when needed and even then in rather short and to-the-point sentences. He seems to have a dislike for humans and only really trusts demons and angels, as they see them as allies against the humans who hurt her. They are rather intelligent and intuitive, and tends to look at things as they are without a positive nor negative lense. Once you get to know them better, they have a rather good sense of humor and also very affectionate to those she cares about. Appearance: ![]() The picture above, with a yellow halo Abilities/powers: Invisibility, Minor Illusions, Can create Small Balls Of Light. (No offensive abilities) Fear(s): [Humans, Heights] Backstory: Jinni left to try and help the humans, and they really did try his best. However, humans didn't seem to think he was doing enough. And so, they forcibly cut off Jinni's wings to earn money. Ever since, Jinni has been a silent observer of all the chaos, helping any demon or angel in danger because of humans. Other: Fallen |
![]() ☀️🦦Mayfly🦦 ☀️ #94853 |
Posted 2022-12-05 10:29:22
I'll update the character list when I can. |
![]() Prince of Amethyst #60184 |
Posted 2022-12-05 13:08:54 (edited)
Gender: Male Age: ??? Looks young Species: Angel Orientation/attraction: Unknown Personality: He hides any of his real emotions not wanting to be vulnerable. Appearance: A tall male at 7'0 with purple eyes and dark brown hair. A snake tattoo on his neck with one ear pierced and a silver ring. Has two scars on his back. Abilities/powers: Skilled with a Dagger, Sword, and really any weapons. Fear(s): Being tied up Backstory: The Angel turned against God in a rebellion, then lost his wings and was abandoned on earth. He's a skilled assassin and was hired by many but feeling wrong he would hide in abandoned buildings and stores. He was getting lonely and one day walked out exploring around. Other: Fallen |
Lake #86839 |
Posted 2022-12-05 14:47:20 (edited)
Gender: Male Age: ??? Looks young Species: Guardian Deities Orientation/attraction: Unknown Personality: Sweet and kind but can be brutal and mean. Appearance: Average height with a slight build with brown/gold eyes and black hair. Abilities/powers: Fast runner, Skilled with a dagger, Likes to climb trees Fear(s): Snakes Backstory: The loyal male was made a deity at the age of......well he doesn't remember. He doesn't know the others and prefers hanging out by himself. When he makes friends he guards them with his life and loves them. Other: Fallen |
Lake #86839 |
Posted 2022-12-05 18:39:05
![]() Prince of Amethyst #60184 |