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Wolvden Public Hospital

Posted 2021-06-29 15:25:19

I can send you a flu cure if still needed x


Posted 2021-07-18 17:23:58 (edited)
Gonna repost with updated list!


Posted 2021-07-26 11:52:26
My lead wolf just got sick with diarrhea and I don't have the SC to buy the cure/3 charcoal outright - if someone could help me out I'm willing to donate/swap for other medicines I have in my small stockpile!

Posted 2021-07-26 12:02:39
I can send use the spare I have from when my lead got it! It's just one wolf right?


Posted 2021-07-26 12:03:56
Yes, thank you very much

Posted 2021-07-28 19:00:07 (edited)

Hey! Just checking in and seeing if anyone needs anything! What I've got to offer is:


1x Antidote (1 use)

2x Constipation Cure (4 uses)

1x Cystitis Cure (1 use)

3x Ear Mits Ointment (5 uses)

4x Flea Remedy (8 uses)

1x Heatstroke Remedy (2 uses)

1x Hepatitis Cure (2 Uses)

1x Infection Balm (2 Uses)

2x Influenza Cure (3 uses)

1x Mange Salve (2 Uses)

1x Open Wound Salve (2 uses)

1x Pox Balm (2 uses)

2x Ringworm Salva (2 uses)

3x Tapeworm Remedy (6 uses)


A lot lol if you need a specific herb just lmk and I'll see if I have it!


Posted 2021-07-28 19:16:20
hey does any one have the diarrhea cure?

my lead wolf has the diarrhea.

my new herbalist doesn't have all the herbs to make the cure


Posted 2021-07-28 19:17:15
i don't have the cure but i can send you the herbs for it?


Posted 2021-07-28 19:44:15
@ tetsutesu # 5956

that works for me. thank you so much


Posted 2021-07-28 19:45:33
No problemo! Setting up the gift now <3


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