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Wolvden Public Hospital

Posted 2021-07-29 11:50:03
In need of an influenza cure, please!

Posted 2021-07-29 11:59:41
Sending you an Influenza cure!!

SwiftSilence98[ON HIATUS]

Posted 2021-07-29 12:01:58
Thank you so much! xx

Posted 2021-07-29 15:24:56
Does anyone have kava?

Posted 2021-07-29 17:17:43
I think I do, how much do you need?


Posted 2021-07-30 04:20:51
I have five wolves with fleas and one wolf with cystitis, if anybody could help it would be fantastic! I'm really struggling to find the herbs I need and exchanging isn't cutting it.


Posted 2021-07-30 04:37:09
@Oleander I got u, sending cures


Posted 2021-07-30 04:41:21
Thank you so, so much!


Posted 2021-07-30 09:34:11
Needing more herbs for cure for all and the rich healing

0/1 Mullein
0/1 Boneset
0/1 Spoonwood
0/1 Tansy
1/1 Turmeric
0/1 Aloe
0/1 Carrionflower
0/1 Ginger
0/1 Cedar Bark                   
1/3 Chaparral
0/3 Burning Bush
0/3 Buffaloberry
2/3 Charcoal
0/3 Aloe

𝐕𝐞𝐱 [Back from hiatus]

Posted 2021-07-31 00:23:57
If anyone has heat stroke (2) and 2 cough cures please send them to my friend he really needs them, I am willing to pay for them to heal there wolfs just lmk!

𝐕𝐞𝐱 [Back from hiatus]

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