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Taunybury Wolf RP (but the actual rp this time)

Posted 2022-06-30 12:23:52
(Two days.)

Posted 2022-06-30 12:24:38
( A lot, just read thru :p)


Posted 2022-06-30 12:27:47
(Ugggggh. I just made muffins and am monitoring them from my brother & my dog so the muffins aren't devoured before I get one and am trying to watch Hamilton as well.)

Posted 2022-06-30 23:51:56
After a long sleep, he woke up and sleepily looked around. All of the other wolves were either asleep or resting. Shilha was still resting against him and he felt grateful for her presence. He gently nudged her. "Shilha?"


Posted 2022-07-01 00:15:38
if anyone is a technoblade fan, you might wanna look on twitter or youtube. . )))

weyeire :)

Posted 2022-07-01 07:04:39
"Mmmm..?" Shilah blinks her eyes groggily at Hermes then buries her face deeper into their fur, "Warm. Sleep. Need." all this was mumbled against Hermes.

((It's not just people who aren't fans of morning))


Posted 2022-07-01 07:08:55
(I'm going to cry. This was someone I looked up to. )


Posted 2022-07-01 07:11:16
((Sorry ya'll lost an idol))


Posted 2022-07-01 07:15:01
(One of my family members asked now I'm crying argh.
Also sorry if I seem off or don't respond, I have a hard time processing death.)


Posted 2022-07-01 13:23:48
(I'm crying oh my god )


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