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Taunybury Wolf RP (but the actual rp this time)

Posted 2022-06-14 08:33:10
Rain decides to go hunt for a small meal and walks into the forest.


Posted 2022-06-14 08:34:57
Storm followed Rain, moving carefully and keeping well in the shadows. It began to rain gently. Irabessa slunk after Storm, though not keeping to the shadows as well.

Posted 2022-06-14 08:36:38
Rain's ears perked and he smelled wolf and rabbit. He goes and stalks the rabbit, keeping note of where he smells the wolf, or maybe wolves.


Posted 2022-06-14 08:39:25
Storm froze, perking his ears and listening. That rabbit would be the perfect opportunity... he circled back, then went and cut the rabbit off at the front without startling it. If he could do this right, it would be nice. Irabessa watched Storm, and stopped following.

Posted 2022-06-14 08:45:16
Rain pounced on the rabbit, and turned to the stranger. He saw only one wolf at first, then slowly realized there were two and says "is standing upwind of someone a foreigner thing, or have you guys just never hunted?"


Posted 2022-06-14 08:46:22
Storm looked offended. "It was her idea. She's dumb sometimes," He rolled his eyes. Irabessa blinked, so now this was her fault? She said nothing.

Posted 2022-06-14 08:48:26
Rain smiles and says "May I get your names?"


Posted 2022-06-14 08:50:21
"My name is Storm. This idiot is Irabessa," Storm replied, cutting off Irabessa, who had just opened her mouth to speak.

Posted 2022-06-14 08:51:55
"Well. Would you be comfortable sharing your power with me Irabessa? It seems your friend has some kinds of shadow magic. I used to hear stories about the Dark-Wolves."


Posted 2022-06-14 08:53:21
Irabessa pawed the ground nervously, looking to Storm for guidance. She hated talking to others about her powers. Storm sighed. "She's a Dragon-wolf," He said. (ok are dogs allowed here?)

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