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Taunybury Wolf RP (but the actual rp this time)

Posted 2022-06-14 09:19:19
Rain went to check on whisper, concerned that the pup had still now awaken


Posted 2022-06-14 09:21:54 (edited)
Irabessa just lurked since idk what to do rn.

(I love how sm1 else I'm in a big rp with is online but just not doing anything. Probably afk but still. (this is sarcasm) Ok, I said that and they went offline. Am I cursed?)

Posted 2022-06-14 09:24:30
(Nah your character just stands their and does their own thing. Usually if that's happening we send search parties lol)

"So, where didja come from?"


Posted 2022-06-14 09:26:04
(lol. this is my only form of amusement right about now. a rather good one but I'm still bored) "I-" Irabessa hesitated.

Posted 2022-06-14 09:32:40
"It's alright, y'dont haveta say"


Posted 2022-06-14 09:34:35
Irabessa smiled sheepishly.

Posted 2022-06-14 10:18:01
Mirage had zoned out for a while, before finally zoning in again. There was a new wolf, Oh Dreamer, not another one. Too many wolves- he thought, observing the new wolf.
"Rain?" He called "Who's this?"

weyeire :)

Posted 2022-06-14 10:18:32
Irabessa jumped at the sound of a new voice.

Posted 2022-06-14 10:21:02
Mirage jumped at the sudden movement, stumbling back a few pawsteps. Theseus, his raccoon kit, heald onto his fur tight, hissing at the sudden movement.

weyeire :)

Posted 2022-06-14 10:23:15
"I found them with a Shadow-wolf!! they're a Drake! Isn't that cool!!"


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