Limit Thread Bumping
Posted 2022-05-22 16:42:41
Hiya! Can I buy some of those items? / I'd like to participate in this giveaway. This happens even now, often as a result of bumping but sometimes without it as well. The way it's handled now is that someone comments after this person and tells them "the thread creator hasn't been online in over a year," and further requests on the thread tend to stop after that. The player, however, may go on to dig up other old threads and effectively spam the question in them as well. What could happen with a change of rules is that they're reported for necroing, get a warning, and are punished if they repeat that behaviour. Moderators don't interfere subtly and that's by design. When there's an issue, they usually leave a comment in the offending thread saying "please be nice to each other/adhere to (x) rule/be mindful of your behaviour" and so on. These comments already help increase visibility and remind people of the rules, they would just follow the same procedure. Hai, I commissioned an art 3 months ago, could I get an update? This is not affected by whether bumping exists as a feature or not. It's participation in a thread, not spam just for the sake of making a thread more visible. It's not an abuse of forum features. Possible solutions as mentioned above: - report the user, and they'll get a warning like the ones in the previous example (This isn't a punishment in either case, just a gentle reminder to either send a private message about inquiries, not necro, or make a modbox ticket if it's been long enough that they'd like a refund/think they were cheated.) - avoid this entirely by adding different time limits to different subforums (Different subforums already have different rules, it's not that hard to add a 'by the way, don't post in threads older than (X) months here.') In either case, I don't think "new users won't read the rules" is a viable argument against implementing rules, otherwise we wouldn't have ones against harassment and the likes either. All that said, my suggestion is about limiting thread bumping and this is going further and further away from that. You will never get a satisfactory answer on how to update the rules from me because formal, official jargon is impossible for me. English isn't my first language and I'm struggling just responding to you; there's a reason running sites like these is typically a paid position and there's a reason I'm not being paid for it. |
Flower #3196 |
Posted 2022-08-07 18:42:51
I think everybody should be able to bump active threads, mostly because it cuts down on spam replies. Also I agree that the suggestion forum should be exempt from new bump limits. |
Badger #10939 |
Posted 2022-08-08 13:40:57
Flower #3196 |