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[DNR] Keeping Track of Milestones

[DNR] Keeping Track of Milestones
Posted 2022-06-17 00:26:48
Please do NOT reply to this! Thank u

This will basically serve as like a diary/blog to keep track of my achievements and voice out my thoughts/feelings as I play the game.

I've been meaning to make this when I first started but I was too lazy (and also shy lol) to do so but now I'm just eff it

Anyone is welcome to read my ramblings and tracking of things!
But if u're very inclined to reply to anything I say for whatever reason , just DM me^^


Posted 2022-06-17 01:57:21

First Litter Born!

On my first day playing the game, I bred Albedo, my lead, to the first in-heat NBW I had. Because it was a quest from Tala, the twins were born instantly and it was exciting to see what the parents produced. As can be seen from my pfp, my lead's name, and me sharing on my profile, I love also playing Genshin Impact so I took inspiration from that interest in the way I would name some of my wolves.

The mother is named Kaya after one of the free beginner characters u get when u begin the game because they and Albedo are a popular ship in the fandom. The pronunciation of both names is the same with the only difference being the spelling, omitting an 'e' for the wolf .

The twins are named after the term in alchemy, "Magnum opus". In the Magnum opus, there are four stages, the second stage being called albedo!

Second Litter Born!

Since I'm still fairly new to the game, I've been breeding Albedo to every female wolf that eventually went into heat . Alatus, (also named after another Genshin character ) was a pretty T2 wolf I saw in the TC and the first pregnancy I had to wait 4 ROs for. I had actually forgotten she was due today so it was a very pleasant surprise to see their four new puppies!

And wowie! It's really cool to see 4 different bases in one litter. They all have similar markings as expected and inherited their eye colors from each parent except for the marengo-based one. I wonder where in Alatus' family tree this pup got her blue eyes from. I'll probably look through the tree later to figure it out.

The largest puppy is my most favorite one out of this litter! Her red coat reminds me of a certain redhead Genshin character so expect her to be named after him, maybe.

One of the goals I have with my pack is to eventually reach G10 from Albedo's lineage (it seems it's G13 through Alatus') so this red pup might be the one I'll choose to focus on continuing his line.


Posted 2022-06-30 14:08:11
For the first time, I experienced wolves leaving my pack this rollover. Because of my enthusiasm in getting many wolves, I ran out of space once the young ones became adults. Three of my adols left, Livie, and Albedo's first pups, Magnus and Opus. Since I couldn't make enough SC to buy more territory slots to accommodate the adols growing into adults in time, I've decided to let go some of my original NBWs.

I get attached and sentimental towards things that I've had hence why I'm updating this thread of mine to make note of when I gave away my OG NBWs. I placed Geo, Cortex, Nixim, and Barbatos up for sell in the TC and thankfully, someone bought all of them together into the same pack. I wouldn't mind if they chase them since they're not mine anymore but it'd be nice if they find themselves a permanent home in their new pack and can live out their lifespan :]

As for the three adols that left, I want all of them back, of course. However, if it comes down to choosing only one, I think I'd pick Livie because she has the more interesting appearance compared to the twins who are really mundane. I would only want the twins back just because of the sentimentality of them being Albedo's first pups ever.


Posted 2022-07-21 22:18:47
It's been almost a month since my last update, and I've been playing for almost two. In regards to the three adols who left in my last entry, I got all three of them back! Opus and Livie have had pups, although Opus' are adopted as she has a female mate <3

A new special base was introduced for this month's lunar event called Artemis! And I absolutely love the blue color it is and its name! It reminds me of the Artemis theme I went with for my prom outfit years ago where I had a midnight blue dress to represent the night sky with motifs of the moon in my crescent earrings, necklace and rings, silver eye contacts and nail polish.

Of course, I changed Albedo's base to it. As of right now, only 0.02% (~247 from when I counted off the list today) wolves have the Artemis base. Since the number is so low cuz the base is still fairly new, I got the idea that I wanna help increase the percentage LOL

I finally put Albedo publicly as a stud so hopefully I'd be able to breed Artemis base pups with others' female wolves. I also had Albedo breed with the in heat females in our pack but most are high G# so I assume the chances of an Artemis base pup from any of them might be low :( About eight females are pregnant with a total of 26 pups coming, and if none of them have an Artemis base, I'd be very disappointed, pfft.


Posted 2022-08-19 03:12:03
(reread this before posting and god, my thoughts are all over the place. ik no one will ever read this but if someone does, ignore my run ons or just bad writing. i'm truly just blabbing, pfft)

Haha, seems like I'll being doing monthly updates judging from my previous ones. The urge to update seems to come naturally every month.

Anyways, since the last time I posted on this thread, I finally firsthand experienced puppy death in my pack due to the lack of pupsitters I had. They're just fictional wolves but seeing a pup die in my pack for the first time made me genuinely feel that heavy, sad feeling in my stomach. It may be dramatic of me but I did feel bad and regretful; like I could have prevented this pup's death if I had been more responsible in managing my pupsitters and creating boosts for the puppies' survival chances because I also have been very lacking in food/amusement items. So far, only 4 pups have died.

However, with the influx of pups that are born in my pack, I've become desensitized to the idea of any more dying. Unless it was a particular pup I became attached to and aim to permanently keep in my pack, most of the pups that are born in my pack are trivial to me now since they aren't that significant in appearance or stats.

I've kept a few pups though. Regarding them, these particular 5 (Swan, Embers, Rusty, Vega, and Rome) wolves were the prettiest or ones I liked the most in their generation of pups being born so I decided to keep them. They actually all became adults today BUT, I lacked territory spots so 2 ran away :") Vega and Rome come home, please

As mentioned last month, Albedo has the Artemis base and to call back my ending statement in the last post, I am very, very, VERY disappointed. In the last month of breeding Albedo with females, not ONE pup that I'm aware of (from my own females or others') have inherited the Artemis base. Because of that, it's become my mission to keep breeding pups with Albedo until I finally receive one with his base. It's also become a personal, unspoken project (well, now it's not unspoken LOL) to help increase the percentage of Artemis wolves on this site. As of right now, there's only 0.04% It may be very ambitious of me, but I'd like to see it increase to 1%, haha.

Well, moving on, RVRSE (pronounced reverse lol, I'll be calling those 5 wolves from earlier as such from now on) may become my first batch of wolves to chase. I intended to keep them all but after seeing 2 of them run away because of my lack of adult spots, I realize I can't keep up with keeping the pups I want each time litters are born with the amount of adult spots I have because I'm always lacking in SC. I've decided to just chase RVRSE instead of selling them off as I usually do, and only keep a wolf if it's somehow a T3 or with a unique mutation.

Oh, I've also been finding so many chased wolves. There have been a few pretty ones that I'm happy to have. Because I often lack spots in my pack, I've also contemplated letting go some of my older, typically high generation wolves in favor for the G1 chaseds I find. I might even put them up for sale on TC, and if no one adopts them, may chase them.

Ah, as for Vega and Rome who ran away, it sucks I have to buy them back only to chase them again but they're lovely boys so whoever finds them, I hope they enjoy them in their pack.

My sentimental attachment to my early wolves might hold me back from letting them go but I think I really am leaning to letting them go for more space.

There is also these twin wolves I kept because they're blue (my fave color) and I feel clever for naming them. They're named Blackice (M) and Blueice (F). I want to keep them but I may consider chasing them depending on things. They're G2 with their mother being Navy, who I believe is my very first found chased and one I kept.


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