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Vie Antérieure [IC]

Posted 2022-07-20 21:06:46
◇ Finch ◇

Finch gave her a stern look, elbowing her as if to tell her to stop. "Haha, yeah. A true godsend." He answered, smirking slightly to himself. He watched Avi out of the corner of his eye, trying to see if she felt the feeling too. "Well, I'd invite you up to our apartment, but I dont know if you'd accept." He said, throwing and arm around Avi and leaning on them slightly.

𓆏 Angel 𓆏

Posted 2022-07-20 21:14:51

Avi smirked, ignoring Finch's sharp elbow digging into their side. Slouching comfortably, they bore Finch's extra weight, tilting their head a little. "Might need to clean up a little, have a few things laying around but yeah, if you'd like you and your pup can come on up. Good thing I did go shopping, isn't it Finch?" She snarked, jabbing a finger into his side. "I'm sure it would've been a wonderful dinner, chips and an apple."

𓆏 phrog 𓆏⁠

Posted 2022-07-20 22:14:49
I'll use Akihiko once I have a better understanding of what the evil people do ))

[ Valentine ]

"As long as you're not fussed about dog fur, it's fine with me." He accepted the invitation. He had a few different things to do, such as more unpacking and going through some notes he's taken during classes, but he could sacrifice some time. He wasn't a grade A student nor one that was failing.

It was nice seeing two friends converse with each other, Valentine didn't have any people like that. It wasn't something he'd complain about, he did feel like he was missing something.

Prince of Amethyst

Posted 2022-07-20 22:28:29 (edited)
Alright!! I'm probably gonna make a villain character in a little while anyways, so I can help you with figuring out what to do))

◇ Finch ◇

"Yeah, your room is really messy, Avi." He teased, shaking his head slightly. He snorted, rolling his eyes. "I wouldnt have complained if that's what we were having." He said, pulling his body away when she jabbed him in the side. "Ouch! Stop that, your fingers are pointy." He said, narrowing his eyes in a playful manner.

After a little while he turned back to Valentine, "Awesome! Then you can meet my rats!" He said, smiling at the other man before turning back to Avi and ruffling her hair. "Yeah, we don't mind dog hair. Avi sheds like one anyways." He teased.

𓆏 Angel 𓆏

Posted 2022-07-20 22:36:42

Avi batted his hand away, flicking her now mussed up hair away from her face and ducking away from him, shaking her keys. "You forget I can lock you out, brat. Valentine seems quite nice but I certainly won't be letting you back in!" She grinned and turned back to the stairs, keeping her hand along the railing as she headed back to the apartment, figuring they better clean up a little. Worth heading up the stairs alone again, didn't want anyone's first impression of them to be messy.

𓆏 phrog 𓆏⁠

Posted 2022-07-20 22:50:22
Thanks, I don't want to unintentionally stray from the ideas you already have. Also short reply because I'm multitasking. ))

[ Valentine ]

He let out a quiet snort, finding Finch's comment about Avi shedding like a dog funny. It was good that he shared a common interest with one of them and would get to know them both better.

Prince of Amethyst

Posted 2022-07-20 22:53:55
◇ Finch ◇

He smiled at Valentine, "well, we should probably give her a couple minutes head start. She cleans fast, but not that fast." He said, waiting for a little bit before starting to walk up the stairs. "C'mon!" He called back, starting to move faster up the stairs. He knew that Avi would probably be almost done by now, he could never figure out how they did it but he wasnt complaining.

𓆏 Angel 𓆏

Posted 2022-07-20 23:02:06

They were almost done, really just needing to sort out clothes and close doors as well as making sure the rats were all okay and locked up. The kitchen was clean and all restocked, ready for Finch to cook. Avi could do a lot around the house and did fairly well being half blind but they refused to cook, much too nervous for something to go wrong. After all, not being able to see properly would not go well with hot food, plates, and sharp knives. She also moved her keys and everything back to her room, making sure not to leave them on the counter or anything.

𓆏 phrog 𓆏⁠

Posted 2022-07-20 23:11:13
[ Valentine ]

He followed after the young man, husky at his side. "How long have you two lived here?" Valentine asked, quickly stepping up the stairs so he wouldn't get left behind by Finch's fast movements.

Prince of Amethyst

Posted 2022-07-20 23:15:11
◇ Finch ◇

Finch hummed slightly, thinking. "Uhhh, about 3 to 4 years." He answered, slowing down so that Valentine could catch up. "Its a very nice apartment complex, I know you'll like it." He reached the top of the stairs and opened the door to their apartment. "Home sweet home." He said, spinning before dropping his bag next to the door. He immediately moved into the kitchen like he always did, trying to figure out what to make for dinner.

𓆏 Angel 𓆏

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