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Call of the Shadowseekers Rp (COTSRP a Warrior Cat rp) Signups

Posted 2022-07-27 17:04:29 (edited)

Name: Moth
Age: 3 Moons
Gender: Agender(They/It/He)
Sexuality: Undecided
Clan: MoorClan
Role: Kit
Description: A fluffy, pale brown kitten with dark brown spots and dark born ear tips. Their legs, underbelly, bottom half of their face, bridge of their nose, and tip of their tail are white and the bottom half of their front legs as well as their back paws are a similar pale brown as the rest of their body and they have dark brown spots across their face mimicking freckles. Moth's eyes are half blue, half yellow with a glossed over look to them as a result of being blind and it's ears are folded.
Personality(Will add to this later): An untrusting and relatively shy kit who rarely speaks to others and prefers to spend his time by themselves and is always anxious when around others for extended periods of time.
Family: Moth is currently an orphan-
Backstory: Will add later
Other: N/A


Posted 2022-07-27 23:29:37
Name (prefix only): Pebble
Age: 24 moons
Gender: Female
Sexuality (optional): Bisexual
Clan: Rippleclan
Role: Warrior
Description (looks): dark grey(almost black she-cat) with red spots over her fur, and a long red stripe a long her back, and has folded ears with red tips. Blue eyes, and small red socks on her paws, her tail is completly red.
Personality: Very loyal, Trusting, can be very Naïve, and sometimes very sneaky.
Family: Her mother: Redspots: looks very similar to Pebble, however her ears are up right and her eyes are forest green. Her Father: Stonefur: dark grey tabby tom, ice blue eyes(this is where Pebble got her eyes from) Fireflight: orange tabby tom, and Greyheart: grey tabby she-cat
Backstory (optional): NA(will add one later, I plan on writing a huge story for her that would be to long for on here lol)
Other: She stopped growing at apprentice height, she takes on any role that she needs to do for the time being(she knows how to help, heal and take care of cats.)
Here is her ref:  ignore the tc part, that was part of a different rp, that I am no longer apart of :)


Posted 2022-07-28 09:54:04
Welcome MothKit and PebbleMoon!

⚜ Vilina ⚜

Posted 2022-07-28 10:44:53
Ty :3, that is a cute name ending :)


Posted 2022-07-28 14:02:45
Welcome MooseWhisker! As MoorClan has no leader yet I appoint you deputy of MoorClan!

⚜ Vilina ⚜

Posted 2022-07-28 14:12:21 (edited)
ack did not mean to post again!


Posted 2022-07-28 14:53:11
Welcome FangShine!

⚜ Vilina ⚜

Posted 2022-07-28 15:36:55 (edited)
Name (prefix only): Shade
Age: 27 Moons
Gender: Male
Sexuality (optional): Bisexual
Clan: Moorclan
Role: Warrior
Description (looks): Shade is a lithe, short-furred tom with with a fluffy chest and tail. He has sleek black fur with even darker melanistic rosette spots. His feet are a lighter color, black bordering on darker gray. His short fur isn't great in the wintertime, leaving him generally cold. His melanistic fur provides a sharp contrast against the snow across the moors when it snows. He has some small scars on his hind leg and face.
[Image removed by moderator]

Personality: Shade is a quiet cat, preferring to seclude himself from others and work in the tunnels or hunt. He's more of a follower than a leader, always being one to watch and form his own opinions when disagreements occur in the clan. He's not usually the first one to speak up about issues, preferring to muse in silence. Despite his generally quiet personality, he can have a flashfire temper if something really rubs him the wrong way. It's generally considered odd if the usually quiet tom gets worked up about something, but it does happen. Shade cares for his clan, although he doesn't really show it, though it comes across as the opposite with his personality. He's got a soft spot for the kits and queens of the clan.
Family: None (Deceased)
Backstory (optional): Shade was born in the middle of leaf-bare, the worst possible time of year for a kit to be born. He was one kit in a litter of three, his siblings not making it past their first moon of life. Being the only kit in the nursery at the time, along with a grieving, but trying, set of parents, and a leaf-bare so cold he generally wasn't allowed to leave the den, Shade didn't have much interaction as a kit. He grew in silence, watched as his parents grieved over the loss of his siblings. He never blamed them, but it was surely a part of the reason as to why he was such a quiet cat. He watched as they both got sick with greencough, then whitecough, as they both passed away within a half moon of one another, killed from their own sadness and sickness that plagued them. Shade's own sadness was always second-thought to him, a numbness that he could never quite shake, but he couldn't seem to acknowledge it either. He became an apprentice, as quiet as ever, though his mentor tried to get him to expand his non-existent social circle. He found hunting and tunnelling to be something that he actually enjoyed, even though tunnelling alone was strictly prohibited. This feeling never changed, even as he became a warrior of the clan. (will probably add more onto this later)
Other: N/A but might think of something to put here

WolfyFC | Mela Breeder

Posted 2022-07-28 16:48:06
Welcome ShadePool!

⚜ Vilina ⚜

Posted 2022-07-29 06:43:32
Name: Toucan (for suffix suggestions, Toucan'flight, Toucan'feather, or Toucan'tail)
Age: 25 moons
Gender: She-cat
Sexuality: Aroace
Clan: Brackenclan
Role: Warrior (or medicine cat if that's not taken yet)
Description: A white cat with red eyes, basically, an albino cat!
Personality: Timid and very rude, but sometimes can be friendly.
Family: Two unknown deceased parents, Siblings are free to make though.
Backstory: N/A (i don't have time for it even though I woke up)
Other: Toucan be like "No talk, me angy."

Kewi [Teardrop President]

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