Call of the Shadowseekers Rp (COTSRP a Warrior Cat rp) Signups
Posted 2022-08-10 21:01:52
![]() Matlock (NC) #70862 |
Posted 2022-08-10 21:05:25
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![]() ⚜ Vilina ⚜ #60937 |
Posted 2022-08-10 21:32:21
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![]() Mae #77151 |
Posted 2022-08-10 21:36:48
![]() ⚜ Vilina ⚜ #60937 |
Posted 2022-08-11 08:08:33
Age: 37 moons Gender: female Sexuality (optional): aromantic (feels physical attraction to anyone, but never acts up on it) Clan: BirdClan Role: Medicine Cat Description (looks): She is a brown marbled tabby, with dark brown stripes and a lighter brown underbelly. Her eyes are a glossed over grey, indicating that she is blind. (It's not full pitch black, but rather completey blurry, almost burred into one color based on the level of light around her). ![]() line art by @/Bilashakala on DeviantArt, coloring by me Personality: she is stern with her words, as if needing to prove herself with her disability. Some may say she's also brash. But deep down she is a kind soul, truly caring for her clan and all cats despite their allegiance. Family: open Backstory (optional): normal medicine cat life. Was born into the clan, became med cat app, and took over when the previous med cat died/retired. Other: N/A |
![]() BrindleLeaf (Inactive) #81549 |
Posted 2022-08-11 11:20:44
![]() ⚜ Vilina ⚜ #60937 |
Posted 2022-08-12 14:53:22
![]() Name: Quiet- Age: 29 moons Gender: Molly (she/her) Sexuality: Pansexual Clan: MoorClan Role: Medicine cat Description: Quiet- is a lithe lynx point she-cat with white spotting. Her face and limbs are a darker charcoal, mingled with hints of chestnut. Her back, in contrast, is a lighter and more dusty-gray hue, while her core is even lighter (near white). Her muzzle is white, and she has an uneven blaze creeping up the bridge of her nose. She has four white mittens and a white chest, while her tail is nearly black due to the thickness of her stripes. Quiet- is a tabby like all lynx points, although her pattern is classic/blotched rather than mackerel. Quiet-'s eyes are an ocean blue color, typical of cats with point genetics. Being that they're light in color, she sees better in the dark than she does the light. In fact, her vision seems to be a little impaired in general, while her hearing is excellent to make up for her lack of sight. She also has a cute mottled nose. The medicine cat has a smaller form, and like most of those in MoorClan, she's quite lean in structure. This stature allows her to better maneuver in the tunnels whenever she finds it necessary, and also allows her to squeeze into unlikely spaces in order to acquire herbs. In addition, this makes her agile and quick on her paws so that she might escape potential enemies, an ability that is an asset to a defenseless medicine cat. Personality: +++ Calm, generous, steadfast // Confidential, stubborn --- Secretive, opportunistic, crafty Quiet- is generally harmless and a cat who is considered to be relatively wholesome, although seriously devoted to her studies. She often spends her time with her nose stuffed into her herbs, researching their abilities and attempting to discover new remedies. However, this often causes her to be reserved towards her fellow clanmates, although nonetheless caring and generous towards them when she works with them. Quiet- is tight-lipped in nature and keeps things to herself, which can sometimes make her seem a little suspicious. What is she doing, and where is she going? Although stable and loyal to the idea of studying and discovering, Quiet- can be a little too opportunistic and stubborn. If a cat attempts to deny treatment, and they happen to be injured...she'll use said injury against them in order to forcefully treat them. While she may be small and not particularly strong, she'll use whatever muscles she has to force an uncompliant warrior to sit down and receive treatment. Family: Deersnap - Mother; deceased Harestreak - Father; deceased Pebblekit & Wheatkit - Littermates; deceased Hay- - Older brother; OPEN (38 moons) Backstory: Quietkit was born to Deersnap and Harestreak of MoorClan under the light of a lunar eclipse. Her father, Harestreak, died that morning in a tunnel collapse, and her littermates, Pebblekit and Wheatkit, died not long after birth. MoorClan's medicine cat was able to resuscitate and spare Quietkit's life. The medicine cat deemed her survival a sign from StarClan, that the kitten would be their next medicine cat. However, Quietkit grew up with her mother in the nursery while idolizing her older brother, Haypaw, who was a warrior apprentice. She aspired to be a great warrior just like her older brother, but the ancestors had other plans for her. Quietpaw was shepherded into the role of medicine cat apprentice, much to her disappointment. The medicine cat lectured her on about prophecy, about how StarClan chose medicine cat successors and that they'd selected her. Quietpaw spent several moons as an apprentice regretting the fate the ancestors had chosen for her, until her training paid off. Hay-, now a warrior, had a tunnel collapse on him. Quietpaw had been out of camp hanging out with her brother during the collapse, and thanks to her training, was able to save his life. Hay- has been especially protective and close to his sister ever since. After saving her brother's life, Quietpaw came to respect her position as medicine cat apprentice. She became interested and dedicated in her craft, having a sudden urge to experiment and discover new herbs. She was grateful that her mentor dedicated so much time to training her and trying to convince her that being a medicine cat was an honorable duty. When her mentor came to pass, she grieved them heavily,. Other: N/A |
![]() 20mia08 #18414 |
Posted 2022-08-12 15:18:35
![]() ⚜ Vilina ⚜ #60937 |
Posted 2022-08-12 16:03:24
![]() 20mia08 #18414 |
Posted 2022-08-12 16:09:45
![]() ⚜ Vilina ⚜ #60937 |