Call of the Shadowseekers Rp (COTSRP a Warrior Cat rp) Signups
Posted 2022-08-21 12:48:46
⚜ Vilina Bean Noel ⚜ #60937 |
Posted 2022-08-22 13:12:57 (edited)
Age: 26 Moons Gender: Female Sexuality (optional): Bisexual Clan: MoorClan Role: Leader (9 out of 9) Description (looks): Personality: Cotton___ is standoffish, but kind once you get to know her. She is always kind when it comes to talking to her clanmates. Sometimes, Cotton___ gets overwhelmed and wont talk to anyone until she finishes her task, unless it is an absolute emergency. She would like to build friendly relationships with the other clans, but wont hesitate to finish a fight if one is started by them. To quote aristocats "a lady doesn't start fights, but she can finish them" Family: Parents WiltingBlaze and RabbitTongue - Deceased, Siblings - None, but it'd be fine if someone wanted their character to be related to her c: Backstory (optional): You'll see ;b Other: Just tell me if I need to edit anything, Hope <3 |
𓆏 Angel 𓆏 #9655 |
Posted 2022-08-22 13:14:49 (edited)
⚜ Vilina Bean Noel ⚜ #60937 |
Posted 2022-08-22 13:18:03
DetectivePurple #2186 |
Posted 2022-08-22 13:18:50
𓆏 Angel 𓆏 #9655 |
Posted 2022-08-22 13:20:21
Raven #67661 |
Posted 2022-08-22 13:22:10
DetectivePurple #2186 |
Posted 2022-08-22 13:27:07
Raven #67661 |
Posted 2022-08-22 13:31:21
DetectivePurple #2186 |
Posted 2022-08-22 13:37:28
20mia08 #18414 |