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Call of the Shadowseekers Rp (COTSRP a Warrior Cat rp) Signups

Posted 2022-08-22 16:35:55 (edited)

lisa zins of flickr
Name: Spruce-
Age: 25 moons
Gender: Tom (he/him/they)
Sexuality: Demisexual
Clan: BirdClan (formerly RippleClan/kittypet)
Role: Warrior
Description: Spruce- is quite the athlete, as evidence by his long and powerful form that is symbolic of that of the leopard. However, while it seems like he'd be massive, Spruce- is a bit on the shorter side for a tom. That is, he's stocky and just so happened to be the unfortunate runt of his litter. His short, dense fur is meant to be relatively waterproof thanks to his ancestry, and is russet-brown in color. He has darker rosette patterns that fade to near black at his legs and tail. His muzzle is off-white and anchors several tangled white whiskers. Spruce-'s eyes are a pale green, outlined by stripes that appear to be natural eyeliner.
+++ Gentle, humble, polite
// Awkward, private
--- Aloof, submissive, cautious

He's a bit of an outlier when compared to his bubbly BirdClan clanmates. Spruce- isn't the most social butterfly, and given his history, it's no surprise that he's excessively cautious and tends to keep to himself. He's held onto his near-death experience since kithood, even if the details are difficult to recall. He doesn't tend to initiate conversations, and finds it difficult to hold them when talking to a stranger or caught off-guard. Despite appearing physically capable, he's often referred to as "spineless", due to his submissive tendencies. Nonetheless, he's a gentle fellow with phenomenal manners. Spruce- is very down-to-earth when his space is appreciated and others respect his boundaries. If you don't, he's somewhat of a bumbling mess, and aΒ  bit of an escapist.
Leopard- - Mother; OPEN (RippleClan warrior, 59 moons)
Minnowflip - Father; deceased
Wobblepaw & Grasswhisker - Littermates; deceased
Bark- - Sister; OPEN (RippleClan warrior, 25 moons)
Twigkit's birth was most unfortunate. His mother, Leopard-, had broken off her relationship with Minnowflip shortly after she discovered her pregnancy. She had no interest in pursuing a relationship- she merely wanted a litter to provide RippleClan with capable warriors. Twigkit was born alongside Wobblekit, Grasskit, and Barkkit, and luck...well, it wasn't in his favor at that time. He was the runt of their little, and therefore was doomed to a watery grave.

...Or was he? At the time of his drowning, a storm had begun to brew. As he was submerged below the river's water, it became too strong for the adult cats to handle. They lost their grip on Twigkit, and he was swept downstream. Due to the severity of the weather and water, the clan assumed that Twigkit was dead.

A twoleg was fishing down the river with his kittypet, Smooch, and saved the kitten from the river. Twigkit was taken home with the twoleg and kittypet, where he was renamed "Romeo" and was officially adopted. As he grew, he held onto those dark (albeit extremely faint) memories of what happened to him as a kitten. Smooch was a seasoned kittypet who knew of the clan cats well, specifically RippleClan due to their river being nearby.

Romeo lived as a kittypet until he was a year old. The old twoleg had passed away, leaving Smooch and Romeo without a proper home to call their own. Smooch was old, but reassured Romeo that his best chance of survival was with the clan cats, specifically BirdClan (as they seemed to be the least aggressive). Romeo was nervous and begged that his housemate joined him, but Smooch refused. He encouraged Romeo to once again join the clans, but Romeo remained by his side. He did his best to hunt, to survive as a loner and provide for Smooch. But eventually, the old kittypet caught greencough, and couldn't survive.

Romeo was all by himself, and finally turned to the clans. He joined BirdClan at 15 moons old, and was apprenticed as "Sprucepaw". Although he's lived with them for 10 moons and is officially a warrior, he still tends to behave awkwardly around most of his clanmates. He hasn't admitted his past as a surviving RippleClan runt (this all was revealed to him by Smooch, of course), and it's unlikely that he'll do so any time soon. Spruce- often avoids RippleClan as much as possible.
Other: He's petrified of water and RippleClan, obviously for all the right reasons.


Posted 2022-08-22 20:20:06
Welcome SpruceBranch!

⚜ Vilina ⚜

Posted 2022-08-27 12:54:17 (edited)
Name (prefix only): Elm
Age: 38 moons
Gender: Male
Sexuality (optional):Panromantic/asexual
Clan: BirdClan
Role: Warrior

Description (looks): With shaggy fur, Elm___ has medium-length fur, except for the fur on the side of his face and his legs. His eyes always look drowsy or sad though he is actually quite the opposite (more about that in the personality). He has a bushy tail that makes him awesome to play with kits with. He has brown fur with dark brown mackerel tabby stripes, with a white underbelly, legs, bottom of his face and even white across the bridge of his snout. He has a scar across his snout and a scar on the left side of his hip. His ref sheet is at the bottom of this.

Personality: Elm___ is a kind soul, often playing with the kits, helping the apprentices when needed and just helps whenever he can. He wants to help out as much as he can, but feels like that he's getting in the way of the cats who were born into the clan.
Family: N/A
Backstory (optional): Elm___ was born a loner, though had wanted more with his life. Seeing how the clans worked from afar, so he had decided to ask the current leader of BirdClan since he noticed that outsiders only joined them. They agreed and he's been in the clan for 13 moons now, he just hopes that him being in the clan isn't an inconvenience to those born in said clan.

Other: He got the scar on his face on his second day being in the clan from a patrol with another clan that got out of hand.

Elm___'s ref sheet :):


Posted 2022-08-27 15:35:28
When do you think the rp will start?


Posted 2022-08-27 15:52:09
Welcome ElmHeart!

@DetectivePurple, you can start rping whenever you want! I'm kinda hoping that more people will come and make the leaders for BrackenClan and RippleClan as well as warriors.

⚜ Vilina ⚜

Posted 2022-08-28 20:18:19 (edited)
Oh my goodness Im so sorry for taking so long to post my character. I made a remastered version to fit this roleplay and just put (suffix) in place of his original name to fit the rules and edit it later so it looks normal. Please tell me if I did anything wrong here-


I also apologize for it being so long, I took the backstory and FLEW with it


Posted 2022-08-28 21:58:04
@Soleil, your bio is beautifully written! The only thing to edit would be the clan as this RP doesn't use the cannon clans from the series. This link will take you to the Google doc with info on BrackenClan, BirdClan, RippleClan, and MoorClan.

⚜ Vilina ⚜

Posted 2022-08-28 22:03:09
Ah! Right, I knew I was forgetting something when I posted it. I meant to have him in BirdClan instead of ThunderClan, I'll edit it.


Posted 2022-08-28 22:11:03
Accepted FalconStripe!

⚜ Vilina ⚜

Posted 2022-08-28 22:15:06
I love that so much :0 I also apologize for some of the editing mistakes on the form. I made it in a hurry and wanted to post it as soon as possible, It'll be edited as soon as I can get around to it.


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