Call of the Shadowseekers Rp (COTSRP a Warrior Cat rp) Signups
Posted 2022-09-01 19:05:17
I've responded to the Little Wanderer post :D |
🐀Slumbering_Opo🐀 #65778 |
Posted 2022-09-01 19:06:36
Charlie #79338 |
Posted 2022-09-01 20:08:36 (edited)
Age: 27 Moons Gender: Female Sexuality (optional): Heterosexual Clan: Ripple'Clan Role: Warrior Description (looks): A pale colorpoint molly with brown paws, a brown tail tip, and a brown nose. She has faint stripes along her legs fading into the brown. Half-Blind. Her eyes are sage green. She has a ripped left ear and a scar over her left eye socket. Personality: A relatively calm molly. She is well known for thinking before acting, however her downfall is that she overthinks things a lot. She is very blunt at times, which gets mistaken as her being rude. Loyal and hardworking, despite all of that. Sometimes she can be a bit strange. Family: Cream'Stripe(Mother), Fox'Leap(Father), and Adder'Paw(Brother) - All deceased Backstory (optional): N/A Other: Open for family additions! |
Aiwi #84601 |
Posted 2022-09-01 20:54:21
@Matlock, the discription for Sky___ is blank, perhaps the pic didn't load? Also I put out a new announcement in the group! I just wanted to let everyone know. |
⚜ Vilina Bean Noel ⚜ #60937 |
Posted 2022-09-01 21:11:35
for now, A description. I updated it. |
Mat(xmas name)lock (NC) #70862 |
Posted 2022-09-01 21:14:55
⚜ Vilina Bean Noel ⚜ #60937 |
Posted 2022-09-01 21:29:56
I'm waiting on a character reference sheet, currrently to be able to submit it as google didn't have any images I liked Just a curiousity is all |
Anønymøus #46892 |
Posted 2022-09-01 21:33:31
⚜ Vilina Bean Noel ⚜ #60937 |
Posted 2022-09-01 21:42:56
Anønymøus #46892 |
Posted 2022-09-01 21:46:56
⚜ Vilina Bean Noel ⚜ #60937 |