Call of the Shadowseekers Rp (COTSRP a Warrior Cat rp) Signups
Posted 2022-09-06 19:44:07 (edited)
Age: 37 moons Gender: afab Genderqueer (he/they/neopronouns) Sexuality: Cupiosexual Grayromantic Clan: None Role: Kittypet Description: Blu is a medium-sized, skinny tom with black and golden fur, white petal-shaped patches, and a white underbelly. His fur is well-groomed and extremly long and she has round leaf-green eyes. Personality: Blu is slightly more extroverted, being very talkative, open and perceptive. He is guided strongly by his heart, often melancholic and calm. His world view is mostly pessimistic. He is alert, patient, absentminded, unambitious, transparent and unprincipled. Blu is slow to think, which reflects in his decisions, skills and conversations. They enjoy thunderstorms, finding lightning beautiful. They're very neat and grooms their fur often. While Blu would like to have kittens, they aren't 100% sure of the idea of having a mate. Family: Claimable ig- Other: Blu is colorblind, deuteranopia colorblind to be specific |
OutFocus #54024 |
Posted 2022-09-07 17:39:22 (edited)
Age: 22 moons Gender: She-cat Sexuality (optional): Pansexual/panromantic Clan: Loner Role: Loner Description (looks): A very plump ragdoll she-cat, she has much darker fur compared to her older brother Songbird. With dark fern eyes, she also has folded ears with dark brown limbs, back, tail and face. Her neck fluff is white (with a large patch where the chin and neck meet still be her light brown fur color) that extends to her front legs, white spots meeting the rest of the body where the white on the legs are at (That sounds confusing, so I'll put Duckling's ref at the bottom). Personality: Duckling is very sweet, she tries to cheer some cat up and get them to laugh, even if she doesn't intend to. She hangs around the twoleg nests sometimes, often getting food from them. She hates it when cats judge her, so she tries her best to keep her eating kittypet food a secret, though sometimes it's hard to due to her always failing at lying. Speaking of which, she isn't a lying cat, her face often giving away she's hiding something when it's brought up in a conversation. She sometimes thinks about being a kittypet, but she doesn't want to break her close-knit relationship with her family. She's really curious about the clans, sometimes going too close for her own good. Family: ( 𓆏 Angel 𓆏 #9655 is the one who came up with Songbird and his family first, I just claimed to be Duckling ^^) Feather - F - Mother - Available to claim! - 63 moons Eagle - M - Father - deceased Owl - F - Older sister - Available to claim! - 26 moons Songbird - M - Older brother - Played by 𓆏 Angel 𓆏 #9655 - 26 moons Kingfisher - M - Older brother - Available to claim! - 26 moons Hawk - M - Littermate - Available to claim! - 22 moons Backstory (optional): She's stuck close to her littermate, and really looks up to her older siblings. When she was a kit (5 moons old), she had gone too close to the river and fell in, making a RippleClan cat come and save her. When her mother found out, she was always told to stay close, said mother worried about her getting into dangerous trouble that could end up with Duckling killed. So, Duckling stayed behind while her brothers went out to explore most of the time, though she finally ran out to explore when her mother and brothers were asleep and came across a twoleg. The twoleg had left and came back with a bowl of what looked to be rabbit droppings, feeling weirded out, she decided to go for it and actually liked it! She ate the whole bowl before going back to her nest with her family (which did take a bit as she got lost). The rest is history from there! Other: Ever since the cat from RippleClan had saved Duckling, she's been wanting to find that cat and thank them (main reason why she's curious about the clan). Also, she used to get nightmares of the river due to falling in and all that (I'm not sure what it is with me and having characters have nightmares of water-) Annnd, her ref sheet :): ![]() |
![]() 🐀Slumbering_Opo🐀 #65778 |
Posted 2022-09-07 17:49:38
Ooo, who saved Duckling? Also someone please make the BrackenClan leader. ![]() |
![]() ⚜ Vilina ⚜ #60937 |
Posted 2022-09-07 17:52:06
Anyone from RippleClan can be the cat that saves her if they'd like to be ^^ |
![]() 🐀Slumbering_Opo🐀 #65778 |
Posted 2022-09-07 17:53:30
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![]() 𓆏 Angel 𓆏 #9655 |
Posted 2022-09-07 17:54:00
![]() 🐀Slumbering_Opo🐀 #65778 |
Posted 2022-09-07 17:54:14
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![]() ⚜ Vilina ⚜ #60937 |
Posted 2022-09-07 22:26:36
I'll have to draw their ref though, so it'll take me a bit :) |
![]() 🐀Slumbering_Opo🐀 #65778 |
Posted 2022-09-08 17:42:31
OutFocus #54024 |
Posted 2022-09-08 20:48:39
![]() ⚜ Vilina ⚜ #60937 |