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Call of the Shadowseekers Rp (COTSRP a Warrior Cat rp) Signups

Posted 2022-09-10 16:50:52
Name (prefix only): Mudded
Age: 47 moons
Gender: tom
Sexuality (optional): heterosexual
Clan: BrackenClan
Role: leader (7/9 lives)
Description (looks): A light gray-ish base color, Mudded___ has a light cream under-belly with brown spots that go lighter onto his torso. The brown markings also go lighter when meeting the paws, a dark gray-ish stripe goes all the way down his body from the nose to the tail tip. The light cream under-belly extends to the chin and the underside of his tail. He has a large scar indent on his right ear. He also has soft fern eyes; his ref is at the bottom :)

Personality: Mudded___ is unclear of his emotions, often not showing them well unless a topic calls for it. He is seen as distant from his clan, though it's not that he doesn't like them, he just gets lost in his thoughts sometimes. He is strict sometimes, when something comes up, he never ignores it, making sure whatever has happened is over with fast. Not much of a gossiper, though in his younger years he loved to gossip about cats from his clan.

Family: Mother - NPC named Snowydust (She's albino, also an elder), father - deceased, littermate - deceased.

Backstory (optional): Mudded___ was born with the name Mudkit! When he was an apprentice (7 moons old), he had accidently gone too far near an area with rats, his ear being bitten in the process. Luckily, it wasn't infected, and he was all good! 2 moons later (Now 9 moons), he went near the twolegplace; he got captured by a twoleg and was trapped in their nest for a couple of days before his clanmates had found where he had gone. When the rescue patrol got him out, his mother had reprehended him, and he was made to stay in camp for a moon before continuing his apprenticeship (Meaning he became a warrior at 13 moons instead of 12 :]). The leader at the time had changed Mudpaw's name to Muddedpath when he became a warrior, due to the recklessness he had done, though the newly named warrior didn't mind, liking the name. After some time, Muddedpath was made the deputy as he had stood up for a she-cat with no place to call home when everyone in the clan thought to just drive her off BrackenClan territory.

Other: His ref sheet :)


Posted 2022-09-10 16:53:26
Welcome MuddedStar!

⚜ Vilina Bean Noel ⚜

Posted 2022-09-10 17:00:49
Absolutely love him and the drawing btw!


Posted 2022-09-10 17:04:27
Thank you :D!!


Posted 2022-09-10 17:19:27 (edited)
[ Image removed by moderator ]

Name (prefix only): Aloe
Age: 34 moons
Gender: Female
Sexuality (optional): Pansexual
Clan: BrackenClan
Role: Warrior
Description (looks): Aloe___ is a tortoiseshell with heterochromic eyes, one yellow-orange and the other blue. She has a white marking on her face that fades out, as well as scraggly whiskers.
Personality: Aloe___ is a very kind and polite she-cat, although she often doesnt take care of herself because shes helping others. She enjoys taking care of kits, and prefers playing with them over talking to other cats. Sometimes she wonders what it's like to be leader, but would never want that kind of responsibility. The only time she talks about her feelings is when she's alone and knows Starclan is listening... or could it be something more malicious?
Backstory (optional): Not much is known about Aloe___, only that she was found at the border as a kit, and was taken in by the clan.
Other: Shes gonna have a villain arc teehee >:)

𓆏 Angel 𓆏

Posted 2022-09-10 17:23:02 (edited)
Welcome AloeLeaf!

Oooooo, evil mewmew...... Maybe I should reveal the afterlife drama....

⚜ Vilina Bean Noel ⚜

Posted 2022-09-10 17:28:30
Wait- do any of the clans have a Deputy? Cause I'm thinking of making a Deputy if  possible-

Posted 2022-09-10 17:29:35
RippleClan and MoorClan have deputies so far, BirdClan and BrackenClan don't.

⚜ Vilina Bean Noel ⚜

Posted 2022-09-10 17:31:15 (edited)
Mk mk, thank you- gonna edit my new baby for the role of BirdClan Deputy-

Posted 2022-09-10 18:02:06 (edited)
Name: Rams
Age: 33 Moons
Gender: Questioning Male
Sexuality: Unlabeled
Clan: BirdClan
Role: Deputy
Description: Rams is a medium-sized, skinny tom with golden cream fur which is shiny, long, and fluffy. His eyes are primarily green with a blue-ish purple inner circle. He has a scar in the form of scratch marks running sideways across his eyes, surprisingly enough she can see perfectly fine.
Personality: Rams is a quite the odd cat, often closed off and unintentionally inconsiderate and uncaring due to not having much understanding of social cues or emotions. Rams doesn't have any strong opinions on Clan politics and prefers to stay out of them as much as possible. He has a bad habit of vocal stimming at random, this paired with his typical blank stare comes off as creepy for most.
Family: Claimable!
Backstory: W.I.P
Other: Rams smells vaguely of champagne??? Somehow??? Also he is v autistic, the personification of the words "please don't make fun of him, it's his first day, and he's trying his very best" and it is hilarious for me.

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