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Call of the Shadowseekers Rp (COTSRP a Warrior Cat rp) Signups

Posted 2022-09-10 18:29:15
Welcome RamsSnow!

⚜ Vilina ⚜

Posted 2022-09-10 19:34:28 (edited)
Name (prefix only): Hibiscus
Age: 13 moons
Gender: intersex, female (she/her)
Sexuality (optional): undecided
Clan: MoorClan
Role: Warrior

Description (looks): she's a small pale calico cat, with fluffy fur and light brown eyes.

Personality: she's quiet, and is able to keep calm in almost all situations, or that's what people see in her, but really she doesn't show emotion on her face even if she feels it truly. And she's smart, very smart. She was able to pick up and memorize different herbs, animals, and plants, and would love to identify all the types and species that grew or wandered around the camp when she was a kit.

Mother: CherryBranch - F - NPC
Father: BriarBush - M - NPC
siblings: BlossomPool - F - NPC, DappledFern - M - NPC, MapleScratch - F - NPC

Backstory (optional): When she was a kit, Hibiscus was a very smart cat. She seemed to prefer keeping to herself, and had an interest in the small animals and plants around the camp. She would frequently hang out around the medicine den, learning about the herbs and plants while watching the medicine cat work on her clan mates. She was quieter than the other kits, and didn't seem to like playing with them all that much. She'd much rather watch the animals and tell her mom about all the new things she found. Despite her interest, eagerness to learn, and intelligence about medicine, she was given the role of warrior.

Other:Β  I was going to make her med app but realized I already had a high role πŸ˜”πŸŽ»


Posted 2022-09-10 19:48:49
@ -*+Mae+*- Do you wanna rp FallingStar and CalmStream

𓆏 Angel 𓆏

Posted 2022-09-10 20:02:21
Sure do you want to start the thread or whatnot


Posted 2022-09-10 20:02:52
Absolutely heheheh

𓆏 Angel 𓆏

Posted 2022-09-10 20:03:02
Gimme a sec and I'll put one up

𓆏 Angel 𓆏

Posted 2022-09-10 20:12:34
@ -*+Mae+*- Done!

𓆏 Angel 𓆏

Posted 2022-09-11 17:11:31
Would anyone like to rp? I'm a bit bored and don't really have anything to do-

Posted 2022-09-12 14:07:02
Name (prefix only): False
Age: 7 moons
Gender: non-binary/male(he/him/it/its/they/them)
Clan: n/a if that's okay
Role: loner if that's okay
Description (looks): trans pride colored sorta. mainly white. black eyes.
Personality: Traitorous, double-crossing, evil, spying pest
Family: unknown(probably dead)

Posted 2022-09-13 21:38:55 (edited)
Name:Β  Boulder (would like a siffix like 'foot" but also open to anything!)
Age:Β  23 Moons
Gender: Tom
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Clan: BrackenClan
Role: Warrior
Description: Large, broad shouldered tom with a thick black coat. He has a white chest, large white paws, and a white stripe down his face and muzzle. He has dazzling emerald green eyes that stand out starkly against his dark pelt. He has largeΒ  paws with black and pink speckled paw pads. He has long whiskers and ear tufts.
[ Image removed by moderator ]Personality:Β  On the outside, he seems distant, reserved, and calculating. He holds onto a cold and stony exterior to hide his heart, which has already been burned and scorned in his short life. He is quick witted and can be funny, if he tries. He can sometimes be too trusting, which has led to him being hurt in the past. He has a big heart, and is fiercely loyal to his kin and his Clan.
Fernbounce - Mother - BrackenClan PermaQueen - 45 Moons - Alive, Adoptable
Pouncetail - Father - BrackenClan Warrior - Deceased
Clay___ - Sister - BrackenClan Warrior - 23 Moons - Alive, Adoptable
Obsidian___ - Brother - BrackenClan Warrior - 23 Moons - Alive, Adoptable
Yarrowpaw - Brother - BrackenClan Apprentice - Deceased

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