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Call of the Shadowseekers Rp (COTSRP a Warrior Cat rp) Signups

Posted 2022-09-14 21:41:13
Welcome BoulderFoot!

@ -*+Mae+*-, a bit of a prefix mixup. Hibiscus or Blossom?

@TheCandledStick, the closest colors to the trans flag would be a blue calico like this one: link

⚜ Vilina ⚜

Posted 2022-09-15 03:04:18
Oh shoot, I changed the name after making the sheet and forgot to get all of them. Her prefix is Hibiscus


Posted 2022-09-15 09:29:03
Is that a type of flower?


Posted 2022-09-15 09:54:11
ello! Could i potentally make a starclan cat who ties into one of my ocs backstory?


Posted 2022-09-15 10:12:30
@DetectivePurple yes! It's a beautiful flower


Posted 2022-09-15 12:31:46
That flower is beautiful :O


Posted 2022-09-15 16:05:41 (edited)
Name (prefix only): Curly (Preferably stalk, though am fine with anything ^^)
Age: 70 moons old
Gender: she-cat
Sexuality (optional): heterosexual
Clan: none currently - former MoorClan warrior
Role: Kittypet
Description (looks): Curly___ has a stocky build, with broad shoulders and thick, curly fur. Her tail was born short, and it curls at the end. She has a maroon nose with lighter maroon ears and bright yellow eyes. She has a bright yellow-orange collar with a silver bell at the end. There is a bite mark from another clan cat on her left shoulder and multiple scratch marks on her face. Her pelt is naturally light brown, though she has dark brown stripes and a fade like her son, Drifttuft (who you can read about on the first page of this forum ^^!). Her ref will be down below :)

Personality: She is strong-minded, often never changing her opinions and will stick with what she wants to do to her grave. She does believe in StarClan, though had chosen her life as a kittypet to be with her mate, Tank. She hates when many talk bad about her, though will try her best to cool her temper, unlike her son, she has learned to control her outbursts better. Curly___ does let her angry show through actions rather than words though, so you better watch out sometimes...

Mate: Tank - Tom - 67 moons - Available
Kit: Drifttuft - Tom - 25 moons - played by me :)

Backstory (optional): Curlykit was born in MoorClan and had a pretty normal life, she became an apprentice, got taught to learn the tunnels exceptionally well, and then became a warrior. Her life turned from normal to a bit drama filled when she had met a kittypet tom named Tank when she was 45 moons old. They meet in secret until she found out she would be having his kits. She had never told Tank, fearful of rejection, so she had stopped seeing him in total. After Driftkit was born, she was thrilled! She taught him somethings when he was a kit, though had left the rest to his mentor. Curly___ would chuckle when Driftpaw would try and protect her from the other cats, sure their awful words were harsh and did make her upset at times, but she was a warrior and had learned to bottle up those feelings...

When Curly___ had gotten sick (she had gotten toxoplasmosis), her weight started to drop significantly, didn't even have the appetite to eat, became lethargy, etc. The medicine cat couldn't do anything to help, and it was expected that Curly___ would join StarClan since the medicine cat didn't know how to help Curly___. As the days passed, Curly___ had gotten worse and so she had decided that if she was going to pass, then she might as well pass by Tank's side and tell him the truth about Drifttuft and why she stopped meeting him. When she had gotten there, they had met, and she told him everything and the rest is history. When Curly___ had decided to become a kittypet with Tank, she had gotten a new name. She doesn't like using it as she may not want to live the lifestyle of a warrior anymore, she still wants to keep the memories. She of course misses her kit, though she knows that she just can't live in MoorClan anymore...

Curly___ is thankful that Drifttuft had promised to not tell the clan about how she's alive and a kittypet, and sometimes she wonders what MoorClan would think if she was alive and a kittypet now...

Other: Her kittypet name is Pudding, but like I said before, she doesn't use it lol

Her ref (The headshot is ugly fr, but I can't get the motivation to finish/redo it TvT):


Posted 2022-09-15 19:25:06
Omg I love Curly so much-

Posted 2022-09-15 19:30:23
Thank you !!


Posted 2022-09-15 21:47:20 (edited)
Welcome HibiscusPool and CurlyStalk!

Or should I say "Pud-pud"? I'll be adding everyone I've missed to the roster on page 1 of this thread, or to make it easier you can find it here. I'll be posting announcement(s?) in the group tomorrow so look out for those.....

⚜ Vilina ⚜

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