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Wolf Below Me Gets :: RICH EDITION 👑 New 👑

Posted 2024-06-10 09:52:07 (edited)
TWBMG 2 random trophies+ 5 herbs!

☠Nevaneel 1#CoolGuy Fan

Posted 2024-06-16 05:09:18
I'll claim

Their choice of two/three decor or one background from the current event

Hollow Howls

Posted 2024-06-16 05:34:08
Claim! I'd like the background please :) (not sure if I get to pick, but I'd choose the plentiful crops one)

TWBMG:  Black Sage + 2 red cocks OR Kavra's Solar paint CD (9 uses)

rian | on semi-hiatus!

Posted 2024-06-16 07:20:20 (edited)
Claim the CD!
TWBMG edit three canine claws
( sorry they had been going for 2 gc a peice for the longest time now they are 1 gc a peice )


Posted 2024-06-17 19:21:07
Not claiming, they are not worth 3 GC.


Posted 2024-06-18 04:12:10 (edited)
Claiming 3 canine claws TWBMG Random decor altogether worth 3gc I changed my TWBMG from the snake skull (I didn't realise the raccoon sold those) I actually claimed it from this thread so thought it would be okay for me to use it... I'm still relatively new to wolvden sorry!


Posted 2024-06-18 05:08:33
Not claiming.
A snake skull is not worth 3 GC or more. Please remember to double check the price of an item before posting♡
Snake skulls can be purchased from the raccoon for 150 SC.

Hollow Howls

Posted 2024-06-18 13:01:27
Not claiming
Come on guys, this is the rich thread! A lot of these offers are good, but belong in the regular "click for free things" giveaway threads. If you claim something, please make sure you can offer something just as valuable (though better if it's more!)


Posted 2024-06-19 03:32:27 (edited)
TWBMG 5 glowing spores  The rules state that mystery decor bundles are allowed. I'm sure they'd be valuable to somebody? Just because you don't want to claim doesn't mean somebody else won't... it's better than the snake skull I tried using?  Either way I'll offer something else. I have nothing else to offer after this so I hope it's good enough....


Posted 2024-06-19 07:48:54 (edited)
I'll claim the spores ♡

TWBMG Blue Sage or pick of item (excluding app) from current event

Metomorph, I'm sorry that you claimed something under value. I've been trying to keep up with this thread, but I'll admit I don't always roll.
We need to double check the value of our offer before posting and it's always smart to check the value of the last poster. If you're not sure if a value sometimes chat or another user in the thread can help (anyone here is welcome to dm me for this thread since OP has been gone for a while)

Hollow Howls

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