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🌙FREE pups/adols/wolves/nbws to any players! PLEASE TAKE 🎁

Posted 2022-11-20 05:10:45
@Fathombox33 #106862

Any wolf in my "Free" cave is free to have. Any pup in the "Puppy Pile" cave with "enclave" in its name is also free to have but it would be reserved for u until it's weaned then I'll send it over.
U can take as many pups as u want!


Posted 2022-12-06 10:35:54
Is there a limit to how many? There are 5 I'm having trouble choosing between.

Posted 2022-12-06 10:40:43

Nope! U can take as many as u want


Posted 2022-12-06 11:28:29 (edited)
Can I have these 5 please, Chert enclave, Diorite enclave, Skarn enclave, Jet enclave, Howlite enclave. Thank you so much! Have a nice day! :)

Also, your den and profile design is amazing!

Posted 2022-12-06 22:28:36
Yes, of course! Thank you for taking them in. However, Skarn enclave is the only one I can send right now. The other 4 are still nursing so they'll be sent over once they're weaned.

And aha thank you!


Posted 2022-12-31 05:29:34
Hello! Can I get this one ? She's sooo cute!

Posted 2022-12-31 06:10:41
Yeah! I'll send her over right now. Thanks for giving her a new home!


Posted 2023-01-12 01:55:03 (edited)

are these available?

Posted 2023-01-12 07:21:12
@MadameKlowny#112489 Leila and Sneaky Fox aren't meant to be given but dust enclave is available so I'll send them.


Posted 2023-01-12 16:01:12
Thank you!

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