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Chased Wolf Spotting - Revamped

Posted 2024-08-08 02:49:44
Just found this pretty chased guy
Chaser gets priority if they have proof, will likely sell if not claimed so feel free to DM!


Posted 2024-08-08 02:58:10
@Sylvi definitely interested in the one with many T6 marks


Posted 2024-08-08 04:11:21
Found a Lupin Female with Hurricane eyes, won't keep her link

☺ GorgeousRat ☺ 🇩🇪

Posted 2024-08-08 06:20:25
Fey Howlite, has Honey Cougar, Tuff Sallander, and White inverted panda. I won't be keeping



Posted 2024-08-08 06:43:48
Found this chased lilac! Chaser or anyone else can claim for free or otherwise re-chasing after 24hrs!

(Image is link)


Posted 2024-08-08 06:45:06

free to anyone hmu in DMs
Will be deleted at RO


♕ Manawrath ♕

Posted 2024-08-08 07:23:15
Found this pretty girl! She has two combos and three event marks. Chaser is welcome to reclaim for genefee, otherwise she'll be going up on the TC soon. Photo is link.

LollipopMischief 🍭

Posted 2024-08-08 08:32:13
Found this iron fella, looks like an age reroll, if chaser wants back, they can have it, if not it will go up on the TC around RO.


Posted 2024-08-08 09:19:55
Found these beauties yesterday:

- Walnut female with Changeling eyes, 4 markings (Black Cougar White Orca), 1 yo, 274 stats. For sale here.

- Greisen female with Storm eyes, 4 markings (Manicou, Auburn, Silver), 1 yo, 230 stats. For sale here.

- Sarder male with Smoke eyes, 6 markings, (3x event, Silver), 1 yo, 248 stats. For sale here.

- White male, 6 markings (6x merle!), 1yo, 201 stats. For sale here.

My thanks to the chasers! I don't have room and am looking to move these quickly, but if you want them back for the testing fee get in touch quick with proof.


Posted 2024-08-08 11:14:44
this Henna free to chaser, gets sold next RO


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