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Through the screen

Posted 2022-09-01 17:52:11
"yes.. you come first!"
*I'm very fine with that, and I prefer it*
"Heh.. you got a nice chest.."
*Even if he's wearing a shirt, it's still so clear how fit and hawt he is*


Posted 2022-09-01 18:05:26
*I smirked at the comment of course and gently nipped Toby on the ear*
"Ready for our date? Or…."
*I spoke in my deep, gravely voice into his ear*
"Are you still so sore?"
*I kissed him then slowly sat up and looked at him with an evil grin*


Posted 2022-09-01 19:43:45
"if you can carry me the entire way and way back.."
*I was very sore still thanks to Torik.. it's a good thing though if he carries me! Another excuse to be close to him*


Posted 2022-09-01 20:06:45
"Yes sir~ But first…You need to put some clothes on"
*I chuckled a little then got up and grabbed Toby's clothes, it took a while but I managed to dress him in his typical black baggy clothes and I honestly didn't mind, I enjoyed it. Once I messed with Toby's hair a bit I picked him up bridle style with an evil smirk*
"You know…people will be staring~"
*I carried Toby out to the front door*


Posted 2022-09-01 22:16:28
*I enjoyed Torik's touch as he dressed me. He even managed to pick some of my favorite comfortable pants and shirt. Though they may all seem the same to some, I definitely prefer some over others and Torik selected well. After a while once he got me dressed, he carried me out and I was smiling as I held onto him.*
"That's alright.. I'm used to their stares"


Posted 2022-09-01 22:23:51
*I nodded as I kept a soft smile, I was definitely far calmer and it felt as though all my stress had melted away, I bet Tony notices through my every action, I can feel those gorgeous eyes watching my every movement. I opened the door and walked out, used my foot to kick the door closers and once reminding Toby to lock it, I carried him down the block. People definitely stared but I made sure to either, glare at them with a murderous look or give them a deep, unsettling snarl worthy of hell*


Posted 2022-09-02 09:38:31
"What place are we going to?"
*I wasn't even watching where we were going, I was just watching Torik. I saw him glaring at people like usual. I know how good he is at scaring them off, making them mind their own business. He's perfect..*


Posted 2022-09-02 10:01:50
"I was thinking this steak place…"
*I looked down at Toby with a warm smile that only he deserves*
"They got the red beef I like and other cuts to"
*I licked my lips, I was starving and we were nearly there, the logo was rather unsettling since it was a carton cannibals but it was by far the best meat joint. I used my back to push open on of the doors and carried Toby inside, and went to the most remote, darkest table here, and found the perfect one. It was a booth and enveloped in darkness, because of this it gave off an unsettling vibe and so people left it alone*
"I always choose this spot"
*I placed Toby in the booth and sat as close to him possible with an arm around his waist, and looked at the menu*


Posted 2022-09-02 14:58:40
*If Torik liked this steak place so much, then I'm happy with it too. Once we got inside, Torik took me to the darkest corner seats.. I loved them. I love dark places where you feel hidden and isolated from everyone else, it feels so comfortable. Especially having Torik closely next to me*
"I love this spot.."


Posted 2022-09-02 19:53:22
"Yeah, I always felt more alive in dark spaces…I have an easier time hunting"
*I didn't think much apon my choice of words and looked over the menu a bit until I caught whiff of this perfume I could recognize from a mile away, so I turned my head to the left looking outside the booth and noticed her, Fjora. She's one of my manny exs and is very cute but it didn't work out for reasons I can't bring up*
*She jumped in placed and started to panic*
"Relax, I'm bored if you"
*I squinted and so she stumbled backwards and griped over a wet floor sign, everyone like at her as she got up and stumbled off, I rolled my eyes*


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