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Down to the Details! - What's your favorite fine detail in Wolvden?

Posted 2020-10-26 14:38:28

I love how there are runts! Seeing one pup in a litter being a runt brings me such happiness, especially since they get a stat penalty from being a runt. I already added two runts to my pack.

OleanderOmen [Prev. Ori]

Posted 2020-10-26 18:15:52

I love the herbalist text stuff. “Nyasi happily wanders off to find herbs” and other little texts when you interact with on the herbalist page are just so cute! The most pure cinnamon roll


Posted 2020-10-26 18:51:50

I love the tiny wolves that appear when you're hunting, and that their number changes depending on how many wolves you're sending out. Also, my girlfriend just started her account, and it looks like your eyes on the explore screen match your lead wolf's eye color? Which is WAY cool. 


Posted 2020-10-26 18:55:36

Seconding HollowWorld7's answer! I love how your eyes in explore match your lead's eyes. It's such a small detail, but it's wonderful that they thought of it!

Tech 3.0

Posted 2020-11-06 07:20:44

Enraged Canada Goose is my favorite thing in this whole site. Enraged Canada Goose is love. Enraged Canada Goose is life. 


Posted 2020-11-06 07:26:06

I love how many weather options there are!  There's snow and rain, but there's also sleet and hail and they all look different enough to be cool.


Posted 2020-11-08 11:20:07
Okay, my favorite little detail is officially the Least Weasel encounter; it's wearing its winter coat right now ;u;


Posted 2023-08-22 20:47:25
I like the weather effects! How it changes the art itself, from the landscape to the foreground encounters, to the fishing game changing in real time, to the shop stock changing. The moon even waxes and wanes.

Explore eye color, of course, and the pregnancy icon gets darker each RO. The relationship page has some neat details, like tracking half-siblings. I didn't know two of my wolves were related that way until I saw it there lol.

Birth Stats and Birth Information. 'Wolf created on _' and 'in current pack for _ rollovers.' Small additions that means so much.

Tiny QoL things:
When switching from Hoard to Buried, it remembers your filter.
Pair Lists page has heat and pregnancy signs.
Pack Overview has green-red colors for notable info.
Wishlist items have footnotes.

And can we get some love for the daily summary notification? I love how it keeps track of all the changes each RO, even down to minor injuries.

Whirligig (Hiatus)

Posted 2023-08-28 12:25:09
I like the marks that have a gradient so you can create new colors with them. Cougar is about half solid and half gradient. Mixing black/red/brown etc. gives you a deeper mark than just 1 cougar mark at 100%. Best example so far us my dark chocolate cougar.

🍂 Leonca 🐆

Posted 2023-09-05 21:53:39
I really enjoy acorn bartering in explore, really adds value to an otherwise-meh amusement item!


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