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Down to the Details! - What's your favorite fine detail in Wolvden?

Down to the Details! - What's your favorite fine detail in Wolvden?
Posted 2020-10-25 07:20:35

One of the things I adored about Lioden, and that I have already seen has increased many-fold in Wolvden, is the super fine and specific details, whether they nature/realworld accurate or just plain silly or pleasant! It really polishes the game off to be such a clean and wonderful experience!

That being said, I'm curious, what's your favorite fun/tiny/specific detail you've noticed on your Wolvden journey thus far?
If your suspect your detail is later game/level spoilers, just put a spoiler notification at the top of your post!

To start, what inspired me making this thread!

Granted I'm a day old player so I'm sure there's many more juicy details to find along the journey, buuut...!
I am absolutely in love with the fact that when you're exploring, and the next event is loading there's the little animated footsteps guiding you along. Especially if an event is taking a particularly long time to load, it really sends a weighty vibe that there is a passage of time while you're venturing the land!
And I can't say I've seen many loading screens in my day that have made me enjoy the loading process, but this one sure does!


Posted 2020-10-25 08:44:34

I like how the hunting page changes according to the time of day and how many wolves are in the party.


Posted 2020-10-25 08:47:10

I love that when you’re exploring, the wolf eyes on the screen match the color of your lead wolf’s eyes 😮 my mind was blown when I saw my wife’s screen while she was playing and they were different. 

Maxine 🌿

Posted 2020-10-25 08:47:28

Yeah! I just had my first 3+ wolf hunting party and I legit just noticed that one!


Posted 2020-10-25 08:53:41

Oh, I didn't notice the eye match, cool!!

I love all the weather options and how they actually show up in the art.

Also a lot of the encounter text is really fun!  All those animals fighting or looking at you funny or trying to get your acorns or whatever else they're doing.


Posted 2020-10-25 09:35:21

I just love the explore encounters. The best part of unlocking new biomes is the new encounters. Just had one with a prairie chicken that made me laugh.


Posted 2020-10-25 09:36:52

Oooh I haven't gotten to the prairie yet, just scouted it. I'll be looking out for this chicken event when I do!


Posted 2020-10-25 09:42:32

Not just any chicken, a greater prairie chicken! But yes, it was in the prairie biome ha ha.


Posted 2020-10-26 08:57:49

The artwork is incredible. There are too many things I love about this game to mention them all. 


Posted 2020-10-26 09:11:23
When you send out your hunting party, 1-5 tiny little wolves show up on the image, it’s such a cute little detail!

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