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Down to the Details! - What's your favorite fine detail in Wolvden?

Posted 2020-10-26 09:12:48

Huh, I never noticed that, cool!


Posted 2020-10-26 09:20:17

the visuals in explore at certain times and weathers of the day are gorgeous!! the artwork as a whole, really. lioden is good as well but something about the wolves hit different

Prince Naemon

Posted 2020-10-26 09:30:06 (edited)

I totally agree @Prince Naemon the explore pages are gorgeous, so masterfully done.

And yeah tbh, I stopped back on Lioden while WD was down yesterday and there's a definite difference in terms of "game wide" art quality / harmony.
Granted it could just be that Woodlands and sub-biomes are more my asthetic than African, but the artist in me definitely thinks that Xylax (+other artists, if there are!) really had everything nailed down by the time they polished Lioden and started work on this game. Everything artistically just hits the spot on here, and is masterfully paired together!

But ofc, that's not to say Lioden isn't absolutely gorgeous and incredibly well done either. I was always amazed with jsut HOW good the LD art quality is, but WD really feels like its been perfected to a near T ;D


Posted 2020-10-26 10:50:21

I enjoy that the fights are designed to encourage you to injure the enemy and then wait them out (for most enemies). That's very true to life but highly counter to how most video game combat works.

Eleven βšβš…βš

Posted 2020-10-26 11:08:43 (edited)

I started playing when it was still winter, and I swear to god the density of my wolves' pelts changed when it turned to spring? Like they looked less fluffy? My memory recall is absolutely awful so I most likely just remembered them looking differently, but if that's an actual feature I'd lose my shit hfhsh

Bad Wolf

Posted 2020-10-26 12:41:38

I love how all of the encounter artwork changes depending on the time of day. I especially like exploring at sunset, when everything has that orange tint and the encounters are backlit by the setting sun.


Posted 2020-10-26 14:03:30
OMG @Bad wolf
I SO hope that is a thing, that would be so neat!


Posted 2020-10-26 14:06:33

I think they tweaked the lineart thickness slightly, but it’s a permanent change.


Posted 2020-10-26 14:18:39

@Badger, yeah I figured it was just that and my brain got confused hjfdsk
Would be an awesome thing to add but can't imagine the time spent reworking the lineart and all the colors would be worth such a miniscule detail.

Bad Wolf

Posted 2020-10-26 14:33:49

I like that animal encounters change by biome! If you explore in the desert you might come across a Mexican wolf whereas in the tundra you'll come across tundra wolves and etc.! Or black bears in one area and alaskan brown bears or grizzlies in another. It's not just the same bear, wolf, eagle every time.


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