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[Grouse House Guide] Cataclysms | August Event

Posted 2022-08-24 16:05:39 (edited)
Some Encounters:
Traveling through rain, snow, or even a severe storm is not as dangerous as dealing with huge ice balls falling from the sky. Even the smallest ones are painful. The larger ones will leave you seriously wounded if you're not careful.

The severity of the storm that rampages through the land is something you've never experienced. It's as if every large storm came together to form a massive, deadly event that leaves nothing but destruction behind. You press on, straining against the wind and rain.

⚜ 𝖁𝖎𝖑𝖙𝖆𝖚𝖙𝖆𝖘 ⚜

Posted 2022-08-24 17:24:02
Hey all -
In classic forum fashion, the character limit is being my mortal enemy. Since there's so much more that I want to add for the cryptids and disasters, and I've already run out of room, I'm moving explore encounters to a separate topic, here!
Mel 🏜️

Posted 2022-08-24 18:38:25
Full-body battle encounter artwork has been added for every cryptid on the second page of the main post :)
I'll continue adding information when I have time, though this may end up being in a few days as irl work is catching up with me ^^;
Mel 🏜️

Posted 2022-08-24 18:56:34
update? Glawackus gave me this quest - which is different from what is current ---> Defeat 2 x Ozark Howler

Posted 2022-08-25 02:35:58
Madchsky, Do you need texts when we meet cryptid encounters or you have it?
I don't know how to see stats or modifiers haha


Posted 2022-08-25 02:52:52 (edited)
Today's new quests that not mentioned in quide

Pope Lick Monster
"Maybe we have the same goal here. We can make this world a perfect place for us. Get rid of those who oppose us. Kill 2 x Turkey Vulture."

Blood Sucker
"I've just finished my latest meal. It was good but not filling at all. I need you to do something for me. That's what you are here for, after all. Defeat 3 x Whitetail Buck. I'll take care of them when you're done."

Belled Buzzard
"There's too many creatures around here for my taste. Defeat 3 x the Merged cryptids so I can get on with my plans without interruption."

Alaskan Tiger
1. 1x Cure For All, 2x rich healing salve
2. 1x Influenza cure, 1x Cure for all, 1x Infection balm
3. "You look like a good hunter who knows this area. I would like to see how well you can perform in such uneasy conditions as we have now. Succeed in 3 hunts."

Skunk Ape
"This task will be easy for you; you have to find the same stuff for your pack, don't you? Good, good. Bring me 6 x nesting material. I think it's time I make this place more cozy."

The disasters in this area are endless. I'd imagine it's the same everywhere else, too. There's bound to be others in need of help, so go and help 3 x distressed animals in explore instead of wasting your time sitting here idle."

Panama Creature
I know that this area is always in full bloom and it's not that hard to find the necessary stuff to arrange your hideout the way you like. I'm too slow, however, and it's far too difficult for me to get it done without wasting an entire day. If you could bring me 6 x nesting material it would help so much."

Mogollon Monster
"This arid land doesn't have much in the way of soft brush and plant matter. I'd like to make the floor of my shelter soft and cozy. Do you think you can find 10 x large leaves for me to use?"

Ozark Howler
"I want to live in peace among the other creatures of this forest. The presence of one filthy beast greatly disturbs not only me, but it's a danger to all animals living here, including your kind. Defeat 2 x Beast of Bladenboro and it will become a safer area again."

"I want to know everything I can about this land. I can't go far, so you'll have to take your scouts and report back to me. Complete 2 scouts and tell them not to leave any stone unturned!"

The White Stag
"I don't know this land yet. It takes quite a long time for me to find food I am familiar with. Please, bring me 1 x Arnica, 1 x Spoonwood, 1 x Carrionflower, 1 x Yarrow, 1 x Large Leaf and help me fill my belly."

Flatwoods Monster
"You need herbs and medicines to cure your wounds. My method is different. I need 10 x large branches to absorb their juices into my body. I can do it with animals, too, but I'd much rather use the branches. Besides, it would be better for you if you never witness that."

"You're such a good errand wolf that you get to go on another for me, and this time I have a preference. Bring me 3 x full use carcasses. No ifs, ands, or buts. That's what I want, so that's what you're going to bring me."

"The local wildlife here doesn't seem to fear me nearly as much as they should. Let's see if we can change that. Defeat 3 x Cougar and send them a message. Don't come back until it's done."

Hint: try exploring in the Tundra!

"I'm in need of supplies. Bring me 3 x healing salves and wipe that annoyed look off of your face. You're helping me whether you like it or not. Begone!"

Sea Serpent
I'm perfectly fine now but need to be ready for every outcome. Bring me 5 x healing salves so I won't need to ask for help when I get injured. It would be humiliating."

Bloody Bones
"Bring me 4 x Whale Rib Bone, 1 x Bone so I won't have to waste my time. If it's not too difficult for you, then stop staring at me and move!"

Jersey Devil
"If you're as strong as you claim to be, I would love to see the proof. Defeat 1 x Grizzly Bear and entertain me with your fighting style. Fresh blood excites me. If you do well, it will prove that your kind can be considered a formidable opponent."

Encounter texts for cryptid if needed

A strange looking beast with long, shaggy hair observes you with a keen eye. It smiles widely, revealing long, sharp teeth.
You discovered a new cryptid - Skunk Ape!

A large-toothed shaggy creature with large, round ears judges you with its beady eyes. It resembles a large rat, and you've caught its attention.
You discovered a new cryptid - Letiche!

Your pelt prickles with fear as a wolf-like creature that stands on two legs emerges from the swamp fog. It throws back its head and howls.
You discovered a new cryptid - Rougarou!


Posted 2022-08-25 06:46:03
Grouse House is amazzzing

Idk if this helps but here!

Tundra- Thundersnow

You spot a glowing fissure in a rock formation in the distance, glowing red and pouring smoke. You tread closer out of curiosity, and as you feel the heat and hear hissing, the fur along your back begins to rise. This place isn't natural, and you wonder if you should risk checking it out.
Turn away- After observing the fissure from afar for a few moments, you decide that it's too risky to go closer. Let sleeping wolves lie, as it were. Whatever it is, it's best to leave it alone and head somewhere else. As you turn away you smell burnt hair and flesh, and find the body of a rat lying close by. It looks like it was burned alive and you find yourself feeling lucky that you didn't stray too close to the fissure like this poor creature did. You eat what's left and continue on your way. Mmm, crispy! You got +5% hunger!

Tundra - Blizzard

Your fear is so palpable you can almost taste it. The twisted shape up ahead is dark and imposing and a glowing eye pierces into your soul. You feel small in the shadow of this beast, and you try to move your paws but you find that you're rooted in place in fear.
Investigate - The form shifts, swaying slightly, and you hear soft rattling not unlike you hear in the forest as the trees move in the wind. You sniff the air, realizing there are no unusual scents around. Emboldened, you creep closer, never taking your eyes off of the shape. You reach the base, and your nose touches...bark? Jerking back in surprise, you look up and see arching branches above your head and deep roots burrow into the ground at your paws. What looked like a monster from afar is just an oddly shaped tree. Standing up on your back paws, you investigate the "eye" and see it's just a scale shining in the light.
You got +1 CS !

A cougar leaps in front of you, hissing menacingly. You recoil at the smell of its hot, stinky breath and snarl in reply. It whips its tail toward you and you have to quickly duck away to avoid the odd, massive growth at the end. This is just a normal cougar, but that tail looks uncomfortable. Maybe that's why it's so angry?
Stand your ground- This cat doesn't look so tough; it's in your territory, anyway! You stand your ground, resolved not to let this feline intimidate you in your own home. A staring contest ensues. Eventually the cougar decides you aren't worth it and backs off, dragging the mass on its tail behind it. It looks red and swollen and you see patches of dried blood on places where it injured it in the past. You feel somewhat sorry for it as it disappears.
You got +1 CS !

A dead goose lays out in the open, its feathered body ruffled and nearly unmarked. You sniff it curiously, searching for any sign that a predator is nearby. You only smell the stench of death, and there's no bite marks at all. Did it fall from the sky? You notice the neck is twisted at an odd angle, and wonder if that was the cause of its demise.
Take- Clearly this is no one's prey, and if you don't take it, someone else will. It should make a nice meal. Meat Chunks [Medium] You got +1 Meat Chunks [Medium]!
The sight of an older human, clearly dedicated and prepared to fight everything in this area, isn't more surprising than all the oddities happening lately. Whatever your next step will be, it's better to be extra careful now.
Chase- No matter how much stuff the human drags with him, ultimately nothing will help without being as skilled as you. Chasing him could be a great opportunity to keep your senses sharp. You start to chase the man, amused by his genuine fear. He doesn't even try to defend himself with his fancy human toys. If you really wanted to hunt him down, you'd succeed effortlessly, but it's more fun this way. When the man disappears, you find something useful on the ground.
You got +1 Peregrine Falcon Feather!
Turn Back-

ouah 𓏗𓏗

Posted 2022-08-25 14:17:42 (edited)
Champ's quest
"The river isn't flowing as strong as it should be; the water seems to be trapped somewhere. Go upstream and see if you can find anything that may be causing this."
Hint: try exploring in the Riparian Woodland!

Bogeyman quest

When you get closer you realize that this place may be the perfect spot for Bogeyman to hide out. It's abandoned, secluded, and provides protection from the elements. You suspect they would like this place more for the damp, creepy darkness than any suitable protection from the weather, though. After looking around for a bit, you head back to tell them of your find.


Posted 2022-08-25 14:32:53
Lizard Man -
"Fancy some training? I love a good fight. Let me tell you, the best fun is battling Kinfolk and listening to them screech as they're defeated. Music to my ears! Go and try it for yourself. Defeat 3 x Kinfolk cryptids."

Posted 2022-08-25 18:29:19 (edited)
Cajun Sasquatch quest - Currently: 0/6 nesting material given

Ahuizotl quest - "I'm having trouble finding things to make a soft nest. Bring me 1 x Aloe, 1 x Toucan Feather, 1 x Parrot Feather to line my nest with. I don't mind adding a bit of colour, either!"

Champ quest - "It's hard to traverse this land, and I'm running low on supplies. Would you get me 1 x Mollusk Shell, 2 x Medicine: Healing Salve, 2 x Acorn? That should be enough for now."

Ozark Howler quest - defeat 2 Beast of Bladenboro

ouah 𓏗𓏗

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