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[Grouse House Guide] Cataclysms | August Event

Posted 2022-08-24 03:32:55
I got this quest from the White Stag:

"The Merged are the biggest danger here now. In order to achieve peace, we must chase them away. Defeating 3 x the Merged cryptids should be enough for now."

Posted 2022-08-24 03:37:52 (edited)
Changed flavour text on the next RO after completing quests!

Bessie "You came back! Thank goodness. I have more for you to do. Are you up for it?"
Champ "You're a good soul to come back. I knew asking you was the right thing to do. Ready for the next task?"
Cressie "Back to help again? Fine by me!"
Dark Watchers  "We're glad to see you again. Your help is really appreciated. It's time for you to carry out another task."
Grassman  You're back, fuzzy friend! It's good to see you. Are you ready for the next task?"
Knocker "You completed the last task so quickly that I can't help but ask for your assistance again. Are you up for it?"
Unidentified Beings  "You're back! Choosing you was the right decision. You can do more if you're up to it. It would be highly appreciated."
Dover Demon "The ogler has returned! You're not so bad, I suppose. Ready for the next task?"
Splintercat "Back already? Good, I need your help again."
Tailypo "You came back! I wasn't sure you would. Ready to keep going?"
Belled Buzzard "You're back. Ready for your next task? I'll make it worth your while again."
Chupacabra "I knew you would come again. I have another plan. Want to hear?"
Horned Beast "I should have known you'd be back. Give a dog a bone, as they say. Let's be on with it, then."
Bogeyman "Back for more I see. Either you're daft or you're very daft. Doesn't matter which to me, just do as I ask."
Goat Sucker "You're back, and so soon? You're dumber than you look. No matter, I have another task for you."
Hodag "Back for more? Fine with me."
Pope Lick Monster "Doing this stuff is addicting, isn't it? I suppose there's worse things than working for me. I hope you came prepared."
Montauk Monster Well this is a surprise. Actually it's not, because I give you things and your kind is always greedy. Let's get on with it, shall we?"

Cactus cat
"You seem to be cut out for this job. Your help may change a lot. I've got another quest for you when you're ready."

you again...good, good. I have another plan. Do you want to join in?"

"Trusting you was the right decision, really. Will you consider taking another task? There's much to do."

Flatwoods Monster
"I'm glad we made this deal. You're much faster, it would take me forever. Are you interested in more tasks? You'll finish it in no time, undoubtedly."

Ghostly Black Dog
"You didn't fail last time, surprisingly. Take it as a compliment if you want. Are you ready for another task?"

Ozark Howler
"Every completed task is one step towards balance in this area. It's not the end though. Are you willing to work more?"

Southern Chupacabras
"You came to serve me more? Smart move."

Shadow Being
The task yesterday wasn't too hard, was it? I didn't think so. Physical labour is not my thing but you are perfect for this stuff. Ready for another task?"


Posted 2022-08-24 04:30:39 (edited)
Cryptid flavour text after you've finished their quests last RO
Goatman: "I was sure that you'd try to run away but you came back. You're either very brave or very stupid but useful in both cases. Don't relax yet, you're still not free to go. There's more to do."

Cadborosaurus: "Not had your fill yet, hmm? Very well, I have more for you to do."

Enfied Monster: "The busy-body is back! I guess you like my gifts in return for your service, hmm? I have more to offer. Ready for today's task?"


Dover Demon quest: "This grass is dry and scratchy, how do you stand it? It's useless to make a proper bed. I need something softer. Get 10 x large leaves and bring them back to me. I'd prefer if they were the best you can find, but anything is better than this horribly itchy grass."


Volcano Eruption explore encounter

The ground begins to shake ominously, and you hear a loud explosion. Looking around wildly, you can't see a thing--the sky is glowing, and thick ash is falling and quickly obscuring everything in view. Your pawsteps are nearly silent as you run away, leaving pawprints in the ash.

Alex the Green Lizard

Posted 2022-08-24 05:01:08 (edited)
The water tiger gave the following quest:

"Your coat is shiny and your eyes are bright–I can tell you have some good fish to eat around here. Care to share? Well, even if you don't, you're going to. Go and catch me an uncommon fish in the fishing game and don't go tasting it, you hear?"

requiring 1x uncommon fish

The snow wasset gave the following quest:

"While I feel perfectly safe underground, there are still some threats that I face that require healing afterward. Do you have 5 x healing salves by any chance? I need to replenish my stock."

requiring 5x healing salves

lira ⛅️

Posted 2022-08-24 05:12:57 (edited)
Currently grabbing even more explore encounter cryptid quests, so don't mind this post if there's no pictures here yet. Either still trying to nab em, or quest RNG is being downright rude.

Fresno Nightcrawler
For a brief moment, you pity this being, convinced that it must suffer without upper limbs, claws, or any other way to defend itself. You change your mind quickly, observing how fast it is. However this strange body works, it probably serves the creature well.

"I may look scary for some, which is good, but the truth is that I can't hunt well due appearance. If you find something large, like a dead cow, I will have food for several days."

(TL;DR: Find food for the Nightcrawler in Desert.) Encounter is as follows:

🎆[Kim] Kimdependence✨️

Posted 2022-08-24 05:36:59 (edited)
Encounter texts for explore quests (are they needed?)

Chase off (in tundra)

These must be the humans Cressie told you about! You crouch low, and with a snarl you leap out of your hiding spot and confront the group. They cry out and raise their sticks, and your pelt prickles as you sense danger from the sticks. A sharp shout from one of them makes them lower the sticks and back away slowly until they are out of your line of sight. You shake your pelt and turn to head back to Cressie. Good riddance!
You have completed Cressie's quest!

You pad forward and look around as best you can in the murky darkness. This place gives you the creeps, but Montauk Monster would probably love it. It seems perfect for a little cryptid like them. Time to report back and get the hell out of here!

You have completed Montauk Monster's quest!


Posted 2022-08-24 06:36:52 (edited)
Adding new quests that are not mentioned in guide. Do we need text for them or just quests itself?

Hodag the Merged
"I've had about enough of this species. They're nothing but a nuisance, and you agreed to be useful. Go and defeat 2 x Knocker before my patience runs out."
Currently: 0/2 defeated

Montauk Monster the Merged
"The air here is vile. So fresh and…clean. Find me a place where I can enjoy the muck and the air is better."
Hint: try exploring in the Taiga! for place (check above this picture)

Shadow Being
"I won't call you an ally unless I see that there will be no shame in having you by my side. Complete 3 hunts and I will surely look at our cooperation differently."
Currently: 0/3 hunts succeeded

"Bah! Do those Kinfolk never go away? No matter how many times I threaten them, they keep coming back. Go defeat 3 x Kinfolk cryptids to show them I mean business. Any will do, just make sure they get the message."
Currently: 0/3 defeated

"Those Kinfolk are a nuisance. They seem to multiply faster than a tree grows branches. Defeat 3 x Kinfolk cryptids and make it quick. That should put a nice dent in their numbers."

Currently: 0/3 defeated

"I need the energy to dig underground and expand my territory. Bring me juicy, soft meat. 3 x full use carcasses will be fine."

Southern Chupacabras
"When you enter my land, you better have something to share with me. Do you have 3 x Beaver Carcass by any chance? If not, then go now and find some but don't waste too much time. I'm in the mood for those water rats and I'm not a patient creature."

Lizard Man

"Fancy some training? I love a good fight. Let me tell you, the best fun is battling Kinfolk and listening to them screech as they're defeated. Music to my ears! Go and try it for yourself. Defeat 3 x Kinfolk cryptids."

"If you are not a good hunter, you will be hunted. I'm starving. Succeed in 4 hunts and come back once you're done."

Blood Sucker

"I enjoy these rapid changes around, you know. Unfortunately, the Kinfolk are trying to play saviours, and they keep getting in my way. Independents are even worse at times. I hate them all, to be honest. Defeat 3 x Kinfolk cryptids."

Bloody Bones
"Bring me 3 x Whale Rib Bone, 2 x Bone so I won't have to waste my time. If it's not too difficult for you, then stop staring at me and move!"

Cactus Cat

"I have some knowledge about herbs and preparing various mixtures. Usually, I don't ask for help, but I desperately need a few ingredients. If you see 4 x Chaparral, 1 x Tansy, bring them to me so I can make use of it."


Posted 2022-08-24 06:48:10 (edited)
Seperate post for the non-explore cryptid quests I don't see repeated:

Alaskan Tiger
  • Give 1x Rich Healing Salve, 1x Cure-For-All, & 1x Meat Chunk [Large].
  • Give 3x full-use carcasses.
Unidentified Beings
  • Give 1x Healing Salve, 1x Nesting Material, & 1x Mollusk Shell.
Wisconsin Werewolf
  • Give 3x full-use carcasses.

(More will be added as I go through today's quests...)

🎆[Kim] Kimdependence✨️

Posted 2022-08-24 08:49:43
The Watchers also asks for you to help 3 distressed animals

Posted 2022-08-24 15:55:56
Finally found Squonk's gf-

For once, the sad creature doesn't seem so sad. Its face still droops and its ears are hung low, but it's crouched down and staring at a nearby flower. It seems fascinated by it, and while there are still tears rolling down its face, they aren't flowing as quickly as before. It huffs and makes a gurgling noise, and you realise that it's trying to smell it.

"Oh my friend, I have good news! While I was sitting by that tree over there having a good cry, the most beautiful smell passed my nose. There's another like me nearby, I'm sure of it. She smells so lovely…see if you can convince her to come and visit me? I would love to meet her."

Lmao rip to image cutting because squonk's stuff is a mile long.

🎆[Kim] Kimdependence✨️

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