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[Grouse House Guide] Cataclysms | August Event

Posted 2022-08-23 15:46:10
The Beast of Bladenboro gave me a quest to complete 4 hunts

"A wolf like you surely has no issues hunting. Let's test your skills, shall we? Succeed in 4 hunts and don't come back until you're done. Don't worry about bringing back any prey, I suppose you can keep whatever you can find. I'm feeling generous today."


Posted 2022-08-23 16:18:19
Bessie's quest today:
"This land is in turmoil and all animals are suffering. There is no shortage of disasters occurring. Please, go find 3 x distressed animals in explore and lend them your aid before it's too late."

Posted 2022-08-23 16:38:23
This is a quest Kipsy just gave me

"Until now, I thought that I wouldn't need so many healing materials but the situation in this area is getting more and more unpredictable. I suppose that it's no different anywhere else. We must survive somehow. Bring me 5 x healing salves as fast as you can."

Currently: 0/5 salves given


Posted 2022-08-23 16:41:08
and heres a quest I just got from Tailypo

"I'm itching to sink my claws into the felines in this area. I see them all over this place. I don't want to fight a battle I'm going to lose, however. That's where you come in! Defeat 3 x Bobcat and let me know how tough they are."

Currently: 0/3 defeated


Posted 2022-08-23 21:12:06 (edited)
Here's a quest I got from the Snow Wasset:

"You see, the surface isn't really my favourite place to be and you are definitely more accustomed to travelling long distances. I need you to check the shore. I've heard that there's a shipwreck nearby and I need some information about it. Let's make a deal. You tell me everything about it and if you find anything useful, you may take it."

Hint: try exploring in the Glacier!

⚜ π–π–Žπ–‘π–™π–†π–šπ–™π–†π–˜ ⚜

Posted 2022-08-23 21:14:42 (edited)
I got the same quest as @Ruru from Bessie today.

⚜ π–π–Žπ–‘π–™π–†π–šπ–™π–†π–˜ ⚜

Posted 2022-08-23 21:54:42 (edited)
I got this quest from the Jackalope:
"I need to fortify my den and make a barrier around it so that I have some line of defense. I think branches will do nicely. Find me 10 x large branches."

Currently: 0/10 branches given

From the Cleofay:

"I've been spending so much time chasing off Merged scum that I haven't had any time–let alone the energy–to hunt for myself. Can you help me out? You'll be rewarded! I don't need much. Bring me 3 x full use carcasses."

Currently: 0/3 carcasses given

The quest from the Belled Buzzard:

"I can see much from high up, and travel long distances with ease. You're land-bound, which makes you inferior, however I'm willing to give you a shot. Let's see how you compare. Send out 2 scouts."

Currently: 0/2 scouts completed

⚜ π–π–Žπ–‘π–™π–†π–šπ–™π–†π–˜ ⚜

Posted 2022-08-23 22:17:20
Quest from Ghostly Black Dog:
The long, pointed ears of the beast turn toward your direction when you arrive, but the creature is resting calmly, barely even looking at you. Such a sudden change in its behaviour is a clear sign that you are on the same side. At least for now.

"All the prey around here will be mine sooner or later, but now I have you to help me out. Time to put your skills to use. Bring me 2 x full use carcasses. The bigger, the better!"
(It doesn't actually matter what size the carcasses are)


Quest from Glawackus:
Glawackus hasn't noticed you as you quietly approach. It's laying in a patch of sunlight and for once it looks rather peaceful. Its eyes are closed and it rumbles from time to time as if in contentment. Your presence is soon noticed, and the creature is on its paws with its hair bristled. So testy!

"I'm a fierce fighter, but I'm not stupid. Everyone gets injured sooner or later, and I'm no different. Bring me 5 x healing salves so that I'm prepared when I take on those blasted Kinfolk."


Quest from Goatman:
You hear the Goatman's steps just before it emerges from the thick bushes. It is probably a cover for a path to its lair and you don't want to check if it is true or not, expecting a bloody mess. The monster's hands are empty this time, which calms you down only a little bit and you still try to keep a distance. Just in case.

"The fewer Kinfolk in this world, the better. Their existence is an insult and you will deal with them in my name. Defeat 3 x Kinfolk cryptids and come back to tell me about it. I want to know every detail."

Alex the Green Lizard

Posted 2022-08-23 23:38:14
Thanks everyone!! I believe everything that was shared on this post should be added now, besides a few small things I'll mention. I appreciate the quick help and the dedication, we finished up a lot of this guide super quickly thanks to you!

Here's what I'm looking for going forward:
  • Flavor text for Bloodsucker
  • Any missing cryptid quests
  • Any missing encounters or encounter results
  • Explore flavor text for disasters (explore steps which do not give options, but correspond to certain disasters, example below)
Kim #13734 also mentioned the flavor text for each cryptid changing the next day if you completed a quest with them previously. Thanks for spotting that! I'd love to add those to the guide as well, so if anyone sees default flavor text for your cryptids that's different than what's on the guide, feel free to share.

Some small things that I haven't added yet:
- There's an encounter with mice which I have the text for, but no image yet, so I will add once the image is found
- A bighorn sheep encounter was also mentioned and will not be added until the image is found

Example of disaster flavor text to keep an eye out for while exploring:
"You feel tremors and swelling ground under your paws. Suddenly, the nearby mountain seems to explode in a fountain of fire! The sound of falling rocks and the hissing of fire fills the air. Dark smoke and volcanic gases start to consume the area, causing hot winds and a thick layer of dust to settle on everything."
Mel 🏜️

Posted 2022-08-23 23:55:26 (edited)
Here's the flavor text for Blood Sucker!

An ill-looking creature emerges from the shadows, snarling at you. Its appearance contradicts the level of bloodthirst this being seems to have.

A scrawny body with almost naked skin, covered with warts and patches of thin fur, is a sight that would evoke pity more than anything else. You change your mind upon observing the creature more closely. The mouth is full of thin, sharp teeth and it looks ready to jump at you.

"You are here for a reason. Want to sort something out for me or not?"

Here's some quest flavor texts for cryptids I completed quests for yesterday:

Fresno Nightwalker: "You're back already? Good. You may leave or help me again. Are you ready for more?"
Lava Bear: "If you have nothing else to do today, I could use some more help."
Letiche: "Greedy mutt, aren't you? Are you here just to help or for the reward? Either way, let's get on with it."
Water Tiger: "Ah, there you are. I heard you howling last night. I will never understand the matter, let's get on with today's task."
Kipsy: "There is still some work to do but if we keep this pace, we'll be done soon. Ready for the next task?"
Sisimito: "Back so soon? Good, I need more help. You were so fast yesterday, surely it won't be a problem to do another, right?"

If you decide to skip a quest, the flavor text doesn't change from the default one.

And finally, some new quests I've received today:

"With your help, I will be able to secure my territory. Defeat 3 x the Merged cryptids as soon as you can. They're evil incarnate and are destroying everything around here even when they have no reason to."

Ball-Tailed Cat: "Hunting isn't easy here. Bring me something to eat. 3 x full use carcasses will do nicely."

Wampus Cat: "I don't know if I'll stay here for long or not. I like it at the moment but my lair isn't ready yet. I still don't have time to make it, but luckily you have nothing but time. Find 6 x nesting material for me."

Squonk: "I can never keep enough herbs on hand. My luck is rotten and never seems to go my way. You're here now, though…want to help turn my luck around? Find 5 x St. John's Wort for me if you don't mind."

Kraken: "I can't hunt in this blasted, cold place. There's nothing here! How do you wolves survive? Nevermind, I'm too hungry to care. Bring me 3 x full use carcasses."

Letiche: "The smell of fish is overwhelming here. Fish I've never smelled before, either. I want to try some. Go fish up an uncommon fish in the fishing game."

Monster Turtle: "I need some reconnaissance done. Send out your scouts and 2 scouts and then report back to me on any funny business you come across."


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