Breeding Terminology for Future Reference - A Proposal
Posted 2020-10-11 20:09:23
Idk, I don't think it's gonna stick in any significant way, but we'll see! |
🥴 The Jaxhammer | CLCN #4077 |
Posted 2020-10-11 20:15:37
Druid, there's a ton of players in the Discords I'm in that never played LD and have come into the game from other wolf/pet sims, so definitely a different mix of people which is quite nice to have around. The mechanics of this game with carried mutations, inability to track wolves by name in pedigrees without manual effort, and the importance of stats to success in non-breeding/non-marking aspects will make it an interesting landscape to play in. |
bonibaru #369 |
Posted 2020-10-11 20:15:57
Gotta agree with Jax, if I don't have to research the term then it's instantly more appealing. Simple terms will always be best to make things stick. The thing about lioden and its inbreeding is that there is an ugly little bolded text at the bottom of the heritage page constantly reminding you that the lion is inbred. For me, I don't want that there. Thus, I keep myself from inbreeding. I don't know if wolvden will have that as well, but I don't think inbreeding would be such a big deal if that text wasn't there lol. |
bunni #4130 |
Posted 2020-10-11 20:17:13
"The thing about lioden and its inbreeding is that there is an ugly little bolded text at the bottom of the heritage page constantly reminding you that the lion is inbred. For me, I don't want that there. Thus, I keep myself from inbreeding. I don't know if wolvden will have that as well, but I don't think inbreeding would be such a big deal if that text wasn't there lol." Oh, the joy it was to read that <3 Someone else gets it! |
🥴 The Jaxhammer | CLCN #4077 |
Posted 2020-10-11 20:17:19
I'm likin' the idea of IB & NIB. Clean and dirty have obvious connotations, but inbred is a lot more neutral, however you may interpret it. "Clean" and "dirty" are opinions, inbred and not inbred are simple facts, and don't require googling. |
[GreySky] CorpseCrowKing #5327 |
Posted 2020-10-11 20:18:47 (edited)
Inbred itself isn't a.....word with positive associations, so this constant "bad connotations" concern is kind of confusing to me. Inbred is an insult, and generally an undesired state of being. It's not exactly positive or even neutral? Seems to be you're trading one bad connotation for another, if that's your reasoning. |
🥴 The Jaxhammer | CLCN #4077 |
Posted 2020-10-11 20:19:59 (edited)
I want to be clear with everyone that (imo) this is for simplicity, no one is trying to have a dig at anyone else, and it's even written on the original post "nobody can dictate what others choose to do". That's not what the thread is about. If you'd like to continue using Clean/Dirty, go ahead, but insisting it's the only thing you can use is just as bad. I don't know why it's suddenly "pushy", or annoying anybody, that some of us want to more closely align themselves with dog breeding terminology. NIB is new, as it's assumed to be the default by pet owners, but outcrossing and line-breeding are what has given us the hundreds of breeds we see today. A lot of people playing this game are going to be dog fans/owners, myself included, so they may already know the terms we're using. I've even seen a few people using COI%, which I think is awesome, but I know the rough % for less related pairings so I won't be fully calculating it myself Go ahead and ignore the new terms if you've come over from lioden and have no problem with the way Dirty/Clean is used there. However, there are some perfectly valid reasons for not liking them, hence the discussion of alternatives. No need to be derisive about preferences EDIT- In animals, inbred doesn't always have the same connotations. Inbreeding in rats, for instance, is an extremely important tool, used by experienced breeders to assess genetic problems in their line |
VagueShapes #828 |
Posted 2020-10-11 20:21:09
I don't personally think that NIB and IB are difficult terms to understand. I'm part of CLFL on Lioden but never personally used the terms clean and dirty except for advertising/looking for trades because they don't appeal to me. I've always used inbreeding or non inbred, so I'll stick to using those terms on here as well. |
Doods #3294 |
Posted 2020-10-11 20:21:59
Oh for sure! A lot of the additions in wolvden are kind of what I had hoped for in LD but obviously that would have required completely changing certain systems which doesn't seem very viable haha. I actually found LD looking for a wolf game, so I can see how a variety of new players will be coming in :D With the COI, it's also a personal reminder for me if I ever start a mutie project :D As inbred VS not, doesn't really reveal if they will have similar genetics or not, it only takes a few (or less) generations to get a completely different genepool and so it won't actually be helpful at all when breeding for muties or tryna get that hidden albinism etc to show if they're all labelled as inbred :D (If I pre-work out whose related to who then it won't be so much head-work when choosing pairings than having to look through their lineages every time XD) |
xXDruidXx #2778 |
Posted 2020-10-11 20:22:14
Humans use it as an insult because humans are cruel. It's a lot more factual that clean or dirty are. Dirty means gross, unclean, nasty. Inbred means 'bred with a close/somewhat close relative'. So I mean. |
[GreySky] CorpseCrowKing #5327 |