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Favorite Event Cryptids?

Favorite Event Cryptids?
Posted 2022-08-24 18:38:22 (edited)
Now that I've finally seen all the Cryptids, I think my favorites would have to be Pope Lick Monster, Jersey Devil, Akhlut, and North Shore Monster. Snow Snake, Beast of Bladenboro, and Bloody Bones are pretty high up there, too. For new ones, Altamaha-ha and Beast of Bray Road are pretty cool.

Looking through them all proved to myself that I was correct in favoring Merged from the start. xD There's others I like in all factions, but those are the ones I like the most!

Which ones are everyone else's favorites?
If it's Cactus Cat, Goatman, or Teakettler, you owe me 1 GC.

(If you want the list of all Cryptids, they can be found here. Spoilers, of course!)


Posted 2022-08-24 18:46:15 (edited)
I've got a new lead so a lot of biomes aren't open to me yet.  Of the ones I've seen I think Cadborosaurus is my favourite for the part it plays in local folklore in my province. 

On a side note, I also love how delightfully creepy the Merged cryptids are.

Posted 2022-08-24 18:57:14
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Posted 2022-08-24 19:46:41 (edited)
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Posted 2022-08-24 20:07:09
Squonk is a mood. I love him. You either relate to squonk and he is your spirit animal or you despise him. there's no inbetween

Wisconsin werewolf is pretty hot ngl, i'd take him over goatman any day

AKHLUT is so cute <33 how could you not love an orca-wolf?

·˖˚ Rainii ˚˖·

Posted 2022-08-25 01:46:26 (edited)
Celofay! All feline cryptids are amazing but Celofay is the bestest cat.

Posted 2022-08-25 01:49:25
Honestly, Goatman mostly because I am gay.

As for the others: The Knocker (I want to give it a hug), Tailypo (retellings of his story are sometimes set in my region of the US), the Jersey Devil, the Pope Lick Monster, the Beast of Bladenboro, the Dark Watchers, Splintercat, Wampus cat, Squonk, the Michigan Dogman and the Wisconsin Werewolf.

Sigi ⚨

Posted 2022-08-25 04:02:55
I'm thrilled with all of the Sasquatch & Nessie varieties included in the Kinfolk & Independent Factions!
Beyond those 2 groups my fav individual cryptids are the White Stag, Celofay, Ozark Howler, and especially the surf & turf Akhlut! I love the idea of a wolfish wolf-fish

I also like the Glawackus, the Wisconsin Werewolf, and the Wampus Cat.

Wampas cat is from the Southeastern US Tsalagi people [Cherokee]. I grew up hearing wampus cat used by all of my elders.
But also flipping it, using "all catty wampus" meaning that something wasn't straight. Like the way you parked your truck at the family bar-b-q last Saturday.

Celtic Ravens

Posted 2022-08-26 08:43:47
I love the Enfield monster, such a freak of nature. There is also something about the Fresno Nightcrawler... I either love it or hate it and i'm not sure which it is yet.

Also shout out to runners up; Mothman (he is me), and the Night Watchers (just a couple of people out on a little walk, nothing suspicious here)

Posted 2022-08-26 10:45:28
Not a CRYPTID so much as an explore encounter... The clown. The bloody clown. Every time he pops up I laugh like a maniac.
As for Cryptid, I... hope the Beast of Bray Road is out there somewhere. LOL. I love the Jersey Devil, but I wish he wasn't evil. XD XD

🐭 typomouse🐭

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