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*New* Doodle for the Person Above you!

*New* Doodle for the Person Above you!
Posted 2022-08-26 04:21:32 (edited)

Welcome to Doodle for the Person Above you!

Here is a fun game that has be recreated to start fresh. We hope to keep this post active and fun for everyone.

Credits to [The Original Thread Creator] and to [NIB] and [Nayatiuh] for their help creating this thread!


°Keep all art and converstation appropriate! If you are posting Offsite Refs please be sure it meets this rule.

°When you have finished your art request for the user above you please edit what you've drawn into your original post(Requesting art for yourself). This is so there is not a lot of different posts interrupting the flow of the game and confusing others.

°When Requesting art link 1 or more wolves or characters. I recommend if you post a human Ref please provide at least 1 wolf option as not everyone can draw people.

°If you would like you may ask for expression or pose. Do Note: it is up to the artist what they draw, this is just for insperation/help for the artist.

°Art must be a Minimum of a headshot. Artwork does not have to have Color or Shading and can be in Any Quality(We welcome beginner artist!) Or Any Medium(Digital, Traditional, you free to just draw something on a sticky note just take a clear picture when posting).

°Artworks should be simple and encouraged to be a bit messy! You are free to clean up your doodle but These should not be lined/refined artworks. It is recommended you set a timer for around 30 minutes to make sure you do not get to detailed in what you are drawing.

°Please note that everyones idea of a doodle/sketch can be different. Everyone has different styles and skill levels and amount of time they can or want to spend on art. So while we would like the above rule followed if you wish to spend more time on you "Doodle" you may.

°Don't post a new request asking for art/taking upon another request until you've drawn for the user you have claimed. By this I mean: You should only have 1 doodle request at any given time.

°You can claim again/frequently if you wish so long as it follows the rules. If you have finished your last request and spent a reasonable amount of time on the artwork(Art has some effort shown). As well as if you follow all the rules here, you are free to claim another request and request a new doodle yourself.

°All artwork must be created by you(The person posting the art). This means: No Tracing or Copying other artist. Please follow all the sites: [Art Rules]

°Details for posting. If you deside to post on or offsite your obtained art please Credit the artist who created your artwork!.

°Artist you may post your social media for credit in your post but Do not link your art shop in any way. If someone is interested in your art I recommend they search your ID here to find your shop or follow your social media rules.

°Please try to respond to a request in a reasonable time. We give artist a 2 week time frame to post a art reply for their claimed request. If you need more time please edit your post saying so. It's understandable if you need more time due to real life things.

°To be sure that everyone gets art I [Myself] and possibly soon others will be fulfilling any unfulfilled request. This would be a post that has not be updated or fulfilled within the 2 weeks to be sure everyone gets art. You may pm me with your linked request if I have not contacted you first after the appointed amount of time.

°Have fun! This is a fun game that welcomes all artist of all kinds to just have fun and grow as a artist and make friends with fellow artist.

Doodle Examples:

Artworks can be a variation of anything below and of any quality. Here are just a few examples of what art could look like.

[Profile Link]

Deviantart | Instagram | ToyHouse |

My Own Art of My Characters. These may have more or less detail than what you get but will be done in a similar style possibly(I experiment a lot).

I will Claim any unfilled request or if the thread is not moving and no one has responded to claim your request for art within 24-72 hours I will claim new request sometimes if not busy.

[Profile Link]

This user has agreed to allow me to post their art to use as examples.

This Starts as soon as someone posts below this message! You do not have to draw me anything to start just make a request for art.

Here is art I have completed for users who never got art:



Posted 2022-08-26 13:54:32 (edited)
Here to get the requests going with a doodle request for my first ever brachy multum in parvo

Edit: Oh my gosh I love it so much, thank you so much  @Egg_Timer

🌵NIB Brachy Breeder🌵

Posted 2022-08-26 14:05:30
they were so cute I couldn't help my self :D


doodle for Nymu for the next person


Posted 2022-08-26 14:30:27 (edited)
I can draw him after I feed the dogs and myself!

Finished art, Love him:

 | Instagram | ToyHouse |

I would Love art of This Guy: [Link]


Posted 2022-08-26 15:22:53 (edited)
So pretty, I'll start right away.

It would be amazing if someone could draw him

Edit: Thank you so much I love it!


Posted 2022-08-27 09:30:55 (edited)
Nothing too fancy, but hope you like it nevertheless.

EDIT: Wow, what an amazing drawing of him. Thank you Iona! I love it


Posted 2022-08-29 12:13:29 (edited)
Mmh pretty bronze, I'll do my best!

I'd love a doodle of my previous stud, Gwydion.
ETA: Thanks Winglessdragon, I love how his expression conveys his sarcastic personality!


Posted 2022-08-29 16:05:02 (edited)
Gwydions Beautiful ! I'll try to live up to that ,:)

A doodle of my first leader marbleshine would be great! marbleshine

DONE !!! I hope I lived up to his glory <3

My TH ,:) th<3

Tysm !!!! No worry it looks great

Wingless dragon

Posted 2022-08-29 16:14:38 (edited)
Ooh I'll draw Marbleshine gladly!
A picture of my boy Tea would be amazing  
Thanks StarStrider! He so amazing!!
Image of Marbleshine, not my best art but meh

°•Łady Fızzwart•° 🍧 [NC]

Posted 2022-08-30 05:16:08 (edited)
I'd love to draw tea!
I'd like a doodle of my gal Night-Lunar!
done!! (when I say rough undetailed sketch I really mean it)


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