The Darkness Within (Character Sign-Ups) [CLOSED]
Posted 2022-09-30 14:12:00
![]() Mae #77151 |
Posted 2022-10-04 05:25:04 (edited)
Name: Morning Mist (previously Brume, but changed his name to fit the packs naming conventions) Age:1 year 11 months Gender: generally masculine, but not picky at all. (he/they/it, other) Sexuality (optional): queer asexual Role: a former stray, now a finisher in the burning flame hunting team Alignment (With Light or With Darkness): with light Description (appearance): Morning Mist is a medium-height wolf with a slightly lean build. He has thick fur specialized for higher altitudes and is a surprisingly adept climber. A generally muted coat lets them blend in with dry grasses, trees, and more- even though his looks are somewhat boring, the grace and strength he carries make him elegant. He has a few small scars- a notable bite mark on his back leg is looked at with fondness if not slight grief. Morning Mists' eyes are very gentle- observant and often wary, but kind. Personality: Morning Mist is a quiet, peaceful, and loyal wolf. They have a soft heart guarded by the harsh life of a former stray; he is actively trying to heal and connect with others but isn't very good at interacting with adults. Pups are easy for him due to experience (and the fact that he indulges in playing at any time, no matter what) but he struggles with expressing emotions. He wants what's best for the pack- he would fight to the death for any member and a lot of his affection is based on loyalty. Background (optional): Born to a disabled mother who had been kicked out of her pack for her illness, Morning Mists' beginnings aren't pretty. His mother desperately tried to place him and his littermate with a pack but was turned away in fear of her disability being contagious (it wasn't- though it is genetic) and she died eight months after he was born. He was old enough to survive, but only because it was spring. If it had been winter or even autumn, Morning Mist wouldn't have survived. He had a littermate- an older sister named Pluie, but she was injured in a mudslide and didn't make it to her first year. She and Morning Mist loved each other very much; he was devastated when she died. It took them a long time to start emotionally recovering from the death of his mother and sister. Even now deep, ugly scars remain in Morning Mists' heart. Though he remains a gentle soul- Pluie was the confrontational and more aggressive one. Some of the damage their deaths inflicted on him was repaired with the help of his companion Nettle, an elderly common poorwill who took them under her wing (literally). She also had another ward, an adolescent bobcat named Hettie. Morning Mist joined the pack after Hettie went missing- they searched for months but Nettle gave up and finally held a "burial" for her. She was the one to give Morning Mist the bitemark on his leg- they didn't exactly get along at first. The scar stands as a token of the second sister he lost. He spent a good amount of time trying to integrate into the pack- he came around when the pox started dying down and spent most of his time going on back-to-back hunts to try and feed the others. He has valuable skills in solo-hunting, due in part to Nettle guiding him, and his rough life helped him resist the pox. Though he gets hurt fairly often- Morning Mist has a remarkable threshold for pain and doesn't often realize when injuries get pushed too far. Family: Aube (Mother, died at 4 years and 7 months old) Pluie (elder sister/littermate, died at 10 months old) Hettie (younger adopted sister, went missing and presumed dead at 1 year 2 months old) Nettle (adopted mentor/motherly figure. Age 3 1/2 years) Mate and Pups: N/A Other: His mother's disability (chronic pain and somewhat fragile joints prone to injury or wear) was passed down to him. Morning Mist can feel it getting slowly worse and is struggling with the idea of no longer being useful to the pack. He hasn't brought it up with anyone but Nettle- the thought of being chased out like his mother terrifies him. Name: Nettle Age: 3 1/2 years old, roughly Gender: Female, she/her Sexuality (optional): aromatic asexual- completely uninterested in romantic love Role: a companion (used for emotional exposition, character growth, and backstory. Is important for Morning Mist, but if having a non-wolf character isn't allowed I can edit the story so she isn't here!) Alignment (With Light or With Darkness): light Description (appearance): a small, elderly common poorwill with a missing toe. Her tawny colouring is noticeably greyed, and her eyes don't catch the light correctly anymore, but she has an air of love and wisdom about her uncommon in small prey birds. Personality: Nettle is a very wise bird; her lifespan is short so she grew up very quickly. There is no boundary she won't cross if she feels it's necessary- raising two larger predators has given her already bold disposition more room to shine. She loves her grandbabies very deeply and enjoys guiding them through life, offering advice, support, or a hard boot to the ass when needed. Background (optional): Nettle has had a long, eventful life. She had a lot of problems with romance and the idea of it- but then a clumsy elk calf stumbled onto her nest. She was young at the time, and the calf was completely lost. She took him in for a few months until the next migration when he was reconnected with his herd. Nettle found that while she had no interest in romance or sex, she loved raising children. She loved having a family. She continued to find stray children who needed guidance- a mouse here, an owlet who didn't know how to hunt there, a snapping turtle or two in the mix. But it wasn't until she met Hettie, a runt bobcat kitten who had just been abandoned, that she understood having a child of her own. She had a daughter, someone who truly saw her as a mother and loved her despite being a completely different animal. A few months later she and Hettie stumbled on a very dirty, deeply traumatized wolf. Morning Mists' sister had died the week before in a mudslide and he hadn't even had the will to wash himself off after the storm; his fur was matted and crawling with fleas. Hettie was frightened by him, and his immediate rage upon seeing other animals caused a fight to break out. Nettle and Hettie argued a lot about Morning Mist. Hettie hadn't liked her mother being so concerned with the scary wolf, even if he was just an adolescent. Eventually, she caved and warmed up to him, and they lived as a family for almost a year before Hettie went missing. Family: Hettie (adopted daughter, went missing and presumed dead at 1 year 2 months) Morning Mist (adopted ward/son, age 1 year 11 months) various temporary wards/children over the years Mate and Pups: N/A Other: The common poorwill lifespan is an average of 3-4 years. Nettle thinks the next winter's hibernation (common poorwills can HIBERNATE isn't that cool??) will be her last. She plans on resting near Hetties' "grave". |
rmrk #92963 |
Posted 2022-10-04 05:46:48
Welcome Morning Mist and Nettle! |
![]() Mae #77151 |
Posted 2022-10-04 06:36:27
Age: 5y 3m Gender: Male (He/Him) Sexuality (optional): Cishet Role: Teacher Alignment (With Light or With Darkness): neutral Description (appearance): a larger dark grey wolf smoky fur and dark green eyes. His muzzle is flecking silver with age, but he's healthy regardless. He has some heavy scarring on his throat. Personality: Egotisical and brash, Jagged Peak expects nothing but perfection from his pack. Once a Burning Flames Stalker, He takes pride in his stealth and precision, and has no patience for dirt-sniffers who whine about not being able to do something. Relentlessly harsh with pups he trains and stubborn, Jagged Peak has made a name for himself by being known for constantly going against the Moon Alpha's orders, following his own judgement rather then any one elses. Many pups like to rumor he's aligned with dark, but no wolf really knows, and Jagged Peak is confident that he's loyal to the pack, no matter what. Background (optional): He lived a fairly simple life, basic, which most wolves would want. Not him though. Jagged Peak always wanted to be something more, something special to the pack that wolves would talk about for centuries after his passing. He always wanted to be Moonblessed, chosen to maybe be Alpha one day and hold power over so many wolves. But he couldn't quite be so lucky. Day after day he tried hard to prove himself as a important member of the pack, but Jagged Peak knew he'd be nothing more then just a hunter. It hurt him, sometimes, and made him bitter. Once, when he was a younger wolf, when a report came of a cougar living in a cave near camp, Jagged Peak snuck out of camp, desperate to make a name for himself. So he attacked the cougar. And nearly died. He lives with the misery of failure, and resentment, sometimes wondering if the greenkeeper should've just left him dead. Family: none known. Mate and Pups: none known. Other: very fond of him |
![]() cinnrowan #87617 |
Posted 2022-10-04 06:44:26
![]() Mae #77151 |
Posted 2022-10-04 07:00:04 (edited)
Name: Hickory Shade Age: 2y 1m Gender: Male (He/They) Sexuality (optional): Bi Role: Chaser Burning Flames Alignment (With Light or With Darkness): Light Description (appearance): a very dark brown wolf with slightly floppy ears and long whiskers. His eyes are orange. They often have leaves in their fur. Personality: Hickory Shade is a smart, intuitive wolf, thoughtful and kind but a pushover as well. Fairly reserved but friendly, They don't really find hunting appealing, and prefer to help out the Greenkeeper when possible. He can be a bit aloof at times. Hickory shade also is a bit lazy and likes to sleep in. They are very obedient as well, and a bit of a rulefollower. Background (optional): n/a Family: Beech Shade (father) Mate and Pups: n/a Other: :) |
![]() cinnrowan #87617 |
Posted 2022-10-04 07:12:51
Welcome Hickory Shade! (Is Aspen Shade claimable? Also I have a wolf in game called Aspen Shade haha) |
![]() Mae #77151 |
Posted 2022-10-04 07:13:41
![]() cinnrowan #87617 |
Posted 2022-10-04 07:14:39
![]() Mae #77151 |
Posted 2022-10-04 07:15:56
![]() cinnrowan #87617 |