The Darkness Within (Character Sign-Ups) [CLOSED]
The Darkness Within (Character Sign-Ups) [CLOSED]
Posted 2022-08-31 20:54:03 (edited)
Hello everyone! This is the sign up forum, to begin roleplaying/see the history, backstory, and current day lore, please visit this forum! To plot and discuss the story, then head to this forum! The Shining Moon Pack Each role in the pack is important The Moon Alpha is the leader of the pack, their word is law as they had been hand picked by the Moon Goddess herself. All Moon Alphas must have Moonblessed eyes (Moonshine), though it is not necessary for them to be of blood or a descendant of Aurora Moon or the previous Moon Alpha. The Greenskeeper is the wolf who hold sufficient knowledge in the healing world. They house the pack's stores of medicines and herbs, any herbs found while scouting or exploring will be given to them to keep. Greenskeepers are sacred wolves and must not hunt to dirty their paws and taint the medicine. They are NOT forbade from having a mate or pups. Only one in the pack, not including an apprentice. The Land Runners are a pair of two wolves who scout the lands, exploring the territory and helping with land expansion. They patrol to make sure no stray or rogue wolves enter the pack's territory. They can explore together or separately. Only two in the pack, not including apprentices. Hunters catch and provide food for the pack. There are three hunting teams, with five wolves on each. A stalker, three chasers, and a finisher. The three teams are: Setting Sun: these wolves tend to have a more calm and friendly demeanor. (Friendly and Stoic) Burning Flame: these wolves have an aggressive kick to them with calmer more neutral wolves along side to even out the temperaments. (Stoic and Aggressive) Rising Tides: these wolves are more aggressive and headstrong, they have a fire in their eyes or a fire in their hearts. (Aggressive and Romantic) Pup Watchers are wolves who's job is to watch pups while the parents are unable to. Their role is extremely important in aiding on keeping pups safe and alive. There is no pack limit. A Pup Watcher must not have more than 5 pups in their care at a time, though they usually never end up with more than two at a time. The Head Pup Watcher oversees the others, and groups Watchers with their pups. Adolescents are young wolves ages 6 months to one year, they train where the Moon Alpha sees fit for them, and based on what they've grown an interest in. Pups are newborns to 6 months, they are young and innocent, and their only job is to learn the ways of the pack and the story behind how it was formed, as well as who the Moon Goddess is. Teachers are older wolves who resigned from their pack role either due to age or other personal reasons. They teach young pups the ways of the pack and different important skills that one must have. There is no limit in the pack, but wolves must be at least 5 years old, and in the pack for one full year before becoming a teacher. Strays are lone wolves who have no pack or home, sometimes pairing up during mating season or to form short alliances in hunting, before returning their separate ways. Some join the pack, others avoid it. Rogues live on the outskirts of the pack's territory, they can be found in solos or groups. They hold darkness in themselves, often they try to join the pack to bring their darkness in. They have no rules. Naming System All wolves recieve a prefix based off appearance or personality before they are weaned. The Shining Moon Pack Available Roles: [0/1] The Moon Alpha: Moon Alpha - F (Real Name Unknown) [TheCandledStick #72396] [1/1] The Greenskeeper: Little Fern - M [20mia08 #18414] [2/2] The Land Runners: Dancing Wind - M [moth*:ο½₯οΎ #1666] Night Valley - M [π Angel π #9655] [0/5] Setting Sun Hunting Team Stalker: Chaser: Chaser: Chaser: Finisher: [3/5] Burning Flame Hunting Team Stalker: Starlit Gale - F - Moonblessed [Raven #67661] Chaser: Sharp Thorn - F [β β°βββ½MaeβΎβββ±β #77151] Chaser: Sky Storm - F [Charlie #79338] Chaser: Bluebird Song - F [πΏ Corv π #69450] Finisher: Morning Mist - Masc (he/they/it) + Companion Nettle [rmrk #92963] [0/5] Rising Tides Hunting Team Stalker: Eagle Wing - F [Echo_OfThePast #88526] Chaser: Black Feather - F [Echo_OfThePast #88526] Chaser: White Feather - F [Echo_OfThePast #88526] Chaser: Finisher: Sparrow Song - F [moth*:ο½₯οΎ #1666] [Unlimited] The Pup Watchers: Day Lily - F [Made by Brindleleaf, played by β β°βββ½MaeβΎβββ±β #77151] Setting Sun - F [CrownOfRoses #15588] [Unlimited] Adolescents: Soft Step - F [β β°βββ½MaeβΎβββ±β #77151] [Unlimited] Pups: Ebony Pup - F - Moonblessed [π Angel π #9655] [Unlimited] Teachers: Jagged Peak - M [Cinnrowan #87617] [Unlimited] Strays: False (goes by Storm) - M(it/it's) [TheCandledStick #72396] Veil - F - Moonblessed [20mia08 #18414] [Unlimited] Rogues: Styx - M [Skyrazer #63599] Family Ebony Pup: - Father: Weed Heart - M - Littermate: Coal Pup - F - Littermate: Thorn Pup - M - Littermate: Swamp Pup - F Dancing Wind: (on hold until someone claims him, or he is scrapped) - Mother - Father Day Lily: - Mother: Striking Viper - F - Rogue - Mate - M - ___ Pup (gender wasn't specified) - 3 months - ___ Pup (gender wasn't specified) - 3 months Night Valley: - Father: unnamed/unknown - M - Sister: Joyful Songbird- F Veil: - Brother: Prairie Song - M Starlit Gale - Father: Wind Howler - M - Mother: Star Chaser - F - Sister: Sun Runner - F - Brother: Ske Feather - M Sparrow Song - Brother: Thrush (suffix up to player) - M Sweet Step - parents and siblings open Pack Rules |
![]() Mae #77151 |
Posted 2022-08-31 20:54:37 (edited)
Age: 2 years 8 months Gender: female Sexuality: heterosexual Role: Burning Flame Chaser Alignment (With Light or With Darkness): With Darkness Description (appearance): Sharp Thorn Personality: she tends to be selfish, not believing in the Moon Goddess and caring more about herself than others. She always eats without waiting to see if pups and Teachers are before her, and tends to get out of line during hunts. She dislikes the current Moon Alpha, wishing for it to be her instead. Recently she's been having dreams about taking over the pack and killing the Moon Alpha. Background: Sharp Thorn was the only pup in Moon Fall's first litter. She was quickly labeled not Moonblessed when she finally opened her eyes for the first time, and instead of blue with yellow pupils, she had these deep blueish black eyes. It wasn't until she got older that she understood what it meant, and that her dreams of becoming the next Moon Alpha like her mother would not come true. Something started twisting in her, something dark. She began to resent her mother and resent those who were born "Moonblessed". She didn't grow a faith in the Moon Goddess, not believing someone with a certain eye color was better suited to be Alpha than anyone else. The Darkness grew in her more, leading her to want to take over and change the pack rules to suit her own needs. Family: Mother: Moon Fall (deceased - 4 years 6 months) Father: River Reed (Teacher - 5 years 4 months) Siblings: Soft Step (Adolescent - 8 months), Petal Pup (deceased - newborn) Mate and Pups: none Other: none β β’β β°βββ½ΰΌβΎβββ±β β’β Name: Soft Step Age: 8 months Gender: female Sexuality: bisexual Role: adolescent (Pup Watcher Apprentice) Alignment (With Light or With Darkness): With Light Description (appearance): Soft Step Personality: she is kind and softhearted, caring. She says please and thank you, and respects those older than her and treats those younger than her with kindness. Being good with pups is what led her to wanting to become a Pup Watcher. She believes it was her destiny in the pack, as she was not a Moonblessed. Background: When Soft Step was born, she was thrusted into pain and suffering. Her mother struggled and cried, writhing in pain, before breathing her last breath. Petal Pup, her sister, didn't make it much longer, barely having time to cry her first cry. Soft Step cried though, looking for warmth and not finding it. Her mother was dead, her father in pain, and her only living sister turned her back on them. She was nursed by a mother who had her own newborns until she weaned off of her. The older she grew, the more used to the pity she got. She turned her sorrow into kindness, wanting to care for others the way they cared for her. She took a liking to protecting and caring for young newborn pups, perhaps part of her seeing Petal Pup in them. She grew to learn she was not a Moonblessed, but it didn't bother her. Being leader was not in her interests, it reminded her of her mother, and taking her mother's previous place put a downcast on her. She was content in being a Pup Watcher. Sometimes, she gets anxiety attacks. Family: Mother: Moon Fall (deceased - 4 years 6 months) Father: River Reed (Teacher - 5 years 4 months) Siblings: Sharp Thorn (Hunter - 2 years 8 months), Petal Pup (deceased - newborn) Mate and Pups: N/A Other: none |
![]() Mae #77151 |
Posted 2022-09-01 06:50:38 (edited)
![]() Age: 2 years, 1 month Gender: Male (he/him) Sexuality: Demisexual Role: The Greenskeeper Alignment: Undecided Description: When it comes to height, he's certainly on the smaller side- hence his name. Little Fern is also built lean and agile thanks to the Land Runner roots of his father, New Frost. He also seems to resemble the gray-black-and-white coloration that his late father had, in stark contrast to his russet mother. Overall, he isn't your handsome and strapping Finisher- he's a flower nerd. Little Fern is lanky and awkward, with ears that appear a little too big for his head. He does have intense, freckled gray eyes that can be quite enamoring, however. Personality: +++ Anticipative, empathetic, patient // Confidential, clever --- Aloof, insecure, deceitful Little Fern is a wolf who doesn't know who he is. While he's a very capable Greenskeeper with a brilliant mind, he finds himself feeling insecure due to his parentage and lack of "compass", so to speak. Although he's charged with interpreting what the Moon Goddess declares, he often wonders where his own future lies. To serve her for all of eternity? To betray her like his father before him? At times, he fears himself, but like all things he keeps this buried. His business is always his own- Little Fern is very hard to read. He's skilled at burying his emotions and keeping his intentions unclear. He prefers it this way, he has no time for nosiness. If he wasn't the Greenskeeper, he'd excel as a rogue. He's very capable of keeping up a facade and bending the will of others. But for now, he has no such dark ambitions. His intelligence can be used for his own gain, but he prefers to focus his attention on learning and using his skills for the betterment of the pack. He absorbs information easily, which is perhaps why he became such a talented successor to his mother. Little Fern has a good read in character, in such a way that he can easily predict others...just...not so much himself. While he's aloof and prefers to keep his distance, he's still very capable of empathy with his patients, especially if they're pups or generally nervous. Otherwise...taking care of the little ones in the pack would be absolutely dreadful, as they'd fear him. Nobody likes their job being tough. Little Fern has patience that goes for miles, which serves him well as a Greenskeeper who occasionally has unwilling and wiggly patients. Background: Little Fern was born to the previous Greenskeeper, Sunbathed Creek, a light-aligned wolf. He was born alongside his brother, Elk Whistle, as a relatively small pup in contrast to his large brother. Their father was New Frost, a resident Land Runner who was dark-aligned unbeknownst to the pack. The relationship between his parents was good for some months, and nobody seemed to expect any ill-will out of New Frost. Little Fern is like his father in that respect- he can keep things under the radar. Although he was small, New Frost saw great things in his son as a Land Runner. He wished to teach his son to explore while Elk Whistle trained to be a Finisher, but that's where the parents came to disagree. New Frost found Little Fern to be agile, stealthy, and capable of getting to places where others might never tread...but Sunbathed Creek didn't want to risk her son's life on the road. She saw a son who was willing and eager to learn, a perfect Greenskeeper. The couple continued to bicker, but eventually, New Frost won out, and he personally trained Little Fern on the path of becoming a Land Runner. He was the first to question his father's ways, albeit quietly. He was too friendly and familiar with rogues, and seemed to have a particular interest in questionable flora. He seemed to teach Little Fern morales against what the pack might prefer, and it began to confuse Little Fern. Sometimes, part of him wanted to relent, to be a cheater, to eat first, to manipulate others for his own gain. Yet at the same time, he'd never want to disappoint his mother, and he also liked the idea of helping others. Finding himself internally torn to pieces, at 1 year and 1 month of age, he changed careers and began to train under his mother. Elk Howl had been crushed and killed by an elk during his training, which also gave Little Fern the motive to steer in the direction of a healer. New Frost was disappointed, but he couldn't bring himself to just kill his son. So he decided to eventually take things into his own paws: if he got rid of the Alpha, then surely Little Fern's mind couldn't be poisoned by her preachings. He began to plot and plan, tainting the medicinal supplies that'd be given to Moon Fall for her pregnancy. His plan succeeded, but it also backfired. The poison had been so potent that Little Fern and Sunbathed Creek became ill from merely handling them. While he had won, he had also lost. New Frost was killed for his crimes, and Sunbathed Creek silently mourned the death of her loved one. Never had she noticed the budding darkness inside of him. While the Greenskeeper and her trainee-son suffered the illness, only one slowly began to get better. Little Fern and Sunbathed Creek fought off the poison within their bodies for months, but his mother was still broken. She missed New Frost, she missed Elk Howl. She was losing a reason to fight on, and so, she passed. All the meanwhile, the pack became questionable of Little Fern. He'd trained under his father for some time, and they'd been quite close- what if he turned to darkness as well? Some of his packmates distanced themselves from the new Greenskeeper, which gave him all the more reason to emotionally isolate himself as he mourned the loss of his family. When his mother passed and he was left to be the new Greenskeeper, the Pox outbreak struck. It was a struggle, given that he was still healing, but he was able to save all that he could. Some were merely too far gone. Family: Father: New Frost (deceased) Mother: Sunbathed Creek (deceased) Brother: Elk Whistle (deceased) Mate and Pups: N/A Other: Because his parents are clashing alignments, he finds it difficult to align one way or another. |
![]() 20mia08 #18414 |
Posted 2022-09-01 07:06:54
![]() Mae #77151 |
Posted 2022-09-02 10:26:38
![]() π Angel π #9655 |
Posted 2022-09-02 10:35:55
![]() Mae #77151 |
Posted 2022-09-02 10:36:48
![]() π Angel π #9655 |
Posted 2022-09-02 13:45:49
![]() π Angel π #9655 |
Posted 2022-09-02 14:03:56
![]() Mae #77151 |
Posted 2022-09-02 14:13:30
![]() π Angel π #9655 |