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The Darkness Within (Character Sign-Ups) [CLOSED]

Posted 2022-09-02 15:00:27

Name: Ebony Pup
Age: 3 weeks
Gender: Female
Sexuality (optional): Undecided
Role: Pup (Moonblessed)
Alignment (With Light or With Darkness): Undecided
Description (appearance): Ebony Pup is on the smaller side, due to being a runt, but it doesn't make her any less full of fire. She has eyes that mark her as a moonblessed, with yellow pupils and blue eyes. She has slight dark blue swirls along her back, black points, and light undersides while the rest of her fur is a light brownish color.
Personality: At first, it was suspected that she would have a stoid or friendly personality, but after at least a week and a half she had shown signs of having an aggressive personality. Although, they're not completely sure yet. In the future she will have a stoic personality that teeters on aggressive, but just barely.
Background (optional): Being the runt of the litter, no one expected much from her. Her father was more than sure that her older sister would be the special one but, when his pups' eyes opened, Ebony Pup was the moonblessed one. He didnt expect it, but he wasnt disappointed that it had happened. His pup had been blessed, this was a time for celebrating. Wasnt it? He should be happy all of his pups survived, even though it meant that his mate was gone.
Weed Heart - M - Burning Flame Stalker - Open to claim!
Thistle Grin - F - Deceased
Coal Pup - F - Open to claim!
Thorn Pup - M - Open to claim!
Swamp Pup - F - Open to claim!
Mate and Pups: N/A
Other: Let me know if I need to edit anything!

𓆏 Angel 𓆏

Posted 2022-09-02 15:11:22
Everything looks great! Welcome our Moonblessed Ebony Pup!


Posted 2022-09-05 04:55:50 (edited)
Name: False(But uses Storm to hide its true identity cuz evil wolffo)
Age: 1yr
Gender: Male(it/its)
Sexuality (optional): Pansexual
Role: Stray
Alignment (With Light or With Darkness): Darkness
Description (appearance): link Without the dragon or spikes.
Personality: Stoic
Background (optional): tbd
Family: n/a
Mate and Pups: n/a
Other: wip

Lmk if I did smth wrong.

Posted 2022-09-05 08:06:55
Everything looks good, but because it has darkness in it, I'd say it lines up with a rogue rather than a stray, unless it's posing as a stray to hide its darkness


Posted 2022-09-05 08:12:19
Yeah, that was my idea for False/Storm. Hence the name, False. False stray.

Posted 2022-09-05 08:13:08
Alright, I got it! Welcome Storm (False)!


Posted 2022-09-06 20:03:26 (edited)
Name: Dancing Wind
Age: 3 years 10 months
Gender: male
Sexuality (optional): homoromantic, asexual
Role: Land Runner
Alignment (With Light or With Darkness): with light

Description (appearance): Dancing Wind

Personality: he is precise, a sharp nose and quick feet. Dancing Wind moves fast and his nose is always trained in on the surroundings, picking up what others miss. He seems to be perfect. But, there was something he was hiding.

Background (optional): Dancing Wind grew up as a normal wolf in the pack, training to be a Land Runner by the one before him. He had a knack for adventure since he was a pup, and one day while he was a yearling, Dancing Wind had met a stray. A male named Sterling. They had formed a connection, meeting up every day at sun high, until one day Sterling didn't show up. And days past, Dancing Wind grew frantic. The wolf he was considering his mate was missing. He would search, is scouts lasting longer and longer, until one day his search came to an end. He had found Sterling's body alongside the riverbed, washed up, dead. It broke him, he allowed himself to cry and feel the pain for one week, before he pushed down his emotions. He focused his time on scouting and protecting the lands. And he vowed to never love another, as Sterling would always be in his heart and Dancing Wind knew Sterling would be waiting for him on the otherside when his own time would come.

Mother and father open

Mate and Pups: none n/a

Other: n/a

Name: Day Lily
Age: 3 years 1 month
Gender: female
Sexuality (optional): bisexual
Role: Pup Watcher
Alignment (With Light or With Darkness): with light

Description (appearance):Day Lily

Personality: she is kind, caring, and motherly. Day Lily is patient, and shows great leadership.

Background (optional): She was not a Moonblessed, but that didn't matter to her. Being a Pup Watcher, and keeping silly and mischievous pups in line suited her more than trying to lead an entire pack. She and her mate started their relationship when they were yearlings, and waiting until they were a bit older before having pups. She recently gave birth to their two pups, __ Pup and ___ Pup. Day Lily was the only pup born of her parents. Striking Viper, her mother, turned to darkness and was banished after leading a rogue attack right into their camp. Her father Quick Foot could not handle the grief, his mind turned, and he had died when the pox outbreak occured.

Striking Viper - mother, alive - claimable
Quick Foot - father, deceased

Mate and Pups:
Male wolf, similar in age - can claim, any name
Two pups, 3 months - can claim, any name

Other: n/a

I hope everything looks good!

BrindleLeaf (Inactive)

Posted 2022-09-06 20:27:11
Looks good, welcome our Dancing Wind and Day Lily!

@Everyone I updated it so you can now have up to three characters


Posted 2022-09-06 22:25:21 (edited)
Night Valley

Name: Night Valley
Age: 2 years, 3 months
Gender: Male
Sexuality (optional): Bisexual
Role: Land Runner
Alignment (With Light or With Darkness): Undecided
Description (appearance): He is a gray wolf that fades into black on his legs, head and tail. He has black saddle ticking, white toes, and a brownish color on his body. He also has white on his face and on his unders. His eyes are a dusty color, and he has multiple scars.
Personality: He has a stoic personality. He doesnt pick sides if it's not required, due to his neutrality in almost everything. He perfectly balances most wolves he interacts with, no matter their personality. He does absolutely despise romantics though.
Background (optional): You'll find out through rp teehee
Shrouded Sky - Mother (Deceased)
Unknown - Father (Claimable)
Joyful Songbird - Sister (Claimable)
Mate and Pups: N/A

𓆏 Angel 𓆏

Posted 2022-09-07 08:04:23
Welcome Night Valley! Can't waitΒ  to find out more about his background


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