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LF: Charcoal and Dandelion H: Herbs

LF: Charcoal and Dandelion H: Herbs
Posted 2022-09-18 18:05:41 (edited)

This store is [OPEN] | [CLOSED]

My deal list:
☑ Every herb listed below is 50 (for those with nothing to trade but need a herb)
☑ I'll trade 1 Charcoal or Dandelion for 1 of any herb below (Main reason for the thread)
2 5 herbs for 1 healing salve (Main reason for the thread)

Updated: 15th Dec, 2022 @ 01:53

Aloe - 122
Arnica - 195
Bearberry - 86
Boneset - 33
Buffaloberry - 179
Burning Bush  - 135
Carrionflower  - 57
Cedar Bark - 199
Chaparral - 64
Feverfew  - 106
Garlic - 47
Ginger - 57
Goldenseal - 5
Guaiacum - 15
Kava - 17
Mullein - 115
Oregano - 185
Pineapple leaf - 2
Redwood Sorrel - 65
Spoonwood - 50
St. John's wort - 80
Tansy - 84
Tobacco - 10
Turmeric - 76
Winterfat - 15
Yarrow - 180

I have a part time job and real life stuff to do so it might take me anywhere between minutes to a few hours to complete my end of the trade. Please be patient if I don't complete my end swiftly.


Posted 2022-09-19 04:24:00
Can I have winterfat I do have healing salve

Posted 2022-09-19 04:58:04
Of course. ^_^

Posted 2022-09-21 13:47:45
I'll trade one Charcoal for a Cedar Bark
🐾 Murra Dire Wolpard💘🐾

Posted 2022-09-21 14:03:46
Okie dokie. I'll set it up. Thank you. ^_^

Posted 2022-09-21 14:07:27
no problem, you're helping me, too! Thanks!
🐾 Murra Dire Wolpard💘🐾

Posted 2022-09-22 20:10:56
can I have 6 tobacco? I'll give 3 healing salves!

Posted 2022-09-22 20:12:20
Sure. I'll start the trade. ^_^

Posted 2022-10-14 13:07:09
Wrong forum location btw.

Go to Items, not Wanted: Items. Here is if you're looking for stuff, not selling.

✨Moonshadow {L-Off}✨

Posted 2022-10-14 13:12:55
It was originally just a swap thread because I was only looking for Dandelion , Charcoal, and healing salve. I still am I just added a selling part a couple hours ago. Not many folks want what I have to trade. Lol. I'll change the name back to LF Dandelion and Charcoal H herbs.

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